Rebirth of Chu Wan

Chapter 87

Chapter 88 to tell a joke

The content of the military training is boring, but it will not continue from morning to night. The instructor will always grasp the opportunity. Before the limit of this group of emperors is reached, they will always let everyone rest for a while, or engage in a relaxing activity, etc. .

Relaxation activities generally include traditional military camp projects such as learning to sing military songs, drumming and passing flowers.

Although the method of activity was uncreative, a group of student soldiers had fun, especially when the male and female soldiers were playing together.

This day, Wan Chuer and the others, the female platoon, had a rest with another male platoon. The instructors of the two platoons discussed with them, they found a shady place, and they began to engage in social activities-drumming and spreading flowers.

Drumming and passing flowers is one person playing the drums, the remaining participants pass the flowers, the drum stops and the flowers stop, and the flower holders perform the show.

Under the deliberate booing of the boys, the girls have become the hardest hit area for bouquets.

When Ma Tianjiao was caught, she sang a song openly and confidently, which immediately attracted the boys’ whistle and howling of wolves. Ma Tianjiao was even more triumphant, sweeping away the dejection of the previous training.

“Boom boom boom——”

The drums rang again, and the spread of flowers continued.

As soon as Wan Chuer got the flowers, the drums stopped. She paused, thinking about whether she should tell a joke or sit in public for twenty push-ups.

Those who don’t know how to perform, everyone agreed to replace them with twenty push-ups.

Wan Chuer hadn’t made a decision yet, the guy on the opposite side had already started to chirping, “My heart is waiting, waiting, my heart is waiting, waiting…”

Ma Tianjiao in the back row laughed “pouch” and whispered to Lin Yufei next to him: “Wan Chuer must be a push-up, she is so strong…”

Big sister!

Wan Chu’er murmured silently in her heart, this Ma Tianjiao seemed to be at odds with her.

Wan Chu’er stood up under the roar of the boy on the opposite side, and walked slowly to the open space in the middle.

“Report to the instructor, I will tell you a joke.”

“it is good.”

Wan Chu’er was not the first to tell a joke, everyone just regarded her as another silly joke that was told, just smiling at her.

“The rooster was on a business trip for a month. After I came back, I heard that the quail was fine and always came to the hen to play! The rooster began to doubt the hen. Sure enough, within two days, the hen lay a quail egg, and the rooster was furious! Explain “Damn, it’s premature! “”

The college students in 1998 were still relatively simple. I didn’t understand it at first, but after ten seconds or so, everyone understood. The boys burst into laughter, and the girls laughed although they were reserved. .

When Wan Chu’er worked in a small southern factory in her last life, she heard a lot of these jokes, and she remembered some of them when she heard too much.

After laughing, the boys felt that the girl Wan Chuer not only looked pretty, but also told a serious joke, which made people laugh, so some people screamed, “Come on again and then again–”

Wan Chuer didn’t even watch those people, and went straight back to her place, saying that she would only perform one show.

In the following drumming and passing flowers, Wan Chuer received two more bouquets under the deliberate arrangement of the boys who broke it.

These two times, Wan Chuer didn’t do what they wanted. After receiving the Chuanhua, she didn’t say anything. She went out without breathing for a while. After finishing twenty push-ups in one go, she was shocked again by a group of people.

The rest time came, and the instructor started training again regardless of everyone’s howling.

The joke that Wan Chuer told was quickly circulated in the barracks. When it reached Jiang Kechu’s ears and learned that it was from Wan Chuer’s mouth, he didn’t move for a long time.

I heard that Wan Shi Guo is also a humorous person. Is it true that if there is a father, there must be a daughter? But this daughter seems a bit crooked.

Knowing that this girl is not a peaceful place, she can come up with such a joke.

In the midst of suffering and happiness, the one-month military training soon ended.

Taking off their uniforms, they returned to the campus of the first university again.

“Oh, how come I get so much tan.”

In the dormitory, Lin Yufei and Ma Tianjiao looked in the mirror, looked at their tanned skin, and complained again and again.

Maggie was packing her things and planning to go home. Tomorrow happens to be Saturday, and she can stay at home for two days. When she heard Lin Yufei’s words, she thought of Wan Chu’er’s fair skin and smiled:

“Chu’er, I really envy you, we have four people in the dormitory, but you are not tanned.”

After a month of military training, Maggie now likes Wan Chuer very much. She feels that she is refreshing and not pretentious, and she has a particularly good physical fitness.

When the troops had a 10-kilometer load cross-country, when they reached the end, everyone was tired and paralyzed, but Wan Chuer didn’t even breathe, which made her admire her very much.

Wan Chuer smiled and said, “I apply sunscreen thickly.”

In fact, her skin is the same as Baizhi, no matter how tanned, it will only cause redness or even peeling of the skin, but it will not blacken.

When Ma Tianjiao heard it, she rolled her eyes and curled her lips. Wan Chu’er was quite popular in this military training, making Ma Tianjiao very jealous.

Lin Yufei, who was next to him, saw Ma Tianjiao’s weird appearance, hit her with her arm, and then turned around to pack her luggage, and she wanted to go home.

Ma Tianjiao looked in the mirror at Maggie and Lin Yufei who were busy packing their luggage, and then at Wan Chuer who was sitting on the bed reading a book, her eyes rolled and she smirked:

“Wan Chuer, the three of us will leave the dormitory and go home in a while. You have to be optimistic about our dormitory. My laptop and everything are in the dormitory. I guess you can’t afford it if you lose it.”

Upon hearing Ma Tianjiao’s words, Maggie frowned first and said: “Ma Tianjiao, if you are afraid of losing it, just take it with you.”

Ma Tianjiao groaned: “Wan Chu’er would be in the dormitory? How could he be lost if there is such a big living guarding the door, unless it is the guard who steals it.”

Wan Chuer said coldly: “I’ll leave in a while. I’m not in the dormitory on weekends. You should take it with you.”

“Isn’t your home in S province? Where are you going on weekends?” Ma Tianjiao asked with a smile, but with a skeptical look on her face.

Maggie said kindly: “Chu’er, if you have nowhere to go, you can go home with me. Our family is big, and my parents like me taking my classmates back.”

Facing Maggie’s kindness, Wan Chuer smiled and said, “Thank you, I also have a home in Beijing.”

“I don’t know whether it’s true or not.” Ma Tianjiao sneered.

Lin Yufei asked curiously: “Chu’er, where is your home?”

Wan Chuer said the approximate location of the community, and Lin Yufei immediately exclaimed:

“Wow, your home is there. That community has only been repaired in the past two years. I heard that the apartment layout is very good.”

Ma Tianjiao gave a weird smile, “It’s not her family, which relative should it be? Alas, the emperor has a few poor relatives.”

Seeing Ma Tianjiao like this, Wan Chuer couldn’t bear it and became angry. She threw the book in her hand to the ground with a “pop”.

The other three people in the dormitory were taken aback.

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