Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1142 new Year

The night sky of Tokyo is brilliant with fireworks, and it is another year. The sound of the sirens that used to be endless has finally subsided, replacing the atmosphere of the new year.

Gao Cheng brought Xiao Ai and Yuanzi to the shrine to draw lots, just in time to hear the bell ringing.

It seems that he has been in this world for many years. Although time has not returned to normal, he has really experienced a lot.

From the beginning of establishing a foothold in Tokyo, solving the crimes one after another, one by one…I have met the world and made many friends, and now I am a top detective. I have been moved, sad and angry all the way.

And he is no longer the simple kendo boy back then.

Gao Chengyuguang looked at Xiao Ai, and there were some children who were excited about what they were talking about. On the other hand, Uncle Maori was dragged by Xiaolan to draw lots, seeming to have drunk a lot of alcohol.

Conan walked quietly behind Xiao Lan, and the doctor followed him with a smile.

Gao Cheng put his hands together and drew the drawstring before going to the side to draw lots.

He only voted for one coin for the sesame oil money, which also caused a small sorrow to roll his eyes behind, not knowing whether it was retribution, and finally he was drawn to sign.

It seems that he has never drawn a good lottery, but he is used to it, and he doesn’t believe in this stuff. He just lives in Japan and does what he likes, so he focuses on participating.

After watching a performance at the shrine and returning home, there are still fireworks in the night sky.

Cherry blossoms in spring, fireworks in summer, red maple in autumn, snow scenes in winter… Japan’s summer is the time when fireworks are most brilliant. People also like to wear kimonos in summer to participate in fireworks displays, but Gao Cheng likes fireworks in winter. Adding snow is even better.


At some point, the shrine bell rang again, which means that one year later, Gao Cheng also received a bunch of text messages on his mobile phone.

All congratulations from acquaintances.

Misumi, Inland Sea, Koshisui, Hayami… even friends from Yukage Village, Nihonbashi Kaga who hadn’t seen him for a long time also sent a message.

There were too many text messages, but Gao Cheng still responded patiently one by one.

“Master, I have already joined the Japanese team, and I will start training later, and I will participate in the competition in a few months.” Another newsletter jumped out, it was Sanada Takada’s message.

The guy pestered him for a few days, he just wore away a lot of kicking skills, and this time he could finally disappear.

No, I should find that guy to collect some tuition…

“Someone brought a few bottles of wine,” Xiao Ai suddenly entered the office holding a few bottles, and asked suspiciously, “Aren’t you not drinking?”

Gao Cheng glanced at the wine bottle quickly, and found that it was Hina Noyo, the famous wine of Hami Village, and smiled bitterly: “Give it to the next door another day.”

In fact, it doesn’t matter if he takes a few sips.

“Then I will put it upstairs first.”

Xiao Ai didn’t mean to hand it over to Gao Cheng, she went upstairs with a few bottles of wine, and soon watched TV with Yuanzi.

Today, the garden seems to have agreed with the family to stay here for accommodation.

Of course, I slept with Xiao Ai.

Gao Cheng rubbed his brows.

He stayed with Yuanzi for 4 days at the Ijinkan Hotel. How did he come here?

The next day, with the new year and new weather, the City Detective Agency started a general cleaning, and all the deposited dossier materials were packed in cardboard boxes and put into the warehouse.

“Xiaolan went to the new house to clean, saying that she met her new parents,” Yuanzi said while cleaning the warehouse while wearing an apron, “I thought there was only one person coming back.”

“I think it’s impossible,” Gao Cheng moved a box of books out of the warehouse in the sorting room, “I forgot to return the books I borrowed from there. I’ll go there later…”

“what is this?”

Yuanzi found an old thick-shelled Sherlock Holmes on the corner shelf.

“It seems to be the first edition, so it’s easy to save it if you put it here, right?”

“It’s my grandfather’s relic. I probably forgot to put it back after I took it out last time.”

Gao Cheng took the book from Yuanzi.

Really nostalgic, it was because a card in this book was bound to the detective system, otherwise he might have closed the detective agency in the first place, right?

But speaking of it, does the grandpa who has never seen it know the cards in this book?

The memory of Kosei Former Joto was already very vague when he passed through. In addition, the old detective spent a lot of time abroad, so that he had no impression. He only knew that when he graduated from high school, he received the death of the old detective. Later the lawyer found him to inherit To this detective agency.

This world is not just a simple Conan world, so he once doubted the identity of the old detective, and asked Aunt Jimei afterwards, but didn’t get much useful information. He seemed to be just an ordinary old detective with a bleak evening scene.

The only trouble that caused him was an assassination by a killer, but there was no follow-up. The messenger behind the scenes is still in prison.

“Acheng, I’m sorry,” Yuanzi thought it was Gao Cheng remembering the sad thing, and gently hugged Gao Cheng’s arm, “I will always be with you in the future…”

Gao Cheng couldn’t laugh or cry.

He has no feelings for the old detective. When he first arrived, he was a bit bitter, but he never felt sad.


Xiao Ai knocked on the door with her eyes collapsed at the door: “I’m still there.”

In a dimly lit room, the faint light of the mobile phone was turned on. Japanese public security police officer Feng Jian Yu took a deep breath and dialed the number of his boss, Xiao Gu Ling, after his breathing was steady.

His face was full of sweat, and pain came from the back of his head…

“I’m very sorry, I don’t know where this is,” Kazami Yu was also very embarrassed, but had to explain, “I was chasing a suspect who had stolen a large number of excavation bombs and was accidentally attacked by him from behind, etc. I woke up and found myself in a basement somewhere…

My phone was taken away by the man, only I could borrow a flip phone from a corpse that was thrown in the basement, but there was not much battery. ”

Tou Amuro still works at the Poirot Coffee Shop. When he received a call from his subordinates, he didn’t expect it to be a call for help, but he quickly followed up after learning about the situation.

“Did that suspect kill a person?”

“I’m afraid it is,” Kazemian Yu also wiped his sweat, “but it’s okay, I can find a way to escape from this room by myself…”

“Farewell, see the wind,” Amuro Tou whispered, “If you act rashly or try to call for help, if you irritate the prisoner, it may lead to the worst result. Let me go and look for you before you become a corpse. .”

“I, I know,” Kazami Yu also looked distressed, “I’m sorry, because there are other suspects. I originally wanted to wait until I got the evidence before contacting you. I didn’t expect…”

“Since the meteorite auction price was high last month A meteorite fever has once again risen in Japan, and meteorite hunters have begun to move around…”

Gao Cheng drove on the highway between the mountains and found the “Hatoshan Ranch” road sign. The radio also mentioned this area, saying that meteorites appeared in the mountains on the side of the ranch.

I don’t know when it will start, and the meteorite has also entered the treasure hunt. It is impossible to say that Gao Cheng is not interested at all, but he really did not come here this time to find the meteorite.

In fact, it was a rancher here who commissioned it on the website of the Kioto Detective Agency to help him identify a meteorite. The deposit was paid, but there was no follow-up news, and no contact could be made.

That’s why he took the time to come here specially today.

I heard that the “Hatoshan Ranch” had to be rebuilt due to poor management. I don’t know where the rancher found a meteorite. The eager identification must be to continue operating the ranch.

It’s not clear how the rancher would think of looking for him as a layman for identification, but no matter what, even if he changed his mind, there is no reason to disconnect directly, and the deposit is also a lot.

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