Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1148 Search meeting, Takasaki Kioto

The explosion occurred on the 28th, and the Tokyo summit date was 3 days later on the 1st of the following month. For the Metropolitan Police Department, this event that has attracted worldwide attention must be dealt with within 3 days, and the event is urgent.

One day the storm passed, and on the morning after Kogoro Moori was arrested, the search meeting was held again in the Metropolitan Police Department.

After having breakfast in a hurry, Gao Cheng rushed to the venue with the information provided by Xiao Ai.

He already knew that the scattered fragments at the scene came from a pressure cooker of the Internet of Things. This was Xiao Ai’s success after combinatorial analysis and search matching last night.

The main fragments are phenolic resin, stainless steel and glass, which match up to more than 90% with the latest pressure cookers sold in the world.

The so-called Internet of Things pressure cooker is to make the pressure cooker into the same product as an electric kettle, which is two-in-one for heat preservation and cooking, and the pressure, temperature, and time can be set through the network of mobile phones.

In Japan at this time, the Internet of Things is hot, and many conceptual products have entered the realm of life one after another.

Reclamation is also committed to modernization. The Japanese restaurant in the international conference venue can even be controlled by the Internet. It is not surprising that it will use new kitchen utensils.

But in this way, the truth of the explosion is also very clear.

Someone remotely controls the gas hydrant through the remote network. After the gas is released, the pressure cooker is remotely controlled to detonate, and no fingerprints will be left on the scene.

The main reason is that the world of Conan is developing too fast. Normally, these dangerous electrical appliances that can be remotely controlled should be combined with manual control. After all, no matter how tight a security system is, it is not absolutely safe.

Gao Cheng sighed lightly and found a spot to sit down. He found that Takagi and his party were sitting in front of him. His complexion was not very good. This would be confronting the enemy and Feng Jianyu.

The uncle’s popularity in the Metropolitan Police Department is also pretty good. Today, Takagi seems to be preparing to help the uncle to defend.

Gao Cheng glanced casually, and several people wrote a lot of things in their notebooks.

“So that is to say,” Kuroda manager glanced across the venue, and crossed his fingers to ask Shiratori, “From Kogoro Moori’s personal computer, did you really find the access record for the gas switch?”

“Yes,” Shiratori nodded. “This is a related report from the Cybercrime Division. It’s just…”

“It seems that the evidence is conclusive,” Kazami stood up and asserted, “Mouri Kogoro sneaked into the conference hall, opened the iron door and moved his hands and feet on the high-voltage cable…”

“Please wait!” Mumu hurriedly interrupted, “If this is the case, the surveillance camera should be able to take pictures of Brother Maori!”

“Regarding this, the conference venue only opened the network yesterday.”

“how come?”

There was another discussion at the scene. Chiba and Takagi’s expressions became heavier and heavier. Megure, who wanted to help Kogoro Mouri, sat down in desperation and turned his eyes to the Kuroda manager next to him.

It’s just that the expression on Kuroda’s face has not changed.

“Did the interrogation ask anything?” Kuroda asked.

“No, Kogoro Mouri has been denying it all the time,” Kazami said coldly, “but even if he continues to deny it, he will still be sent for inspection…”

“Have you not figured out your motive, you have to submit for inspection?” Mumu almost lost his calm, “This is too unreasonable!”

After the investigation, they were sent for prosecution. The current public security practices have left them no room for intervention.

“As long as the evidence is conclusive, it can be sent for inspection. As a policeman, is this common sense?” Feng Jianyu also glanced at Mimu, and ignored the hostility of many criminal police officers, and finally said, “This is the end of the matter, no You need to send someone to investigate.”


The meeting broke up unhappily, and the fate of Kogoro Mouri fell completely into the hands of the police.

“City household brother…”

“I all know,” Gao Cheng shook his head, “but the police have already made their minds. Although he didn’t say it clearly just now, he actually didn’t let me continue the investigation.”

“It’s too much, do you really want to watch the Maori brother be wronged?”

Mumu and Takagi and the others are very clear about what Uncle Maori is, so they never believe that the uncle would do that kind of thing. Mumu can best prove this.

Maori is a computer idiot just like him. How could he have the ability to remotely access the gas plug?

“Let’s do this first, don’t worry too much,” Gao Chengchao assured everyone, “I already have a good look at the investigation of the explosion in the conference hall.”

He already knew how the prisoner detonated the conference hall. The problem was the specific suspect.

