Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Daily cat hunting

Gradually a month has passed since the “luxury passenger ship murder incident”, Gao Cheng lived on some small commissions while reading detective books.

The system has been silent for this month. Although the “luxury passenger ship murder incident” has brought him a bit of fame, there is not much praise in the newspapers… The media completely regarded him as luck in solving the case, and still clinging to the dark history. put.

Because he looks exactly like a famous high school detective, coupled with live TV, the original owner caused a lot of impact when the scandal was caused. After the last haunted house incident, it was also mentioned again, and in the end it was only a “whip” of his past…

If he hadn’t exchanged the reputation value into Lake Toya in the Mihua Shrine case, he didn’t know what the result would be, but he wouldn’t be much better if he wanted to. There is still a long way to go waiting for him.

Gao Cheng wiped away the tears that fell out of his control with his fingers, and stood by the detective agency window and looked out.

Although not much progress has been made, but reluctantly allowed the detective agency to become a little bit alive from the original half-dead…

Speaking of, regarding the luxury liner incident, he has received a letter from Hokkaido this time.

The sender is Xia Jiang, granddaughter of Mr. Qiben, a beautiful young lady.

Originally, the old man had made a will in advance to hand over the entire Ciben Group to Xia Jiang to inherit.

However, Xia Jiang and her husband Xiaowu decided to give up inheriting a huge amount of inheritance and move out of the Qiben family, choosing to start a new life on a ranch in Hokkaido.

At the end of the letter, Xia Jiang also mentioned him, inviting him to have time to play in Hokkaido, and at the same time believing that he will be a well-respected detective…

“I’ll do my best too,” Gao Cheng pulled his fist, as if to promise the original owner, “I will definitely become a famous detective!”

Outside the park near the Mihua General Hospital, Gao Cheng looked around in a trench coat common to detectives.

He is still a little detective who looks for cats and dogs all day long to find missing items, and he is exhausted before he can get a little money from the client to pay the rent.

There are more than 20 to 30,000 yen for this kind of commission, and the less is only a few thousand yen like mosquito legs.

Of course, there are also some higher commission fees, such as finding someone, investigating extramarital affairs, etc…. It’s just that as soon as the client sees his age, he immediately gives up the commission.

In fact, if it weren’t for the 101 reputation points, no one would come to him at all.

The reason why he came here this time was introduced by the landlord, Aunt Jigme, who said that the client had lost his wallet, and there are important things in it that must be found.

“This park is the last possible place, I hope it won’t be picked up by someone.”

Ko Sung walked to the park and sighed. He has read the book about detectives for a month, but things like this are still difficult to do. If it is Conan, no matter where the wallet is dropped or picked up by someone , It is estimated that clues will be found soon, unlike him stupidly looking everywhere.

“Let’s look again.”

Entering the park, Gao Cheng searched under the roadside benches, and asked people who passed by carefully. Unfortunately, the client had been to the park in the morning, and the time interval was too long, and no one had seen the client at all.

“Really, if it’s a very important thing, why don’t you call the police? It costs 30,000 yen to commission a detective?”

Gao Cheng felt like he wanted to give up, but if he gave up like this, it would be a blow to the detective agency that had just started.

“Where will it be? This kind of place is easy to be picked up, right?”

Gao Cheng casually looked at the garbage dump on the side of the road, wondering if he would be thrown into the garbage, and suddenly saw a man in the same trench coat rushing to the garbage dump and happily digging out a wallet.


Gao Cheng was taken aback, and when he reacted, he immediately jumped up from behind.

Good boy, it’s unreasonable! Even his business is robbed!

“Give me almost a bit!” Gao Cheng restrained his colleagues and scolded, “This is my client’s thing!”

The colleagues cried out repeatedly: “Let go, who are you?”

Gao Cheng was very angry and smiled: “You dare to grab business, don’t you even know about me? I’m the detective Kosei Kioto!”

“Kito Takasaki? Are you the one from the Kioto Detective Agency?” The colleague was taken aback and exasperated, “Let go! I’m the client!”

“Haha!” Gao Cheng snorted coldly, “Do you think this can fool me? How can there be a client who robs the detective business?!”

“I just remembered suddenly! It hurts, you bastard!”


By the bench in the apartment, Gao Cheng was holding a thousand yen bill with his face collapsed.

It was the result of a hard day at any rate, although it was because I finally offended the client…

As expected, this form of commissioning through an intermediary is a bit unreliable.

carefully put the money in his wallet, Gao Cheng suddenly tightened his body, his eyes were condensed, and he turned sideways in a reflexive manner. Suddenly a strong wind swept across his shoulders, and he saw a football shadow faintly.

“Bang!” The football was exhausted and was grabbed into a hand.

“Who is it? Don’t you know that this is dangerous?”

Gao Cheng turned his head angrily, and unexpectedly found that the football had passed through a forest in the park before flying to his side.

The football obviously wiped a lot of tree trunks, but when it fell into his hands, he still had that speed and strength.

Holding a football and walking to the park on the other side of the woods, Gao Cheng was looking for someone to play the football. Suddenly, he found that Moori Kogoro and his party were all present, as well as a middle-aged man who was kneeling on the ground and crying.

only seems to have resolved an incident.

“What the **** happened?”

Gao Cheng dropped the football and knew that Conan played it almost without asking him.

is so powerful that only Conan who has the black technology of Dr. Ari can do it.

“Brother Gao Cheng?” Conan saw Gao Cheng and curiously asked, “Why are you here?”

“Of course I was looking for…” Gao Cheng paused and smiled, “Of course it was passing by, haha, it’s getting late, I’ll go back first.”

separated from Conan, UU reading www. Gao Cheng couldn’t help but looked back a few times.

It’s really strange. It was obvious that Conan had encountered the incident, but the system didn’t react at all.

Continue to rely on this kind of commission to find cats and dogs, he almost can’t bear it, not to mention that this kind of commission can’t always be there, and it’s not good to say it.

A few more days passed, Gao Cheng weakly returned to the detective agency, and fell on the sofa.

The rent and all kinds of miscellaneous expenses are weighed down like a mountain, and I have to make some money as much as possible, but even the entrustment of looking for something is not easy, not to mention it, there is another time in the middle of the commission that was deducted by the system 2 Reputation points.

However, after leaving the guaranteed 100 reputation value and converting all the others into Japanese yen, his hard work for more than a month was not in vain, and he finally paid off the money owed to Aunt Jimei.

Taking a long breath, Gao Cheng gradually fell asleep with a relaxed smile, drooling.

Although I am a little tired, I am very happy every time I complete the commission. I made a lot of money. The situation of the detective agency has also begun to improve because of him. This is the beginning of the take-off…

By the time he woke up, it was already more than five o’clock in the afternoon, and was awakened by a continuous system prompt.

“Huh?” Gao Cheng opened his eyes sleepily. Gao Cheng looked at the system interface a little impatiently. He was taken aback and sat up suddenly in shock.

There is another incident in the system.

“Museum Murder Incident”, the incident happened at 4 or 5 o’clock this afternoon.

“No way?”

Gao Cheng glanced at the time, and immediately ignored the rest, rushed into the bathroom to wash his face, and hurried out of the detective agency.

“Ah, why don’t you remind me earlier?! Conan, Shinichi Kudo, Brother Kudo, you must wait for me!”

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