Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1208

Chapter 1176 Secret Island Murder Case 4

Chapter 1176 The Secret Island Murder Case 4

“Bang!” The male doctor with glasses sullenly pressed the tabletop and looked at everyone in horror.

“Who is it? Who is the murderer?!”

“Mr. Huomoura, calm down,” the butler persuaded, “It’s just a guess, after all, everyone has an alibi…”

“Damn it,” the man with glasses cried, covering his face, “I really shouldn’t have participated in this treasure hunt!”

The doctor seemed to have started to collapse because of too much pressure. Everyone felt that he was the murderer. In the end, he ran back to his wooden house without finishing his meal, saying that he didn’t want to stay with the murderer.

Gao Cheng looked at the people who fell into silence, thoughtfully.

He noticed the situation of the Japanese doll right from the beginning, but it was still the problem. I really don’t know why the murderer wanted to do this.

It makes sense to create panic to make everyone distrust each other, but if it’s just like this, I don’t think it’s right.

“Mr. Iwata,” Gao Cheng suddenly looked at the red weird statue on the altar table, “what the **** is this? Is it also a relic on this island?”

“This is made of stone from the island before the master, and it is the mountain boy mentioned in Waka.” Iwata butler replied.

“The rocks on the island?”

“I heard that it is a special ore containing a lot of copper, so it appears red.”

Iwata looked at the somewhat horrified statue of the mountain boy with a sad expression.

“Perhaps the treasure on this island is a curse. It is said that anyone who approaches the treasure will be torn apart by the mountain boy. Mr. Saeki passed away here 10 years ago, and now even the master…”

“What curse?” The curly man drew out a dagger and said cruelly, “I don’t believe in any curse! No one can stop me from getting the treasure. If the murderer wants to kill me, come on! I won’t catch it!”

At night, the sound of sea waves mixed with insects spread across the island, and everyone returned to their wooden houses.


Gao Cheng knocked on the door of the curly man next door.

“Is Mr. Yagi here?”

“What’s the matter, kid?” The curly-haired man opened the door impatiently, still holding the dagger in his hand.

Even a detective, he couldn’t be absolutely relieved.

“I have some questions to ask you,” Gao Cheng said straightly. “If I’m not mistaken, you and Mr. Yatoshima and Mr. Kakimoto, who were killed, should have been here before? Just 10 years ago. !”

“What? I don’t know what you are talking about…” The curly-haired man was about to close the door.

“It’s useless if you don’t admit it, the murderer will find you sooner or later,” Gao Cheng said calmly, “Don’t you want to know who the murderer is?”

The curly-haired man stopped his movements and looked at Gao Cheng with a heavy face.

“Come in…”

The ashtray on the wooden house table is full of cigarette butts. It can be seen that the curly-haired man’s inner anxiety is not as fearless as before.

“It started more than 10 years ago,” the curly man said, lighting a cigarette. “With Professor Kyōsuke Saeki as the center, we formed a team called the Saeki Ancient Society to investigate the legends of treasures in various parts of Japan. …”

According to Curly Man, when he was investigating on the island 10 years ago, Saeki Kyosuke accidentally fell off the cliff and died on the spot. After that, several others gave up looking for the treasure. After the ancient society was disbanded, only the owner of Meizuo Island was left. People stay here.

“Actually, I didn’t take the exam this time,” Curly Man explained, “I received Misaku’s invitation because of the friendship in the past, and Yatoshima and Kakimoto are probably the same as me.”

“Are there no exams?”

Gao Cheng’s eyes flickered.

In other words, there are actually only 4 people who passed the exam, which is too small to be normal.

If the real motive of this case is revenge, it is very likely that the person who sent the invitation was not the island owner, but the murderer.

The true cause of Saeki’s death is probably not an accident…

“If you are a murderer, I actually suspect a person,” the curly-haired man suddenly added, “it’s Chris, the genius child of iq180, who is quite famous in the United States, but for unknown reasons, he suddenly went to a Japanese university to study a few months ago. ,

The strangest thing is his birth background. They are all mysteries. You can investigate him first. ”

“I will.”

Gao Cheng didn’t continue to ask, the curly-haired man obviously couldn’t tell him more.

It was already past 11 o’clock in the evening when he left the curly male cabin, and Conan was waiting outside.

“It seems that he still refuses to tell the truth,” Conan said. “Professor Saeki’s death 10 years ago was obviously related to them…

I heard from Miss Xiaobi that Professor Saeki also had a son known as a genius boy, Kouichiro Saeki, if he was still alive, he would be almost the same as Chris, and he must have doubted this too. ”

“Chris is white?” Gao Cheng asked unexpectedly.

“It is said that my mother is American,” Conan explained. “It’s just that the color of the pupils of the American-Japanese mixed blood should be black. I’m going to find a chance to try it. He might change the color of his pupils by wearing contact lenses…”

“Do you really think he is Saeki Koichiro?”

Gao Cheng shook his head.

“There are too many suspicious places for this treasure hunt. The biggest doubt is why I was invited as a detective… logically speaking, it is enough to invite Kakimoto and them.”

“Could it be that the island owner sent the invitation letter before he was killed?” Conan considered.

“The murderer will choose to commit the crime a week ago. It must have been designed and will not come out of this kind of basket. In this case, inviting candidates is definitely a key part.”

Gao Cheng returned to the wooden house and watched his notes repeatedly.

“Almost a key clue, the key clue that connects all the clues…”

The next day, on the third day of the treasure hunt, the crowd gathered outside the burnt-in ruins of the wooden hut on the eighty island. It was clear that a charred arm could be seen in the ruins under the sun.

The fire started in the early morning, and even the Kakimoto wooden house next to it was affected and burned to all.

“Separated again…”

“The charred doll pieces were found in the stove over the villa. It’s just a recurrence of this place.”

“That guy is imitating the mountain boy again!” The curly-haired man gritted his teeth while looking at the fragments of the corpse in the ruins. “It is said that after the mountain boy attacks the treasure hunters, they will burn up their resting place!”

“Miss Xiaobi, UU reading” Yuanzi asked, “Did you hear anything yesterday?”

“No,” Mei Zuobi shook her head, “Maybe I slept too well, sorry…”


Gao Cheng walked among the ruins and found a tape recorder that had been burned, because it was buried under the corpse and had not been completely damaged.

“I know… location… and Japanese song… Zhuniao… Happiness!”

Only one segment can be played with intermittent sound.

In addition to the tape recorder, there is also a watch in the shirt pocket of the corpse. It escaped the fire because it was pressed on the ground, but the cover was broken. It seems that it was crushed when Yatoshima was killed and fell to the ground. The pointer also stopped. It was 11:15.

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“The corpse’s stomach still has the dinner that was not digested last night,” the male doctor with glasses said at the autopsy. “The time of death should be between 10 and 11 last night…”

Gao Cheng squinted his eyes and scanned the ruined site, as well as the persimmon wooden house that was also burnt down next to it.

He seemed to understand the purpose of the murderer.

Regardless of whether it is the person to be invited or the number of people to be invited, there is a corresponding meaning, because this crime method must fill all the wooden houses, and must also have a detective role.

The significance of the existence of foreign imps is to act as a scapegoat. The reason for the existence of doctors is to determine the time of death by post-mortem and provide an alibi to the murderer.

Probably only Conan was the one who came to charge…

If there is no accident, the murderer should be that person.

But why?

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