Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 142

Chapter 141 The wolf of rice flower

In the City of Detective Agency, Gao Cheng sat down at his desk ponderingly after sending off Nishitani Miho.

Ms. Nishitani has not been followed for a short time. She originally lived in Yokohama and moved to Rice Flower because of being followed. As a result, the other party also followed Rice Flower.

Miss Nishitani was afraid of not falling asleep at night, so she had found a family-style restaurant where she could work at night. Despite this, she was still in a bad state of mind, and she had a very painful life.

A few weeks ago, Miss Nishitani also made a report, but it was of no use at all. On the contrary, it seemed to annoy the other party. A week ago, the other party not only started tracking again, but even pushed Miss Nishitani down the stairs at the exit of the station as a warning…

This kind of thing is really troublesome, and the police can’t help too much.

Gao Cheng picked up a copy of the information faxed by Officer Mumu.

The rice flower wolf is named Nagai Tatsuya. He is 26 years old. He lives in the apartment on Lvtai No. 3 Street. It is only a few stops away from Miss Xigu’s apartment. In addition, because the father who runs the iron factory provides living expenses, he does not need to live for life. Go to work, you can follow Miss Nishitani all day long…

At the police station, after contacting Officer Gao Cheng and Mumemo, the policeman who received a report from Miss Nishitani a few weeks ago was found.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, and it may be dangerous for Miss Nishitani to continue.

“Nagai Tatsuya?” the police recalled, “I did cross-examine him a few weeks ago, because a young lady reported the crime and said that a scary man had been following him. At that time, we caught the man wandering in front of the apartment. he.”

“Didn’t he be punished?”

“He said that he only followed Miss Nishitani, and he didn’t do any strange behavior, so we could only let him go home and tell him not to do that again in the future,” the policeman asked, “has he started following it again?” ”

“It’s nothing.”

Gao Cheng shook his head and left the police station.

It’s very troublesome. He doesn’t have a deep understanding of Japanese law, but he also understands a little bit. Even if it proves that Nagai Tatsu also has intimidation, threats and harassment, the punishment that can be received is quite light. Detention for a few days is of no use at all, and then Nishiya The young lady suffered even more serious revenge.

In short, from a legal point of view, it is impossible to deal with this matter…

Gao Cheng rubbed his brows and called Miho Nishitani, “Ms. Nishitani, let me protect you in the next few days. If you are really worried, you can stay in my office for the time being. You can borrow the lounge here. Give you……”

“But,” Miho Nishitani paused, biting her lip and said, “Detective Jodo, thank you for your willingness to help me, but I think this is the case.”

“Is it because of the commission fee?” Gao Cheng stunned, “Don’t worry about this, I will follow the general commission price…”

“No, no,” Nishitani Miho waved her hand repeatedly while holding the phone. “It’s not about money, but I plan to move in a few days… I will settle the commission fee. Thank you very much, Detective Joto.”


Gao Cheng put down the phone suspiciously.

Nishitani Miho changed so suddenly, I don’t know if he was threatened by Nagai Tatsuya again.

After wandering for a few steps downstairs in the office, Gao Cheng groaned and turned to Xigu Meifan’s apartment.

It’s not his style to give up halfway. He manages this case and the police can’t help it. Then he will find a way…

Nishitani Miho worked in a family restaurant in Yetojing District. It closed at 4 in the morning. Nishitani Miho did not leave the shop until 5 o’clock. After taking the tram to Mihua Station, she walked home all the way.

The most dangerous time is undoubtedly the section of the road from Mihua Station back to the apartment. The girl is followed by a pervert, and it is inevitable that there will be no accidents.

Gao Cheng leaned against the corner wall, first glanced at Miss Nishitani in front, and then fell on the trailing Nagai Tatsuya.

He was a long-term unemployed young man with a strong desire for possession in his eyes when he looked at Nishitani Miho. From time to time he took out a lighter-style camera for sneak shots. He thought he was a private detective if he didn’t know it.

Gao Cheng frowned and thought about how to deal with it.

It is impossible for him to protect Nishitani Miho all the time. Even if he beats the young man, he will not necessarily solve the problem, but instead will get himself into trouble.

Are you going to find Conan? Reaper’s physique is also very interesting, maybe it can break the game…

“What am I thinking?” Gao Cheng shook his head, shaking the strange thought in his joy.

In fact, it is mainly because Nishitani Miho does not seem to be a threat. The young man is so unscrupulous. If it were Xiaolan, he would never encounter such a thing.

In the evening, at the West Valley Apartment, Gao Cheng wore a hat, a large windbreaker, and his face was full of beards. He walked to the apartment and rang the doorbell.

“Who, who?” Nishitani Miho Cup door bell was startled and looked nervously at the entrance.

There were two bottles of Kazeman’s drink on the side table. One bottle was half empty, and the poison prepared in advance had just been put in.

“Miss Nishitani, it’s me,” Gao Cheng said, “I have something else I want to talk to you.”

“Kito Detective?”

