Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1140 Bloody Christmas, solve the case

In the hotel, the lively Christmas mystery night activities in previous years have appeared to be particularly deserted this year. The blood color is always lingering, but it is even heavier in the flying night snow.

Bandai Suzue, Yukio Nishikawa, and the originally unrelated high school detective Kojiro Sakata…

Fortunately, because of Gao Cheng’s actions, although Wenyue Hualien was identified as the murderer for investigation, she also lost the possibility of being killed by the murderer, planting misfortunes, and arguing to death without evidence, so she would not be completely succeeded by the murderer.

In the stage hall, Gao Cheng stood quietly underneath, with his hands in his hands, thinking in his mind the last conversation with Wenyue Hualien in Room 316.

The reason why I looked for Hualien in the previous month was to investigate Room 316 on the one hand, and on the other hand, I needed to check with Wenyue Hualien for some things.

Wenyue Hualien’s real name is Beijian Huajiang. Before her parents died and she was adopted by others, she had a twin sister named Beijian Lianzi. The stage name of Hualien was taken from the names of the two sisters. It seems that she had a relationship with her sister who dreamed of becoming an actor when she was a child. By agreement, the older sister became an actor and the younger sister became a designer.

But 10 years ago, my sister Kitami Lianzi was wanted for murder and went missing.

In order for her sister to come back one day, Wenyue Hualien specially prepared this actor identity, and she worked in another designer’s office in private, playing two identities at the same time.

These are the secrets that he dug out only after Wenyue Hualien Chen Ming was so good.

Of course, it was also because he directly stabbed the female police officer’s identity, from the habit of holding spoons between the two to the degree of overlap between the two of them.

Even tell the true purpose of the policewoman.

Knowing that her sister was going to blame herself, and might even kill her, Wenyue Hualien was very painful and finally confessed part of the truth.

It turned out that the policewoman had been investigating after the death of Santa Claus with red beard. Finally, Bandai and Hongchuan were found, and they also met in private. It was also the first time their sisters met in 10 years. The surprised woman policewoman Accidentally exposed the stuffing, let Bandai see the true identity.

The exposed female police officer had to reach an agreement with Bandai, but her fangs are now showing up a few months later.

Why the twin sisters evolved into what they are now is unknown, but the murderer of this Christmas **** case was the policewoman, and there is no doubt about it.

Just now, after the police checked, it was discovered that there were debris from the prisoner’s skin in the nails of Kojiro Sakata, which was consistent with Wenyue Hualien’s DNA. For the same reason, she should have been watching the policewoman who is a twin sister.

Among the twin sisters, only the female police saw the motivation and ability to complete the crime.

Although the evidence is not enough to point to the female police officer completely, the follow-up search is sufficient. As long as the female police officer becomes a suspect, other problems are not big.

The reason why this case was difficult was not only the criminal tactics, but also because of the identity of the prisoner. As an on-site commander, it didn’t matter even if there were some loopholes and traces left, because no police would search the police room.

“What the **** is going on?”

The troupe members complained that they walked into the hall and interrupted Gao Cheng’s thoughts.

“Why did you find the murderer? Isn’t Ms Hualien a criminal?”

“You will know right away.” Yuanzi confidently assured everyone.

“Hey,” everyone else saw Gao Cheng alone in the hall, dissatisfied, “Where is that policeman? Why are you only?”

At this time, Gao Mu and several policemen brought Wenyue Hualien, but they were stopped at the door by Bupo Mingmei, a gloomy female policewoman who received the news.

“Officer Takagi, what’s going on?”

Bupo Mingmei didn’t know that her sister had told Gao Cheng about her affairs, but she was also very scared in her heart. In order to stabilize her sister, she did not directly participate in the investigation. Unexpectedly, her subordinates reported that the Tokyo criminal police took her away without authorization.

Now she is the only one who knows her identity, and she is the only thing outside of her control…

“Don’t break the police,” Gao Cheng saw the people gathered, and took the initiative to greet everyone, “It is my idea. We have sought the consent of the Aomori and Hokkaido Police Stations to temporarily lead the investigation.”

“What?!” Bupo Mingmei looked at Gao Cheng in surprise, and a strong sense of anxiety suddenly emerged in her heart, “Who are you?”

“Officially introduce, I am the special consultant for the investigation section of the Metropolitan Police Department, Kaoto Takasei.” Gao Cheng glanced over Bu Mingmei and the others, and nodded slightly in greeting. He is no longer an ordinary teenager, but a formal and formal one. Serious person in charge form.

“City, city households Gao Cheng?!”

Not only did it not break Mingmei, but several other people also changed their faces.

A well-known detective didn’t notice it at all. Not breaking Mingmei was horrified, and the others were surprised.

This Kioto detective is different from the high school detective who was killed. Not only is he famous, he is also a special adviser to the Metropolitan Police Department, and his detective experience has even been adapted into animation, film and television, which can be said to be one of the best among the famous detectives.

Bupo Mingmei quickly calmed down: “It turned out to be a Kioto detective, but there seems to be no need to continue the investigation in this case…”

“Do you want to treat your sister as a murderer?” Gao Cheng interrupted.

“What, what do you mean?” Bupo Mingmei’s heart tightened.

“Ten years ago, a female floating corpse was found at sea in Kushiro City, Hokkaido. Because the identity of the deceased could not be found, in the end it could only be dealt with by an unidentified suicide…”

Gao Cheng said slowly.

