Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 138

Chapter 137 Dog breeder

When the accident happened in an instant, the scene was blown into a mess. When everyone in the audience reacted, Hattori had already rushed out of the set to live or die, and the protagonist Sakuraba Reiichi also fell painfully on the side of the stove holding his head and wailing.

“Face! My face! Uh!”

“Li Yi! Li Yi!”

“Heiji!” He Ye cried and rushed to Hattori, “Heiji, wake up! Heyji!”

“How could this be?” The director was dizzy, rubbing his temples and dared not go to see the set room. Originally, the crew had problems, but now such a serious accident has happened.

“Ambulance! Go and call an ambulance!”

Gao Cheng struggled to stand up, yelled at everyone outside, and looked at the explosion site with a calm face.

Dust explosion… This is definitely not an accident!

Kyoto Hospital.

He was still in a coma with gauze wrapped around the head of the service department, and he waited worriedly and listened to the doctor’s explanation.

“The impact on the patient was not too great, and there was no burn. The main thing was a bump… Can you ask? The patient seemed to be kicked and passed out. What happened?”

“Kick, kick faint?”

“Because there are obvious footprints on the hips…”

Gao Cheng covered his forehead and tiptoed out of the ward while He Ye didn’t pay attention.

He and Hattori have no major problems, but the protagonist Sakuraba Reiichi is estimated to be choking, and this accident is probably mainly for the protagonist…

“You’re the one you are the one?” The makeup remover actress Lin Yuan Taoxiang also went to the hospital and walked toward Gao Cheng aggressively, “If you can save people, why don’t you save Liyi?!”

Gao Cheng looked at this arrogant woman who looked like a hedgehog.

Have you made a mistake? On the one hand, it is the Hattori who has a good relationship, and on the other is just a stranger. I want to know who to save…

Shaking his head, Gao Cheng didn’t want to pay attention to this shrew, turned around and walked to the lobby waiting area to sit down.

“What’s your attitude? It’s just a small character!”

Lin Yuantao’s incense was even worse, but Gao Cheng couldn’t help but walked angrily to the other side of the examination room, and Sugita Fumiko, who also came to see the actor, immediately became a punching bag.

“Why are you here? You and Liyi are over, right? What are you doing in the hospital?!”

“I’m just worried about Sakuraba-kun.” Sugita Fumiko whispered.

“I’m so embarrassed to say that you actually want to make up with him, okay?” Lin Yuan Taoxiang sneered. “The ex-boyfriend started to become popular and wanted to look back. It’s shameless!”

“how come……”

“You’re just a little supporting role, you don’t deserve him at all!”

With a medical patch on her face, Ying Tingli hurried to the hall: “You two, stop arguing, I heard it in the examination room.”

“What, why do you say that?” Lin Yuan Taoxiang’s face eased, and she greeted Sakuraba Reiichi with a gentle look, “I followed you to the hospital specially…”

“Your injury does not matter, right?” Sugita Fumiko followed worriedly.

“The injury is nothing,” Sakuraba Reiichi ignored Lin Yuan and walked directly to Sugita Fumiko. “But it’s a little troublesome for the actor…”

“What will happen to the character? The protagonist you finally got.” Like his wife, Fumiko Sugita handed Sakuraba Reiichi his coat.

“Can you continue filming and listen to the director’s meaning…”

“Huh!” Lin Yuan Taoxiang’s face turned cold, “What the protagonist, if it weren’t for me, do you think someone would take care of you? You are just two little characters that nobody wants, just go slowly and affectionately!”

Lin Yuan Taoxiang stomped her foot, turned and left in annoyance, before leaving, she gave the lively Gao Cheng a stern look.

“Inexplicable woman…”

“Sorry,” Sugita Fumiko looked at Gao Cheng apologetically, “We are all to blame for making her angry.”

“It’s nothing,” Gao Cheng smiled, “If you don’t have a filming, you can go to Tokyo to ask me for help. Although I am not in your circle, I also know some directors and producers in Tokyo. I should be able to say something. Sentence.”

“Huh?” Sugita glanced at each other and looked at the Gao Cheng like a high school student in front of him in surprise.

“Why don’t you develop in Tokyo? Why…”

The two looked strange.

A random trick. I heard that the director was so annoyed that he agreed to perform the real selection of team members for Gao Cheng. His status is lower than the two of them… Is there a way to mix it up?

Ying Tingli looked suspicious, and did not believe that Gao Cheng would know the director and the investor. She said indifferently: “Let’s talk about it later, we have to go back quickly, otherwise I don’t know how Taoxiang will deal with that woman. Said the director.”

Gao Cheng silently watched the two leave.