A trace of panic flashed across Nishitani’s face and hurriedly packed up the things on the table: “I’ll be here soon.”

The entrance door opened, and Gao Cheng looked at Nishiya Miho’s sweating in confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, no,” Miho Nishitani recognized Gao Cheng under his beard, rubbing her fingers a little nervously, and then asked, “Well, what is the Detective Kioto going to talk about? I’m going to work soon…”

Gao Cheng looked over Nishitani Miho into the house, and then fell on Nishitani Miho.

Nishitani Miho was seen a little uncomfortable, and became more nervous: “What, what’s wrong?”

“Miss Nishitani, although I am a little boastful about saying this, I am indeed one of the few detectives in Tokyo recently.” Gao Sung took the initiative to approach the house, “There are things that can’t be concealed from me.”


“You bought two bottles of Kazman but didn’t drink it. I felt strange and paid attention to it. Are you planning to poison Tatsuya Nagai?”

Nishitani Miho’s body suddenly stopped: “I…”

“I don’t mean to be on his side, but I don’t want you to lose your life because of that kind of person.”

Gao Cheng sat at the table and didn’t look at the pale-faced Nishitani Miho. He guessed almost when he saw the woman’s reaction.

“I will be killed if this continues,” Nishitani Miho slumped to the ground, holding her face in her hands and crying bitterly, “That’s why I wanted to…”

Gao Cheng looked at the haggard woman and sighed softly, “I can understand your feelings, but why don’t you try again? Miss Nishitani, if you can believe me, don’t do stupid things.”

After staying in the apartment for a while, Gao Cheng quickly left with his spare key.

Next, he will also follow Tatsu Nagai. After some observations, he feels that Tatsuya Nagai does have signs of taking action on Miho Nishitani. If it is true, things will be much easier.

At ten o’clock in the evening, Nagai Tatsu also went out carrying a bag, and after hiding the bag near the Nishitani apartment, he went to the Hatojing district where Nishitani Miho worked.

Gao Cheng followed and witnessed everything. After Nagai Tatsuya left, he immediately checked the hidden bag.

Tape, dagger, rope… even drugs…

Gao Cheng’s eyelids throbbed, and Nishitani Miho’s hunch was correct. It seems that Nagai Tatsu is also planning to find a chance to sneak into the apartment to commit crimes. The time should be after Nishitani Miho returns home tomorrow morning.

He closed the zipper of his bag again, and Gao Cheng turned around to contact Officer Mumu.

Of course, he wouldn’t talk about the bag right now, only that someone was going to kill Nishitani Miho.

“City household brother, is this true?” The Metropolitan Police Department, Mumu was still dealing with a case. After receiving a call from Gao Cheng, he cautiously asked, “I want to believe you, but there is no basis for doubt. People are too…”

Gao Cheng said affirmatively: “It’s not unfounded, but Tatsuya Nagai has indeed been following Miss Nishitani, so please send a person to Police Officer Mumu.”

“Well, I will leave Takagi to you for the time being.”


Hearing Takagi’s name, Gao Chengyi felt a long-lost feeling.

I haven’t seen each other very much recently. Although I have encountered many cases, they are not in charge of Officer Mumu.

With plenty of time, Gao Chengxian and Gao Mu met in front of the West Valley Apartment.

“Officer Takagi, I will trouble you to rest in the apartment next.”

“Huh?” Takagi said in a daze didn’t you want me to protect Miss Nishitani? ”

“You are mainly protecting in the house. I can come outside,” Gao Cheng explained. “I called Miss Nishitani. She will go home at about 5:30 in the morning and will need your protection all day. .”

Takagi scratched his head. After feeling that there was nothing wrong, he asked curiously: “Kito-kun, will your detectives still take this kind of case?”

Gao Cheng yawned: “There are so many cases that I can take, but this time I mainly don’t want to see anyone being victimized by the Popcorn Wolf, and if I leave it alone, it will be too late when something goes wrong.”

He came back from Kyoto to deal with Miss Nishitani’s request without much rest. He was really tired, but he should be able to get results by tomorrow.

Tatsuya Nagai also prepared the tools for committing crimes to be placed near the scene early. It will not be impulsive, but planned. The time for committing the crime is estimated to be within one day.

With Takagi guarding, the guy’s crime cannot be concealed. At that time, it will not be a simple detention and warning, but will enter the criminal level, plus the other party’s prior threats and threats to follow, the circumstances are bad, and severe punishment is bound to be imposed.

Yetojing District, five o’clock in the morning.

Nishitani Miho walked out of the working family restaurant after cleaning, and immediately felt Nagai Tatsuya’s following.

The other party stared at her fiercely, completely unscrupulous…

Nishiya Miho tightened her fingers, and remembered Gao Cheng’s promise last night. She didn’t know how Gao Cheng could deal with Tatsuya Nagai.

It seems that a fight is the best way. Will a detective hit someone?

Nishitani Miho absently boarded the tram, thinking of Gao Cheng’s convincing self-confidence, a blush appeared on her face, and she quickly stopped thinking about it after she recovered.

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