“Kushiro City is the birthplace of Miss Hualien and the wanted twin sister.”

“Humph,” Bupo Mingmei said with a sneer, “Are you trying to say that it was her sister who committed suicide?”

“If it is the wanted sister, the police may still find out the identity. I am afraid that the identity is not found because someone took the remains of the floating corpse and replaced the other party’s identity…”

“Hehe, it’s funny, what do you want to say?”

Sweat broke out on Bupo Mingmei’s face.

“It is not the turn of the Tokyo police to take care of this case…”

“It’s not broken Mingmei, or the lotus seeds in the north, is your true identity,” Gao Cheng directly exposed, “I took a piece of your hair before, and now there is an identification result, you are not broken at all. Mei, but Kitami Renko who changed his face after being wanted 10 years ago!”

The policewoman looked stiff.

She used the twins’ DNA to be the same to make her sister a suspect, but she did not expect her identity to be exposed because of her DNA…

“Why?” The policewoman stared at her chapped lips, “How did you know? You even used your hair to identify…”

Gao Cheng smiled and said: “Plastic surgery has indeed changed your appearance, but some childhood habits can’t be changed, and body shape can’t be changed. Finally, it is your voice. Speaking under your throat on purpose makes me suspicious. Of course, the most important thing is. It’s the skin scraps left in Bantian’s nails. I didn’t expect you to be so bold as to leave such traces in order to frame your sister. If you are a real prisoner, it’s impossible not to deal with it?”

“Who knows?”

After her identity was exposed, the policewoman gradually let go and sneered.

“Even if I am Beijian Lianzi? Only Wenyue Hualien can kill Bantian and the others…”

“There is no need for this kind of trick to continue,” Gao Cheng shook his head. “I specifically checked the landline calls in Room 315. There is no record of the time of the incident. The other rooms are similar, which means that the prisoners used mobile phones.”

“What about this?”

“Don’t understand? The landline is nearby, why not use it? It will be beneficial to the murderer to leave the call log. The dangerous mobile phone is used. There is only one reason. It is not that I don’t want to use it, but I can’t use it, because the prisoner. Room 315 is no longer at all!”

Gao Cheng approached the policewoman further, and her sharp sight made the policewoman turn her head away.

“The prisoner does not need to stay in room 315, but is next door 314. After 12 o’clock, he will call the police department.”

“It turned out to be like this!” The Aomori Prefectural Police Department thought of Gao Cheng’s previous analysis, exclaimed, “So the red room at the time was a trap deliberately arranged by the prisoner!”

“Yes, to make the room look red, you only need to use red cellophane and light bulbs, because 314 and 315 are in the middle of the 3rd floor, and there will be no suspicion in a hurry.”

Gao Cheng faced the policewoman who had been speechless and made the last step of reasoning to completely dismantle the policewoman’s psychological defense.

“Whether the initial threatening letter or the creation of chaos, they are all to approach the crew as a police officer and facilitate the crime. Just take advantage of the chaos to add a mark to Bandai’s script and let Bandai be the first to pick up the cup in the middle. You can poison it in advance, it’s that simple.”


The hotel bell rang, and there were new police sirens outside. The detective from Hokkaido who replaced the female police has arrived at the scene, and a full investigation will be waiting for the female police.

In the stage hall, Wenyue Hualien watched the twin sister whose appearance changed drastically in front of her, crying quietly, and finally was taken to the police car with her sister.

“It’s so sad,” Yuanzi said sadly. “The sisters who finally met again 10 years later are actually the result of this.”

Gao Cheng said helplessly: “The really poor person is Sakata.”

Sakata’s death touched him even more, even though Sakata hurt himself to some extent because of selfishness. If he explained the situation to him at the beginning, the result might be quite different.

“I’ve heard about it,” the Aomori prefectural police department had not left yet, and followed Gao Cheng. “After Kitami Renko ran away from her adoptive parents, she met a gangster and was tricked into drug addiction. She missed during a dispute. Killed each other,

That’s why Kitami Renko became a policeman after replacing Bupo Mingmei’s identity. Over the years, she has been trying to arrest the red-bearded Santa Claus who was a drug dealer. It seems that she hates drugs because of her own experience, but…”

The police department shook his head regretfully and said, “In the end, I still didn’t know the source of the drugs from Santa Red Beard.”

“That’s not necessarily.”

Gao Cheng stopped in front of the stairs and looked up at the Medusa statue.

“There is nothing to find at all. The drugs are in this foreigner’s house from the beginning.”

“Huh?” The police department didn’t quite understand.

“Don’t you think about why it is Room 315?”

Gao Cheng’s ear sounded the prompt of the successful settlement of the system but did not look at it, and turned to the police department to say.

“The reason why Santa Claus with the Red Beard rented the 315 room for 10 years, in addition to trading drugs through secret roads, should also be because this hotel has hidden the secrets of the stranger’s museum owner 100 years ago. I think it is most likely to be drugs. , Santa Claus with a red beard probably got the structure map here and knew the secret hidden here,

Try turning this Medusa statue, there may be unexpected gains. ”

The police department stopped at the same place, staring blankly at Gao Chenghe Yuanzi upstairs.

The famous detective Takasaki Kioto…

“Sneez!” In the several police cars driving away from the hotel, Takagi sneezed with a red nose, and quickly wrapped his clothes tightly.

“It was me who took the confession and wrote the report? It was all wasted this Christmas…”

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