He should also investigate this accident carefully. The power of the dust explosion is not small. If he hadn’t responded in time, it would have become a homicide.

The main target is not sure if it is Sakuraba Reiichi, but the murderer actually counted Hattori and him, which was cruel enough.

Kyoto Taijuan Photography Studio, the “Ryoma’s Holiday” photography waiting area. As a popular idol, Hayashibara Momoka has a separate lounge. An ordinary-looking supporting actor Iwasaki Ryuji sneaked over here and watched. Looking around, knocked on the wooden door quietly: “Miss Taoxiang, I have something to tell you…”


In the supervision room, the film supervisor, the film director and the assistant supervisor, have been here since the accident. The ashtray on the table is full of cigarette butts, but the director still keeps lighting the cigarette.

“As long as there is Miss Taoxiang, this kind of movie can still be saved…Yes, I see, it’s okay.

After receiving the call from the producer, the director smiled as if nothing had happened, but he hung up and his face sank immediately.

“What an idiot producer…”

Cursingly put away the phone, the director turned to the assistant supervisor who was in a daze: “Tanaka, where is Momoka?”

Assistant Supervisor Tanaka recovered: “After returning from the hospital, she kept herself locked in the waiting room.”

“Here again, lock yourself up every time you are in a bad mood,” the director paused, lit a cigarette and looked at the assistant in front of him, “Tanaka, go see how she is.”

“Got it.”

The assistant supervisor nodded, and left the room to the waiting room under the director’s gaze.

Gao Cheng just returned to the studio, saw the assistant supervisor, and quickly asked, “Well, what will happen to this movie?”

“This kind of thing can only be stopped first,” the assistant supervisor can’t take care of Gao Cheng, “I’ll talk about anything later.”


Gao Cheng walked into the setting room again to check the scene of the incident.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a trench coat followed Sugita Fumiko into the studio. He saw Gao Cheng walking around the scene of the incident and quickly shouted, “Hey, who are you?”

“He is the city owner,” Sugita Fumiko helped explain, “He was also a victim when the explosion…”

“Ah!” Before Sugita could say it clearly, the middle-aged man looked at Gao Cheng in amazement, “Are you not the Okita Chief of Kyoto High School? I have watched your school’s kendo competition!”

“General Secretary Okita?”

Gao Cheng was stunned, shook his head and smiled: “Sorry, I’m not Okita Souji, but the famous detective Kosei Kioto from Tokyo.”

“Famous detective Takasei Kioto?” The middle-aged man was somewhat surprised and took out the police handbook. “I am Kyoto Police Dog Feeder One. I am now responsible for this attempted murder. Then it will be handed over to our police. Ask you a few questions?”

“Huh?” Gao Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

“Although you are also a victim, I heard that you seemed to foresee the danger in advance.” The dog breeder’s tone was somewhat suspicious.

“It’s not a prediction, it’s just a temporary reaction.”

“Temporary reaction, your reaction is really fast.”

The dog breed detective glanced at Gao Cheng and carefully checked the situation on the scene.

Except for the tattered paper windows, nothing special was found…

“I can’t find a gas leak or any traces of explosives. How did it cause the explosion?”

The dog breed police officer frowned, took out a note and continued to ask Gao Cheng: “I heard that this threatening letter was put in the background beforehand. It seems that the murderer’s target is Mr. Sakuraba, you know that. What is it?”

“I don’t know,” Gao Cheng said helplessly after reading the threatening letter spelled out with cut characters, “Police officer, don’t you doubt me? I’ve only been in Kyoto for a day or two, and I didn’t know Sakuraba before. Sir, there is no conflict, and there should be a limit to doubt, okay.”

“But the explosion is really weird.”

“Not surprising at all.”

Gao Cheng squatted down and touched the powder in the stove: “In the final fight, the actors need to fight in the raised dust. There should be no problem. However, some people replaced ordinary dust with flammable wheat flour. The sparks caused a dust explosion.”

“Dust explosion? Can wheat flour also explode?” The dog breed detective said in a daze.

“Dust explosion is a violent explosion caused by the combustion of flammable dust floating in the air. It is quite powerful under certain conditions. Japan should have had many cases.”

Gao Cheng looked at the criminal police officer speechlessly. Although he didn’t know much about the specific principles, at least he had heard that the criminal policeman at such an age would actually not know.

“In short, the murderer in this case should be someone who knows that the prop knife will produce sparks, and at the same time knows that the actors will fight in a dusty environment.”

“Do you know who the murderer is?” Kenshi was very energetic.

