Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1228

Chapter 1195 The most wanted detective


Gao Cheng stood on the top of a tall building, looking down on the neon-lit Tokyo Bay in the distance.

I don’t know if God deliberately had trouble with him,

After helping Ishigami and the mother and daughter, the news appeared on the news that the famous detective Shinichi Kudo would return tomorrow.

He didn’t think there would be any setbacks in Shi Shen’s case.

After all, the police may not open a case.

The problem is that his next actions will involve several important government officials and major cases involving the Tokyo Metropolitan Government…

But when he was unable to stop, Kudo was about to return to his country.

not only that,

Because of the kendo competition, the black charcoal face Hattori Heiji who has also become a famous detective is also coming to Tokyo.

Ten years later, Hattori also entered the Osaka Prefectural Police Station and became a famous police detective. Apparently, he joined the joint investigation headquarters in this incident.

There is also Kogoro Mori, who seems to have brought a group of little ghosts from the detective academy to Tokyo for internship.

Plus the white horse detective who has already joined the Metropolitan Police Department…

what’s going on?

Are the detectives assembled?

Why is it this time?

He has completed the arrangement, and everything will proceed according to plan. If he stops now, he may never find such a suitable opportunity again.

Gao Cheng closed his eyes slightly.

Hattori is hard to say, but Shinichi Kudo is definitely a firm supporter of the law…

Of course, if the opponent is Kudo, he is not worried.

What disturbs him is this trend of buildup.

In the end, he may not be able to complete all the plans…


A white figure in the night sky fell behind Gao Cheng.

“It’s not easy to find you. Is this who you are now?”


Gao Cheng glanced over Kuroba Kaido who hadn’t changed much.

This guy doesn’t seem to commit crimes very much now, but only occasionally shows his presence, so he hasn’t paid attention to it either.

“Why are you here?” Gao Cheng asked strangely.

“The two ladies of your family,” Kidd said helplessly, “Forcing me to come over, telling Officer Zhongsen…I am going to marry Qingzi soon, there is no way.”

“You better go back,” Gao Cheng shook his head, “I can’t stop.”

“You used to be the detective Takanori Kioto…”

“Koshito Takasei is dead!”

Gao Cheng interrupted Kidd’s words,

“Go back, you don’t need to get involved in this matter, you are different from me.”


Another cold wind blew by, and when Kidd came back to his senses, Gao Cheng had already flew off the roof like a black bat, and disappeared into the night sky in a blink of an eye.

Bat gliding…

When was it modified? It seems to be better than his equipment.

Kidd stared at the direction of Gao Cheng’s disappearance in wonder.

“It’s difficult…”

The two young ladies from the city family don’t care about the others.

They can definitely do it to tell the police officer Zhongsen about this kind of thing…

A few days later,

A special party was held in a European-style villa in Karuizawa, and Gao Cheng, a prominent talent in the scientific community, was also invited.

It’s just that Gao Cheng couldn’t attend, because just the night before the party, the targets he was looking at had died bizarrely.

Hananosato restaurant.

Sugashita Ukyo met with Gao Cheng again.


“It has nothing to do with me.”

Gao Cheng frowned and shook his head slightly.

His arrangement has to wait until Karuizawa as the beginning, but now those people are dead inexplicably.

too suddenly!

Suddenly he was completely unprepared…

“This is the case data I collected,” Sugashita Ukyo handed an envelope to Gao Cheng. “The time is too short, and there are only some live photos for the time being.”


Gao Cheng opened the envelope to check.

Judging from the evidence collected, the victims seemed to have shot themselves, but the coincidence of so many high-level suicides at the same time… Obviously no one would believe it.

The prisoner deliberately designed the most suspected coincidence.


Or is it too self-confident?

Gao Cheng checked the details of the photos one by one, frowning and tightening.

The criminal tactics can’t even see through him for a while.

There is this ability in this world, is it…

A figure flashed across Gao Cheng’s mind.

Crime magician, **** puppeteer Gao Yuanyao…

But why?

There is absolutely no reason for the other party to act on these people.

Doing so is not only offending the Japanese government, it is also tantamount to offending the behemoth behind the scenes.

If the CIA and the Japanese public security launched a search at the same time, even Gao Yuanyao would find it difficult to deal with it.

Of course, it’s not a good thing for him.

Because the other party disrupted all his arrangements.

Will the police find out that Gao Yuanyao doesn’t know, and he will be suspected for the first time because of his arrangement.

“Tang Chuan’s identity may end early.” Gao Cheng sighed lightly.

Now that the Internet is too developed, the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely find him through the purchase of some objects…

Even if the real murderer is not him, he has a plan to kill.

Just as guilty.

Even the Japanese government may directly convict him under pressure…

Gao Cheng suddenly wanted to meet the murderer.

No matter who the other party is, is it high and far away, what purpose is it,

It can be said that he caught him off guard.

It’s hard for him to remember this pot…

Is the other party helping him or trying to harm him?

“Beep beep!” Gao Cheng’s cell phone suddenly rang, a call from Wannian’s assistant.

“It’s not good, Professor Tang Chuan, suddenly a lot of policemen rushed to the school and said they were looking for you.”

“So fast?”

Gao Cheng stood up from the counter.

According to his arrangement, the time is very sufficient. It should be months or even a year after the police find him…

“I see, Mr. Kuribayashi, if the police ask you, they don’t know anything. I may disappear for a while.”

“Huh?” Li Lin stared, “You didn’t really commit anything, did you, Professor Yu Chuan?”

In his opinion, Gao Chengzhi is like a famous detective, who just helped the police detect serial murders a few days ago…

“It’s nothing big, Mr. Kuribayashi, come on and become an assistant professor.”

Gao Cheng hung up the phone and bent slightly towards Sugashita Ukyo who hesitated to speak next to him.

“My plan hasn’t started yet, but the prosecutor’s office may not believe it. Let’s end the contact between the two of us. See you later.”

Sugashita Ukyo looked silent.

The same abandoned person, but his situation is much better than Gao Cheng,

He was just marginalized and exiled to life safety class.

However, Gao Cheng has nowhere to live in this country. He can only live by changing his face.

“Take care.”

Sugashita Ukyo thoughtfully sent Gao Cheng out of the restaurant.

In the future, I will lose another friend who can talk to each other. I am afraid it will be difficult to have a chance to see you again, right?


In Tokyo at night, police sirens sounded everywhere, and almost everyone was attracted by the sound.

The sound of the police sirens tonight seems to be different from the past It seems to be hunting down some vicious criminal.

“How many police forces were deployed to have this kind of scene?”

The Kaito Kidd flew by under the moon, gazed at the traffic flow between the urban streets, and turned to Gao Cheng standing on the top of the building in front.

Gao Cheng in the high-altitude cold wind also looked down at the traffic, and his clothes made of folded bat gliding wings were ringing.

When Kidd looked again, Gao Cheng had become a little girl in a white dress.


Kidd only felt a bit blocked in his chest.

How to catch this kind of person?

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