Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Bai Zhixi’s transformation

Wan Chu’er studied hard as always, and then ran to learn self-defense techniques with An Lian for two hours on weekends, and when he had time, he would help Bai Zhixi deliver pickles.

Nowadays, because their home is close to the market, when those restaurants come to the market to purchase, they often drop by to their home and buy the pickles they need.

In addition to these restaurants, some people gradually learned that Bai’s pickles are delicious, and there will be idle people coming to buy a catty or two catties.

As a result, their pickle business is better than before.

When Bai Zhixi settled the accounts every night, she always smiled and said to Wan Chuer: “Fortunately, you found this bungalow. The location is good. It is very convenient for guests to buy pickles. If it is in the glass factory compound, I I can’t imagine a customer coming to our house to buy pickles.”

If in the glass factory compound, a bunch of laid-off workers in the compound are jealous, who knows what they will say and do, it will cause a lot of trivial things.

The ancients said that it is good not to suffer from the rich or poor, and to suffer from inequality.

Wan Chuer looked at the fifty or sixty yuan in Bai Zhixi’s hand, and felt a little funny, and said, “People who don’t know, after listening to you, they thought you made tens of thousands of millions, but a few dozen yuan. , Are you satisfied like this?”

“Isn’t that much?” Bai Zhi gave his daughter a look. “This is much better than when I repaired shoes for people, even more than I earned in the glass factory before I was laid off. The money is earned.”

Bai Zhixi is a person who is easily satisfied. Although she does a lot of work at home every day, Wan Chuer feels that Bai Zhixi is the best mother in the world.

She saw that more and more people came to buy, so she gave Bai Zhixi an opinion. You can order a batch of glass jars like canning bottles and put pickles in glass bottles, which is convenient and hygienic, and sells a bottle of profit. It can be more profitable than selling a catty in bulk.

At first, Bai Zhi regretted that glass jars were the cost, and did not accept her daughter’s opinion. After a few days, while her daughter was eating at home, she asked her again: “What size glass bottle do you think is better for pickles?”

Wan Chuer thought about the glass packaging of pickled vegetables in the supermarket in the past life, picked up two or three beautiful shapes and drew them.

Most importantly, she made a label modeled on the world-famous Lao Ganma, and printed the head of Bai Zhixi on it.

At first, Bai Zhixi was embarrassed to put her profile picture on it. Wan Chuer explained to her for a long time what brand and advertising benefits were, and Bai Zhixi smiled and agreed.

Taking advantage of Zhou, Wan Chuer and Bai Zhixi went to the printing factory and the glass factory. Bai’s pickles made 10,000 stickers and ordered 1,000 small glass jars in the glass factory.

Because Bai Zhixi was originally a laid-off employee in the glass factory, the order of the glass jars went smoothly, but between one and a half cents, Bai Zhixi had to deal with the old factory director for a long time, and finally counted as one cent.

When Bai Zhixi packed the first bottle of pickles with his own hands, covered the lid, and pasted on the stickers, she turned it over and looked at it with her own hands. She was very satisfied no matter how she looked.

She told her daughter: “It really looks good in bottles, but I don’t know if people will buy this.”

Wan Chuer said lightly: “If I were to choose, I would rather spend a few cents more to buy this glass bottle.”

“That’s you, you young people don’t take money seriously.” Bai Zhi regretfully disagrees with her daughter’s point of view. To her, I wish she could split a dime into two, but it didn’t stop her from thinking that the glass jar was better.

Wan Chuer gave her another idea and asked her to pick up a few bottles and send them to a nearby grocery store for consignment. Each bottle sold would be distributed to the grocery store for two cents, or simply wholesale directly to the grocery store. .

Bai Zhi regretted hearing it and thought it was a good idea. She said to her daughter, “Just leave it alone. You should study hard. This week you will have a mid-term exam. Take your exams. Mother will do business matters.”

Seeing that her mother was not timid, Wan Chuer really threw it to Bai Zhixi. She felt that the exercise during this period of time had made Bai Zhixi a little better, and she was able to open her mouth open.

There are still three days left for the midterm exam. The results of the midterm exam will be ranked together throughout the year. Wan Chuer also wants to know her level at Wutong Middle School, so that she can estimate at least what level of university she can take if she takes the college entrance examination. , The distance from the first university in Beijing.

During Wan Chuer’s nervous review, the mid-term exam came soon. Unlike the previous monthly exams, this time the mid-term exams were conducted by a single person, and the patrol exams were also teachers of other grades.

Everything was different, and there was nothing in Wan Chuer’s eyes. She calmly worked on the test papers, carefully checking her answers over and over again.

In two days, the mid-term exam was over, and the next day happened to be Saturday. Because other grades would take up the classroom exams, so the second year of high school was immediately closed.

Seeing her daughter’s return, after Bai Zhixi sent the customers to buy pickles, she hurried to Wan Chu’er and asked with concern: “How was the exam? Is there any answer.”

She didn’t know the results of the last month’s exam. Wan Chuer felt that the exam was not good, so she didn’t tell her either.

In the past two months, Bai Zhixi can see how hard her daughter has been. She wakes up every day before dawn and recites the text. It’s after 12 o’clock every night before she goes to bed with the lights off. The room is full of various papers. , There are various knowledge points on the note, and even when she is helping her with the work, her daughter is always chanting words.

So she wanted to know her daughter’s exam situation very much, and hoped that her daughter’s hard work would have a good result.

After taking a sip of water, Wan Chuer said with a smile: “I think it’s okay, all the topics are written.”

Bai Zhi took a sigh of relief. Since all the topics have been written, it shows that Chu’er has thoughts on the topics. She doesn’t ask no matter how detailed she is. She is afraid of putting pressure on her daughter. She just smiled and said, “Thanks for so long, today Mom will cook you a delicious meal and treat you well.”

“Okay, thank you mom, I want to eat the braised pork that you made.” Wan Chuer ordered the dishes unceremoniously.

“Got it.” The smile on Bai Zhixi’s face was even stronger.

Bai Zhi was sorry for cooking, and someone came to buy pickles, and Wan Chuer went out to entertain him directly.

After sending off the guests, Wan Chuer saw that there was an older tricycle in the yard.

“Mom, where did the tricycle in our yard come from?”

Bai Zhi smiled and said: “I bought it, second-hand, not expensive, only one hundred and fifty yuan, so that when I go out to deliver goods, I can also get more, save running a few times, and I can use it later. Sell ​​it without losing money.”

Wan Chuer circled the tricycle. It was not new, but the parts were all complete.

She didn’t expect that Bai Zhixi would be willing to spend money on a tricycle. It seems that business has been good recently and she is confident enough.

This is a good phenomenon. Wan Chuer is willing to see Bai Zhixi more relaxed, and hopes that Bai Zhixi has more smiles on her face.

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