“How is it possible? There are just a few suspicious candidates,” Gao Cheng looked at Miss Sugita, “Ms. Momoka is the most suspicious. Emotional problems are considered motives. She and Mr. Sakuraba seem to have quarreled before the incident. One, the other is…”

“That’s right,” Gao Cheng said affirmatively, “The prisoner must be Taoxiang! Where is she now?”

Sugita said uncertainly: “It seems to be in the waiting area, because she often likes to be locked in the lounge alone…”

“Okay! I’m going to find her now!”

The dog breed can’t wait to go backstage, seeing it as a headache, he hasn’t finished talking yet.

Compared with Kanto, his name as a detective is really not very useful in Kansai…

In the backstage waiting area, the door of Linyuan Taoxiang’s lounge was closed, and the supervisor did not respond after shooting for a long time.

“Miss Taoxiang!” The assistant supervisor patted the door a few times, and shouted impatiently, “Miss Taoxiang! Can you open the door?!”

“What’s the matter?” The dog breeder who rushed here was puzzled. “I’m the Kyoto police dog breeder, what happened?”

“It’s nothing,” the assistant supervisor said awkwardly, “It’s just that Miss Taoxiang is locked in the waiting room and can’t come out…”

Inujii walked to the door and pushed it. The door couldn’t be opened at all, and there was no response from inside: “Is she really inside?”

The assistant supervisor affirmed: “The door is bolted from the inside, and there is only this exit in the room. It must be inside.”

“There’s no way,” the dog feeder stepped back and called to everyone, “I have to break in, and everyone smashes away together!”


Gao Cheng followed behind, watching the door being knocked open, as a hanging figure appeared head-on in his field of vision, his eyes narrowed.


Wearing a patterned blue kimono with loose hair, he was hung from the beam of the house by a rope with his back to the door.

Gao Cheng passed the exclaimed people into the room and confirmed that it was Lin Yuan Taoxiang herself, closing her eyes as if she was still alive, but she had indeed become a cold corpse.

“Actually dead…”

Gao Cheng glanced around, falling on the white costume and footwear.

Suicide even took off his shoes specially, and the bottom of the socks was too clean…

Not a suicide, but a murder case in a secret room.

Gao Cheng’s eyelids throbbed.

“It should be suicide!” Inujii affirmed, “This is a secret room bolted from the inside. If there are others, you should not be able to get out…”

“Police officer, I don’t think it was suicide,” Gao Cheng stared at the scene closely and said, “Miss Taoxiang was murdered!”

“What?” Inujie said with a dissatisfied expression, “There is only one exit here, and the door is bolted with an iron rod. After killing her, how can the murderer escape?”

“Perhaps a certain technique was used…”

“How can there be any tricks? No matter how you look at this situation, it is suicide!”

“If it is suicide…”

“Anyway, our police will investigate if you commit suicide!” Inugai pulled Gao Cheng away and said impatiently, “What a famous detective from Tokyo is just a layman. The handling of the case is our police’s business, so don’t interfere. Now, go out.”

All Gao Cheng wanted to say was blocked and returned to . He wanted to explain but was rushed to the scene by the dog-breeding detective.

“Damn it, it would be great if it was Officer Mumu…”

After a while, as the situation escalated into a murder case, several police cars came over, and Lin Yuan Taoxiang’s body was also taken away by the police. Gao Cheng could only watch it by the side.

No way, detectives are just detectives after all, and they don’t have the right and obligation to handle the case.

“That **** old man, forget about the dust explosion, he is so self-righteous!”

As the police car left, Gao Cheng rubbed his temples with a headache.

I can only think of something more, otherwise the case will really be closed with Lin Yuan Taoxiang’s suicide this time.

In the dressing room of the crew, the dog breed detective has gathered the people in the studio.

“Suicide?” Ying Ting Liyi asked in confusion, “But why did Tao Xiang commit suicide?”

“It should be because of the guilty suicide in the previous shooting,” the dog breed detective explained. “The explosion was not an accident, but an attempted murder!”

“Attempted murder?”

Everyone looked at Dog Feed in surprise: “What’s the matter?”

“In other words,” Inuji said with his hands behind his back, “that may be a dust explosion deliberately designed by Linyuan Momoka…”

“Dust explosion?”

Gao Cheng patted his forehead. He couldn’t listen anymore, and then quietly left to the waiting area.

Now to persuade the dog breed, the only way to find out how the murderer creates a secret room.

The Linyuan Taoxiang lounge was left after the police searched. No one stopped Gao Cheng from investigating. He again stood where Linyuan Taoxiang hanged and observed the whole room.

The dog breed is right. The restroom seems to be an ancient warehouse. Except for the two doors that can be bolted from the inside, there is no other exit at all. The high windows are also completely fixed wooden fences.

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