Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1083 Encounter Onimaru Meng Again

Dongdu Gymnasium, the spring kendo meeting of national colleges and universities has been going on for several days. The last day is an individual battle. Gao Cheng was ready early and followed He Ye and his party to the scene to cheer.

Generally speaking, high school kendo competitions are not much to watch, but the anime world is different. The high school students in Conan are even more fierce than adults.

Hattori, especially Okita, judging from his judgment, swordsmanship has at least reached the mastery level in the system, which is more powerful than many so-called swordsmanship masters in the world of Conan.

Onimaru in Tokyo is even more powerful than ghosts. The ghosts here do not mean ghosts, but describe that Onimaru is terrifyingly strong. Gao Cheng speculates that the strength may reach the master level.

Among the system ratings, swordsmanship is the most special item, belonging to the category of military force. He relies on not knowing how many swordsmanship cards and the experience of the Gintama world, breaking the shackles of conventional swordsmanship is also a master level, which is much more difficult than other types of ratings. , So these people like Hattori are really amazing.

Now Gao Cheng has some interest in kendo competitions, and feels that kendo competitions cannot be viewed solely with flowery swordsmanship, just like karate. Karate in reality is the same as taekwondo. In fact, it is not very good in actual combat, but this world’s karate master It’s not weak, it’s a pervert like Kyogokushin.

The civil war in the stadium was fierce, the sound of wooden knives hitting continuously, the shouts of players and the cheering of the surrounding school auditoriums were intertwined, and the atmosphere was warm.

In the front row of the auditorium of “Dominate the country and change the high school”, He Ye also took Xiaolan to cheer Hattori.

This is not the first time Gao Cheng has been a spectator in a Kendo competition, but the previous competition was always disturbed by events, and there was almost no chance to see Hattori play well.

At the time of entering the kendo tournament, it seemed that he had taken a shot instead.

But now it is a rare appreciation, Hattori’s performance in the team competition is quite good, only because his teammates failed to make it to the finals.

Today’s individual competition is undoubtedly more exciting than the team competition. Maybe you can see the duel between Hattori and Okita, plus a two-year-old Onimaru Meng…

“Hit the carcass and get a point! Win!”

“Red, change the high school Hattori Heiji!”

Gao Cheng sat next to Heye and Xiaolan, who was cheering for the service department. It happened that the service department defeated the opponent and caused the Jiafang High School to cheer.

Hattori has advanced to the semi-finals, and Okita also made a strong five-step KO opponent to enter the semi-finals…

Gao Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Okita’s opponent who was lifted off the court by a stretcher.

He suddenly had an ominous hunch that he always felt that it would not go so smoothly this time.

I remember that these two guys fought once, or before, but they have not been able to decide the outcome.

“The semifinals and finals start at two o’clock in the afternoon after the lunch break!”

The broadcast notified the follow-up game arrangements, and everyone in the audience also got up and left.

“There are still two hours left,” He Ye said, seeing his classmates come to him, checking the time, “I’ll come over after having a lunch with classmates, Xiaolan, you guys go eat something.

“Well,” Xiaolan nodded, “I hope Hattori can win the championship this afternoon.”

“That guy is still very serious when it comes to being serious,” He Ye Xi smiled, “I really appreciate you today and came to cheer for us specially.”

“It’s okay, anyway, it happens to be free on Sunday…”

Gao Cheng was not with Xiao Lan, and walked out of the venue with his hands in the room.

He Ye and classmates probably still have to accompany the server after eating the lunch. Xiaolan and Conan are not good at being light bulbs. Conan is a jealous king.

It just so happened that today there was something in the garden that couldn’t come, and Xiao Ai had experiments to do, so he could only wander around alone.

“Go out to eat first.”


Also in the semifinals, Onimaru, who was about to find a place to take a break, saw Gao Sung from the crowd at a glance.

He still remembers the last meeting in Kyoto, because Gao Cheng and Okita are almost exactly the same except for their clothes. Even he was cheated once.

When I met Gao Cheng again, even though he had no ponytail, Onimaru Meng recognized Gao Cheng from subtle places.

Insight into the opponent, this is his core ability.

After winning the championship for two consecutive years, he actually has no interest in the kendo tournament. This time he came here mainly because he wanted to meet Okita for a while.

