Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1169 Maori: I can’t find any clues

Text Chapter 1169 Maori: I can’t find any clues

“Director! Officer Otaki found Ishizawa who had passed out at Uncle Ishizawa’s house!”

The next day, during the ongoing investigation of the case, a criminal police officer suddenly came to search the main door and looked hurriedly.

“The identification department detected Ishizawa’s fingerprints on the explosives box, and then when Officer Otaki was about to conduct a search, he found Ishizawa fainted near the entrance…”

“Where is Shizawaren?” Hattori Pingzo asked, squinting.

“It has been sent to the hospital!”

Naniwa Police Hospital.

“How is Ishizawa’s situation, doctor?” Officer Otaki and Ayakoji asked outside the ward.

“He has suffered multiple injuries throughout his body. Although most of them are skin injuries, the problem lies in the wound on the back of his head. This is a bit serious,” the doctor replied. “There is no life-threatening for the time being, but it will take a while to fully recover. Anyway, don’t bother him now, you should go back first.”

“But he is a suspect in a major case! Let’s get around, doctor.”

“No, no, if he dies, you won’t be able to ask anything…”

“It’s really weird,” Hattori whispered to Gao Cheng several people behind, “I heard that Ishizawa has been trapped in his uncle’s house these days. If he is a murderer, who is imprisoning him? And he? Injury…”

“Go and see where he lives,” Gao Cheng said calmly, “It just happens to be not too far from here.”

It’s been the third day since I came to Osaka, and I didn’t enjoy any fun at all. I couldn’t get rid of the case, and it happened around the filming of this time.

I’m afraid only those kids who don’t know anything can feel happy.

Gao Cheng thought of Bumei and his team who were still on the shooting scene.

Do you want to open a sideline temporarily after this incident? In fact, he also likes acting. Is it more than enough for a master-level “Actor” to play a masked Superman?

The taxi stopped at the intersection. Gao Cheng and Conan got off the car from behind and walked from the alley to the front of a two-story duplex building, followed by Kogoro Mouri after paying the fare in confusion.

“Why should I come here too?” The uncle wondered, “Obviously you two want to come here, right? The kid from the Persuasion Department didn’t come either.”

“Brother Hattori said he would go to Kyoto to investigate.” Conan explained.


The uncle grumbled.

It doesn’t matter if Hattori comes or not, he must pay the fare in the end anyway.

It’s really uncomfortable, he is a little bit old, but he is really not rich enough…

“However,” facing the respectful gaze of the police officer on duty, the uncle finally felt better, and brought Gao Cheng into the house. “The forensic officers searched the entire house and found nothing. We again What can you find?”

“Does the house remain the same?”

“Of course, it’s just that Ishizawa was taken away…”

There was a newspaper from yesterday at the entrance of the entrance. The front page was the news about the murder of Yonekura. The uncle walked around and walked to the kitchen inside.

“The kitchen is really dirty. That’s how a man lives alone.”

“It was fine when I was alone.” Gao Cheng said, looking at the kitchen.

“You didn’t enter the kitchen before,” Conan interjected, turning to the uncle and asked, “Is Uncle Ishizawa found here?”

“Well, he was imprisoned in his own room on the second floor. He was **** and trapped in the room for about two or three days,” the uncle explained. “There was no food or drink, and finally he opened the door by himself, but When I stepped down the stairs accidentally, I rolled down…”

“But I don’t quite understand,” Conan asked after turning around. “What did Uncle Ishizawa do in the kitchen at that time?”

“Does this still need to be said? Of course it is to find something to cut off the rope tied to oneself…”

“But in front of the stairs is the gate. If you go out, you can find someone to help you right away?”

“Where are there so many questions?!” The uncle broke out, “After all, he is a person who has been hungry for several days. What’s weird about running to the kitchen first? Okay, I’ve seen it, let’s go back.”

