Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1193 Stone God 10 years later

There is always a lone figure in the dark…

Gao Cheng walked on the streets of Tokyo alone, as if the shouts of the garden echoed in his ears.

His acting skills are perfect, there should be no loopholes.

Why is the garden so sure?

Just because it was taken by an entertainment machine, is it the so-called picture after ten years?

But he is not the real him now, and he changes slightly between his eyes to pretend…

“Sorry Yuanzi, wait for me.”

Gao Cheng closed his eyes and tried to calm his emotions down.

The real scary thing in this country has never been the black organization,

It is the behemoth that secretly dominates everything. While Japan is stationing troops, it always controls the terrible existence of the Japanese government.

In the past ten years,

He has accurately found the other party’s agency organization in the government through the Internet, a special organization that exists in the name of anti-corruption.

Special Search Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

The predecessor was the Hidden Retreat Search Department, which was established by the US military after the war to search for hidden Japanese supplies.

In modern times, this department has become the management of corruption among Japanese politicians.

Almost all prosecutors who enter this department have to study in the CIA…

It is said to be anti-corruption, but the politicians dealt with are very targeted. Once there are opposition parties, searches will be launched, while those close to them will be protected.

Controlling the government, coupled with special military powers, is almost like colonization.

It can be said to be semi-colonial, or it can be said to be a new type of colonization.

In any case, the culprit of the incident ten years ago was the top level in this organization.

It was also thanks to this Tokyo ground inspection incident that he was able to take advantage of the loopholes to collect the last piece of information.

Take complete control of the truth that he was abandoned by this country ten years ago.


If it were not for those people who sheltered close to the officials, the old man would not have died so miserably in the battle plan against the black organization…


A cold wind blew on the street,

Gao Cheng also made up his mind and decided to take the last step.

Finally make a break!

Gao Yuanyao is right when he said that the detective is only one step away from the super criminal.

This is especially true for the almost omnipotent him who is able to disguise and transform without limit.

Almost within reach.

Even if you may face the famous detectives who once fought side by side, face the Metropolitan Police Department, even face the police, face the FBI, face the CIA…

No one can stop him.

Kudo Shinichi can’t, Amuro Toru can’t, Akai Hideichi can’t…

“you are?”

A man with a shoulder bag and neck tucked in a scarf suddenly called Gao Cheng, not sure.

“Have we met somewhere?”

Gao Cheng was taken aback, and he found out that the opposite was the high school math teacher named Shishen.

I saw it in the library ten years ago.

“Do you know me?” Gao Cheng asked in surprise.

Although the other party didn’t know that he was “Koshito Takasaki”, but he recognized that he was there…

Does he seem to pretend to be such a failure?

Before he touched the garden, he hadn’t had any problems.

“I have always had a good memory,” Shishen Tetsuya nodded and smiled. “When I saw you at the Mathematical Society a few years ago, I felt a little familiar. Your speech was very wonderful.

“Oh,” Gao Cheng said with a sudden smile, “I am Tang Chuanxue and I am now an assistant professor at Dongda University.”

“I remember, mathematics genius,” Shi Shen looked around, “Do you live here?”

“Something goes here…”

Gao Cheng looked at the stone **** who hadn’t changed much from ten years ago, but his expression was haggard.

It seems that the mathematics genius is still in a bad situation.

“Would you like to go up and sit for a while?” Shi Shen pointed to the apartment next to him, “I live here. If possible, I want to discuss some math problems with you…”


Gao Cheng hesitated and nodded.

The “Mathematics” in the system has reached the master level, not far from the master, plus his research experience as an assistant professor of mathematics at East University,

Not worse than the so-called mathematical genius.

Over the years, he even thought about it specifically, using mathematical thinking to design a perfect crime together,

When investigating a case, I also use mathematical thinking to analyze.

Shishen’s apartment is very rudimentary,

It’s not a high-end apartment like an office building.

In a 3-story building outside the staircase corridor, Shi Shen lives in 301 on the third floor.

I feel like I can hear everything happening in my neighbor’s house very clearly, a cheap apartment with super bad sound insulation…

It stands to reason that mathematics geniuses like Shi Shen can become university professors, and no matter what happens, they won’t be mixed up like this.

When you enter the room of the stone god, you can directly see the math data on the bookshelf.

There are high school mathematics, and some mathematics research documents.

Gao Cheng found several books on the “Four Color Problem” on the table.

“Still studying the “Four Color Problem”.”


Shi Shen, who was about to prepare tea, was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw Gao Cheng holding the math book he often reads.

“Still” means…

“The “Four Color Problem” has been proven, right?” Gao Cheng asked.

“I don’t think the proof is perfect,” Shi Shen smiled suddenly, “so I have been trying to prove it again.”

Too stubborn…

Gao Cheng secretly shook his head.

What this world pays attention to is results. Instead of spending so many years on the “Four Color Problem”, it is entirely possible to demonstrate some simple topics first.

When you become famous, you may be able to get funding, and you may have the opportunity to enter the university for research.


There was a sudden movement next door, and the iron gate was slammed.

It seemed that someone was fighting, followed by the sound of the table debris hitting the ground, and the sound did not stop.

The woman’s anxious shouts could still be heard faintly.

Gao Cheng raised his head and glanced at the embarrassed Shi Shen.

“It seems that the ex-husband has come here.”

Shi Shen looked at the next door hesitantly, thinking about whether or not to help, but the noise suddenly became quieter, and gradually there was no movement.

“this is……”

Gao Cheng put down his math book, frowning slightly.

It’s not like an ordinary quarrel. Is this something wrong?

Ishigami…Yu Chuanxue…

It seems that the female neighbor that Shi Shen likes did kill her ex-husband.

In order to help the female neighbor, this mathematics genius applied mathematical thinking to crime.

Wouldn’t it happen to him?

Really or not, this time…

“I, I’m going to see the situation.” Shi Shen may have thought of some possibility, and stiffly said to Gao Cheng.

“Ding Dong!”

301 next door,

The Granite mother and daughter who had only hurriedly killed her ex-husband were still in shock. They kept panting, and their faces became even more pale when they heard the doorbell ringing.

“Miri, go back to the room!”

After Huagang pushed her daughter away, she responded to the door: “Yes, who is it?”

“The stone **** next door.”

“Please wait…”

Under Granite’s hurry cover the ex-husband’s body with a tablecloth, and simply clean up the messy ground,

Then he walked to the entrance, installed the anti-theft chain, and opened a crack in the door.

“Excuse me, are we too noisy?” Seeing Shi Shen’s look inside the house, Hua Gang squeezed a smile and said, “Because there are cockroaches, my daughter and I are so loud…”

“Kill it?”

Through the crack in the door, Shi Shen vaguely saw the chaos in the room, and Mrs. Granite herself also had messy hair, as if she had fought.

Obviously something happened, and it was not a trivial matter…

Shi Shen looked embarrassed when he thought of a university professor in his room.

“Can you let me in? I’ll help you deal with cockroaches…”

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