In the previous game, there was no opponent he wanted to play against…

Onimaru suddenly left the team and chased after Gao Cheng.

He decided.

This time we must play against Gao Cheng once.

The toilets in the Dongdu Gymnasium were all lined up with people, but there was a toilet outside the back door that was slightly deserted. Only a blind old man sat on a bench by the roadside of the toilet with a cane, silently listening to the sound of the game in the hall. A satisfied smile appeared on his face when he heard the clash of bamboo knives.

An uncle with a square face came over, wearing the clothes of a game referee, ignored the blind old man, and started taking his own gastrointestinal medicine after making a phone call.

At this time, a man wearing a kendo protective gear appeared with his hands behind his back.

“It’s a student from Kyoto Quanshin High School,” Uncle Fang Lian glanced alertly and continued to take medicine. “If you want to practice with someone here before the afternoon game, it’s better not to leave. It broke the grass…”


The visitor approached step by step, and suddenly stopped when he passed by Uncle Fang Lian, and suddenly started before the uncle was shocked.

With blood dripping, the square-faced uncle covered his throat in disbelief, and collapsed to the ground along the wall.

“Excuse me,” the blind old man with no sense of existence was puzzled. “The sound that was a bit like a groan just now… is there anything else?”


In the rest area of ​​the gymnasium, a bamboo knife pointed at Guimaru’s throat and annihilated all the offensive of Guimaru.

I didn’t even get out of the phone…

Onimaru once again felt the horror of passing by Kosung in Kyoto, and it was more real, because this time he faced Kosung’s sword.

The real sword of death that is different from the game.

“Accepted,” Gao Cheng put away the bamboo knife and looked at the tall bald Onimaru Meng, “I am very hungry now, and I will have the opportunity to learn more in the future.”

He didn’t give Onimaru Take a chance to show swordsmanship, but he was still very interested in Onimaru Takeshi’s swordsmanship, maybe he could learn something.

“How about going to have a meal together? I know there is a new restaurant nearby.” Gao Cheng took a step, then turned around and invited.

He suddenly found a very embarrassing problem. He came out in a hurry and didn’t bring any money at all. The change was all in the pocket of the changed pants. Now it is probably Xiao Ai’s private money.

“Huh?” Guimaru regained his senses, and followed Gao Cheng out of the gym in a daze.


When Gao Cheng was going to eat, several police cars parked in front of the Kyoto Gymnasium, attracting a lot of attention.

Sato and Takagi, who were out of the police, quickly rushed to the scene of the incident, and learned a lot of information while the forensics were collecting evidence, because it was Xiaolan and Conan who found the body and called the police. Hattori Heiji and Okita General Division were also present.

As for the blind old man at the scene…

“Hear the voice of the prisoner?”

“It should be,” the old man sat on the bench and didn’t move. He heard the police ask and nodded. “He said when he was on the phone with someone else, “The utility knife is stained with blood. Get me a spare. Come’, like this.”

“Utility knife?”

“It seems that something else was said, but it wasn’t as loud as when making a call, I didn’t hear it.”

Sato and Takagi looked at each other and confirmed to the blind old man: “Then, as you said, the prisoner walked towards the toilet after committing the crime, and then two more people walked past you to the toilet until Xiaolan and the others arrived. Until the body is found here, if no one comes out of the toilet, the prisoner should still be in the toilet, right?”

“I’m in charge of the women’s toilet,” Sato looked serious and prepared to search the toilet. “The men’s toilet is left to you, Takagi.”


Conan also stared at the toilet, but Yu Guang still glanced at Okita Souji, who was wearing a white kendo uniform and carrying a bamboo sword next to the clothing department.

Too much alike, not just like him, he is exactly the same as Gao Cheng. If it weren’t for Hattori’s explanation, and Gao Cheng had already cut the pony tail, he almost thought that Gao Cheng had entered the kendo competition again.

Speaking of Gao Cheng’s kendo is also very strong, it seems that he completely crushed the Hattori. Compared with Okita’s slight victory, Gao Cheng should be stronger?

Only Gao Cheng can do things like receiving bullets with wooden knives and suppressing thermal weapons.

“Hey, Kudo,” Hattori asked Conan’s gaze while looking at the toilet room, “What are you thinking about again?”

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