“Wait, uncle,” Gao Cheng asked, “Did the forensics really find nothing? For example, tools such as bomb making, didn’t find a single one?”

“Of course, if you find it, you will definitely say it.”

“In other words, there is no evidence that Ishizawa made a bomb…”

Gao Cheng reviewed the case again.

If Ishizawa is not an accomplice, then everything may have been designed by Yonekura alone. The reason for imprisoning Ishizawa is probably to blame Ishizawa for the crime.

In this case, it is very likely that the explosives in the Yonezang car were reserved for Ishizawa…

Of course, it is also possible that Ishizawa self-directed and acted in a bitter meat drama, but the joint investigation of the Kyoto case and Yonekura case by the police only happened yesterday, and this is why the relationship between Onda and Yonekura was investigated. To Ishizawa.

Let alone whether Ishizawa knew about the joint investigation, even if he knew it, he would not have enough time to prepare.

The state of imprisonment without eating or drinking for a few days is not easy to disguise.

Moreover, the Xuanguan newspaper clearly reported the cause of Yonezang’s death, and Ishi Ze apparently saw it too…

“Ding Dong!”

Gao Cheng’s mobile phone suddenly received a new email.

It is the survey data sent by Xiao Ai.

“What’s the matter?” Conan didn’t immediately follow the uncle to leave, but looked at Gao Cheng in doubt.

“There are new clues,” Gao Cheng checked the e-mail. “Except for Ishizawa, it is still unclear. The other three victims, including Yonezura, have a common characteristic in the past. Those three people owed a large amount. The sum of money also happened to be paid off at the same time 10 years ago.

During that time, four gangs committed crimes and stole a total of 120 million yen in cash. ”

“You mean that gang is the Yonezura team?” Conan was surprised. “But it’s impossible to fight in 10 years, right? Besides, the money has been used to pay off the debt.”

“It’s not completely impossible,” Gao Cheng reminded. “What if someone used the original thing as a threat? Except Yonekura, everyone else among these people didn’t seem to be well mixed up, the rich second generation named En Tian , It’s said that we are going bankrupt recently.”

After combining the situation of Ishizawa and the information collected by Xiao Ai, he finally confirmed his inference that the prisoner was Yonezura himself who was accidentally killed, and Ishizawa was just a scapegoat introduced by Yonezura.

“Damn it,” Conan grabbed his hair in distress. “Even if I know this, it just means Yonekura is very suspicious, and it may be deliberately misled by other people who know about it If only there is evidence.”

The uncle outside the door was already urging, Gao Cheng didn’t plan to stay anymore. He just said lightly when passing by Conan: “You should have thought about it too? Why did the prisoner specially install a bomb in Onda’s red sports car…”

“Yes,” Conan stunned. “If you want to make sure to kill Onda, you have to do something with another sports car at least.”

“There is only one reason. It is because On Tian changed his driving habits every day. The prisoner hoped that On Tian would die the same day he drove the red sports car, but he did not expect that the time would be unexpectedly advanced by one day.”

Gao Cheng paused as he passed by the newspaper on the floor at the entrance of the hallway.

“If you want to see the truth of this case, just ask yourself a question. The murderer made three bombing plans, but only the third one succeeded. The first one happened on a different date, and the second one was killed. To irrelevant people,

Obviously, I have already failed twice, so it stands to reason that the third time should be cancelled.

The murderer was either very confident or was unable to cancel the plan for some reason. ”

“Cannot cancel…”

Conan murmured at the figure of Gao Cheng leaving.

Kioto, did you understand it right from the beginning?

The murderer who designed the serial case was killed as a victim of other cases, but he was freed from suspicion because of the death of the criminal in that case…

It was this coincidence that made him fall into a dead end of thinking.

The car in Gaonei driving the rice warehouse was killed, making everyone think that the rice warehouse was also one of the targets of this serial bombing.

But Gao Cheng obviously suspected Yonekura from the beginning.

Gao Cheng is not so much investigating as it is verifying.

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