Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1156

Chapter 1124 Swordsmanship burst


There was a fire on the coast of Singapore. Several pirates boarded the top of the Ferris wheel and fired rockets around. The sound of the artillery continued to cause panic in the night.

Just when the police were dragged by the frontal pirates, a speedboat quietly left the coast, one pirate sailed, one pirate held a gun, and Richey squinted at the back while guarding the horrified garden.

“Yes, it’s already here,” Richie smiled and looked at the fire behind him, squinting his eyes and opening, looking a little cunning. “This woman is much more valuable than the Fist of Cyan Qing, even if he can’t get the Fist of Cyan Qing. It doesn’t matter, with this woman, that kid will definitely give it up…”

“Damn, a speedboat was stolen! Who the **** is it?”


Richie’s smile suddenly froze, and he looked at a speedboat rushing to the side in doubt, and when he was approaching, a familiar figure suddenly jumped off.



The gun pirates had no time to shoot the two speedboats before they collided. Under the violent impact, the unbalanced pirate fell directly into the sea. Although Richie was lucky enough to grab the handrail, he had not had time to be happy. He looked back and saw the last one. The pirate was kicked off the ship by Gao Cheng, and the speedboat officially changed hands.

“Detective city, city door?!”

Regardless of the surprise Gao Cheng drove the speedboat with one hand, Richie’s entire face turned pale.

He was still ridiculing Gao Cheng a moment ago, but he didn’t expect to fall into Gao Cheng’s hands in a blink of an eye.

He doesn’t think he is inferior to the detective, but his skill…

“and many more!”


Gao Cheng stunned Richie, who was struggling with a hand knife, and grabbed the pistol by the way. Then he turned to the speedboat and frowned to look at the many pirates causing chaos along the coast.

There are too many pirates sneaking into the Gulf, and they are full of destructive power. It is best to catch the leader of the pirates to resolve this crisis as soon as possible.

Judging from the arrangement just now, the pirate leader seems to be at the Sands Hotel…

“Acheng!” The Yuanzi who had reacted in the stern finally started crying uncontrollably.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Gao Cheng steered the speedboat through the waves quickly.

The entry-level “Captain” is not particularly good, but driving a speedboat is not a problem at all, not to mention the use of an arm, at least a proficiency level.

“Yuanzi, stay still.” Gao Cheng slightly lowered his figure, summoned a star-breaking wooden knife with his right hand, and locked the pirate speedboat outflanking the coast against the wind and waves.

The battle on sea and land is completely different, even though this is a bay, the fast sprinting speedboat still brings a lot of trouble.

“Da da da!”

A shuttle bullet swept across, leaving a wave on the sea behind Gao Cheng, and another shot was split by Gao Cheng swinging a knife and flashed across the dark sea.

It was the fastest speedboat pirate shooting, but the opponent quickly gave up the attack.

“Idiot!” a pirate yelled through the walkie-talkie. “The daughter of the Suzuki family is still on the speedboat. What should I do if she hits her? Get me alive!”

“Don’t worry about the police, stop that speedboat!”

The pirates who exchanged fire with the police in front of the coast of the Sands Hotel clamored back to the speedboat and formed an iron wall with other lurking speedboat pirates.

In the light of the fire, you can see the pirate ships from the air like arrows, like charging knights, rushing to the sea with the white waves breaking through the sea, and there is only a high-speed boat on the opposite side.

The pirate at the forefront showed a grinning smile, watching the Gaocheng speedboat that was about to run into it with abusive and excitement.

“Little sheep…no, Big Sheep can’t run away!”


The waves soared into the sky, and the speedboat split into two in the horrified eyes of the pirates, only to see Gao Cheng greet the other pirates before being swallowed by the waves.

“How is it possible?” The remaining pirates couldn’t believe the scene before them, but before they could understand it, Gao Cheng had already ushered in.

“Close your eyes!” Gao Cheng raised the tip of his knife and controlled the direction of the speedboat to rush towards the pirates.

Still incomprehensible attack.

The speedboat, coupled with the extreme swordsmanship of Gao Cheng, has completely erupted in this bay with terrible power, and many pirates have not even reacted to it, and are involved in the seabed with the speedboat.


“Get out of the way!”

Viewed from the coast, Gao Cheng and the entire speedboat seemed to be turned into a sharp sword, and the pirate ship burst open again and again. When all the pirate ships behind did not dare to stop in front, it became Gao Cheng chasing. With many pirates running around.

Before dealing with the pirate leader, these speedboats are very threatening. Since there is a chance to solve it, Gao Cheng is not going to miss it.


“How can there be such a monster?”

The few surviving pirate yachts fled the bay far away in spite of the commander’s orders, preferring to face the maritime police alone rather than staying.

“Asshole!” The pirate leader’s expression was gloomy, and he could only let his men around him attack the police first.

At this time, the white figure of Kidd passed the Sands Hotel from the night sky and controlled the propeller to fly to the Ferris wheel.

Several pirates standing high up there have destroyed many places, and the Marina Bay is on fire everywhere and it is almost destroyed.

Gao Cheng glanced at it, and did not dare to pursue the pirate speedboat anymore, speeding up and rushing towards the Sands Hotel.

He couldn’t bet whether the pirates would open fire, he was somewhat afraid of the rocket launcher on the Ferris wheel. Now that Kidd is attracting attention, he can take the opportunity to land.

Just now, the pirates are eager to compete with the police for the coast, and he can approach all the pirates in one fell swoop with the help of Wispania ore.

Hurry up.


There was another explosion, and the top floor of the Sands Hotel was hit by a cannonball, and the junction was cracked open. The boat-shaped sky garden supported by the three buildings slid down in the smoke and flames.

“What are you doing?”

The pirates who were still fighting with the police froze in place, seeing the giant sky garden seem to be smashed down toward the coast.

It was your own people who opened fire. Is this meant to sacrifice them?

“Which **** did it?!” The pirate leader exclaimed in anger.

Sacrifice a fart, he’s still here!

“Boss, you made a mistake.” The pirate on the Ferris wheel looked at Kidd who was flying by like a fly above his head, sweating profusely. “I was aiming for Kidd!”

“Retreat! Retreat now!”

“Acheng!” The garden on the speedboat raised his head to see this scene and hurriedly reminded him.

The direction of the speedboat is exactly where the sky garden fell, or it might hit it directly…

“I know.”

Gao Cheng looked at the Sands Hotel in a calm mood.

His analytical ability is much stronger than that of the garden, and he knew the fate of the speedboat the moment it slipped down in the sky garden.

If you go forward, you will be hit by the sky garden directly, and you will be overturned in other directions. It is quite dangerous anyway. It is too late to escape. If you are not careful, you will be buried with the pirates.

This guy Kidd really helped a lot.

“Yuanzi, hold on to it!”


Gao Cheng didn’t turn the direction of the speedboat. After handing the driver to Yuanzi, he jumped to the front of the speedboat while holding the wooden knife in both hands, moving his feet to fix his figure.

“Dad, it’s over there in the hotel!”

On the other side of the bay, Uncle Maori, Xiaolan and his group also saw the explosion of the Sands Hotel. The boat-shaped sky garden has lost its support, and the intense fire can be seen almost throughout Singapore.

Jingji really wanted to make a detour to the Sands Hotel, but he was still entangled by Jamaldin and the pirates.

“Jingjizhen!” Jamaldine passed the many downed pirates, only Jingjizhen in his eyes, “Your opponent is me!”

Mouri Kogoro’s drunkenness has been awakened, and he stares wide-eyed at Marina Bay, which is dyed red by the fire, “Wait, what’s that?”

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