Now he can’t investigate the access records of the gas hydrant, nor can he track down the server to find the source of the access. It is very difficult to locate the suspect, but the police is also investigating, he can find a way to dig out some clues.

Strictly speaking, this is also an illegal investigation, but as a detective outside the system, he always has a bit of privilege.

This is personal behavior.

“Wait for my good news.” Gao Cheng leaned slightly and left.

In fact, if he wants to save the uncle, he has a way now.

The police just wanted the explosion to be handled in accordance with the case. He published the clues about the detonation of the pressure cooker, which can also prompt the filing of the explosion.

On the one hand, he does not completely trust the public security. On the other hand, he wants to stop by quietly and observe the situation before choosing to attack.

This time the prisoners are really good at it. Remote control is simple to say, but ordinary people really can’t do it. The requirements for blowing up the summit scene from intelligence collection to criminal planning and execution are very high, let alone put the police into trouble. Bureau.

He had a hunch that this time the prisoner was coming for the police, otherwise it would be impossible to pick the time when only the police were present yesterday.

It was the public security that had the greatest impact from the explosion at the summit venue, which almost made the public security police lose their face.

This is the reason why the prisoners blew up the venue before the summit.

Therefore, based on criminal psychology, the prisoner is now hiding in the dark and watching the police’s movements.

The facts of the case are still unclear. Even if a high accomplishment saves the uncle, it will not help much, but will expose himself. What he needs is to hide himself and find more clues.

Detecting the case itself is an intelligence war, and I can only wrong the uncle.

Maybe the prisoner will find a way to help the uncle’s suspicion… No, it should be said that he will definitely help the uncle. If the other party is really to deal with the police, he will definitely not let the police find a “dead ghost” to save his face.

It was noon when Gao Cheng came back from the city detective office. Xiao Ai was wearing an apron and was cooking soup in the kitchen.

“I am back.”

“Are there any gains?” Xiao Ai tasted the soup, feeling a bit weak.

“The police have decided to send for inspection,” Gao Cheng pulled off his tie, rubbed the corners of his eyes and lay on the sofa, “Uncle now needs a defense lawyer instead of me.”

“Oh?” Xiao Ai looked back at Gao Cheng, “Is that concubine lawyer going to take action?”

“Probably, but family members should not be able to serve as defense lawyers, and they should find other lawyers to help.”

Gao Cheng also doesn’t know the situation on Fei Yingli’s side. Yuanzi went with Xiaolan yesterday. I heard that Fei Yingli was looking for a relationship at the first time. There are a pile of address books on the table, including Dongdu University. There is also a list of lawyers who graduated from lawyers who specialize in criminal cases.

I don’t know if a suitable lawyer has been found today.

In his opinion, even if no one is found, the police should secretly assist.

Although Tou Amuro is more idealistic and very domineering, he is not a foolish person. He must have considered the future for Uncle Maori.


Conan panted and rushed into the room, and rushed directly in front of Gao Cheng.

“Uncle is really going to be sent for inspection?”

“You know it too?”

Gao Cheng had never seen Conan like this before, completely lost his calmness, and made no secret of his anxiety.

Also right, the public security is after all public security, and Conan’s proud reasoning ability cannot help at all in front of this kind of authority.

What if you know that the police are just using Uncle Maori as an excuse? There is no way for the other party to perjury in person.

The police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department are too special.

“Is there no way at all?” Conan said uncomfortably, “Uncle obviously has nothing to do with the bombing…”

“Xiao Lan is in a bad mood?”

Gao Cheng saw through Conan at once, this guy would definitely not care about his uncle so much, he should not bear Xiao Lan’s tears.

“Okay, there will be a garden to accompany her, there won’t be any problems, I’m still following the case, and the uncle will not really become a criminal.”

Uncle Maori…

Thinking of the desperate roar of his uncle when he was arrested Gao Cheng silently mourned in his heart.

It feels uncomfortable to be wronged. This time the uncle really suffered.

It must not be revealed afterwards that he deliberately did not save…


The light of Conan’s mobile phone flickered. At the same time, in another place, Amuro was listening with headphones on.

“…I’m still following the case, and I won’t let the uncle really become a criminal…”

Listening to the synchronized sounds in the headphones, Amuro Tou looked complicated.

“Koshito Takasaki…”

There were only 3 people he couldn’t see through, and he always felt terrible. Two of them were Conan and Gao Cheng. Among them, Gao Cheng thought he could see through but found that he couldn’t see through.

At least it was completely unexpected for Conan to find high achievements in the first place.

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