Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 198

Chapter 197 Jotoko

After waiting for the meal, Gao Cheng never saw the garden appear.

Even going to the toilet can’t take that long, but Xiaolan doesn’t seem to be worried…

“What’s going on?” Gao Cheng stared at the Taoist Association who was joking with Xiaolan.

“How is it?” The Taoist Association took a sip of the black tea after dinner and asked Xiaolan, “Is there nothing to say about the food here?”

“Yeah, it’s delicious,” Xiaolan smiled, “Thank you for the treat. I feel a little sorry for the garden.”

“Crack.” The inner private room opened, and the dull little hotel owner walked into the lobby, his eyes paused on Gao Cheng, and he swept across Xiaolan, intentionally or unintentionally.

Xiaolan noticed the tall boy and said strangely: “Huh? Are you here to help?”

“No, it’s the first time I’m here today…” The little hotel owner sat down at the bar, still looking around, “By the way, where did the brown-haired girl go? Why didn’t she see her? ”

Xiaolan smiled and said, “You said the garden, she didn’t sleep well last night, and she is now sleeping in the car outside.”

“Make up for sleep?”

Gao Cheng put his ears up and looked out of the restaurant. He could see a sloping winding road on the other side of the cliff, right next to his motorcycle.

“Ah, that’s…”

“Is that the car of the Dao Association brother?” Conan exclaimed and stood up, watching the car actually sliding.

“Why is the car moving?”

“Not good! Then there is a cliff ahead!”

On the sloping cliff road, a car slowly slid down the road. There was nothing in front of it, only the cliff at the end of the corner surrounded the guardrail.

Gao Cheng slapped the bamboo sword on the table and ran out of the hall following Conan.

“Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to come again next time…”

At the entrance of the restaurant, the waiter habitually bowed to Xiaolan and Conan, who ran out first, and hurriedly stopped Gao Cheng behind him: “Wait a minute, I have to pay for it!”

Gao Cheng was in a hurry, and pushed aside the waiter: “Trouble is credited to the two accounts at the back!”


Dao Xie and the little hotel owner who ran over was stopped in the restaurant in a daze, and cried out inexplicably, “Hey, miss, who are you?”

“How come there are such people?”

“Yuanzi! Wake up, Yuanzi!” The car slid faster and faster outside the restaurant. Conan and Xiaolan, who were a step ahead, hurriedly caught up with the car, flapping the windows.

“Damn it!” Gao Cheng grabbed the bamboo sword and rushed to the car window. The garden was still asleep in it, and Xiaolan couldn’t wake up no matter what she called.

He hadn’t even thought about this situation now, if it is a gangster, he can solve it with one sword…

“Get out of here!” Xiao Lan suddenly shouted from the other side.

“Huh?” Gao Cheng was stunned, and in a blink of an eye he saw Xiaolan grabbing the roof armrest and leaping up high, standing upside down, bending her knees with the help of her hair dancing, rotating with all her strength and hitting the window glass heavily.



The window glass exploded, instantly awakening some unclear gardens in the car.

“Xiaolan?” Yuanzi sat up in a daze.

“Catch me!” Xiao Lan anxiously opened the car door and hurriedly hugged the garden and jumped off the car before the car hit the cliff.

“Boom!” The car that had been completely uncontrollable directly smashed through the guardrail and fell high on the reef below, banging and exploding.

Gao Cheng stood on the edge of the cliff, glanced at the explosion smoke rising from under the cliff, and looked back at the two Xiaolans who were safe.

He just thought about whether he could jam the wheel of the car with a bamboo sword, and Xiaolan directly broke the window violently.

At the scene of the crash on the cliff, police officer Henggou received a report and led the investigation.

“Police officer,” the officer reported with a hooked iron rod, “just dived into the ocean floor and found the car, the handbrake was indeed put down, and this was also found on the road…”

“This is a tool for unlocking,” Henggou looked at Tie Bang, “Any other suspicious places?”

“No, I just found a pool of water leaking from the air-conditioning on the ground where the car was parked.”

“It seems that while Miss Yuanzi was sleeping in the car, someone unlocked the car and put the brakes down to let the car fall off the cliff along the slope…”

Henggou touched his chin in a deep voice, and then asked Yuanzi, “Miss Yuanzi, have you found any suspicious people near the car?”

“Ah? No, I slept very well…” Yuanzi looked around and said strangely, “Henggou Police Officer, isn’t the city with you with you?”

“You said Detective City, he seems to have something to do.”

“That’s not right…” Gao Cheng looked at everyone, squatting down where the car was originally parked to check the situation.

If someone wants to start with the garden, why is it so troublesome? Obviously, the killer could be quietly underground, but he just made such a big movement.

To make an alibi?

Thinking about it this way, it is strange that the murderer will leave the tools used to unlock the lock on the scene, as if it was deliberately let others see it. Isn’t it good to take it away or throw it directly into the sea?

With so many unreasonable places, it is impossible to believe the judgment of Officer Henggou.

He still felt that the Taoist Association was suspicious, even though the other party had been staying in the restaurant at that time.

But how does the Taoist Association do it?


From the moment he met the Dao Association, he discovered that someone had been following and monitoring, but the other party seemed to be the Dao Association, and should not be an accomplice of the Dao Association.

As for the small hotel owner who also always appeared around, let’s not say whether it was Kyogokuzhen himself. The other party had also been in the restaurant’s private room when the case happened. It’s early, it’s easy to be seen when entering and leaving the restaurant, and there is no time to commit crimes…

“If you say anything suspicious,” the Taoist Association suddenly said to the police officer Henggou, “the lady over there is very suspicious.”

“That lady?” Yuanzi looked at Gao Cheng suspiciously and blinked, “Who is she?”

Although she looked like a girl, she kept her face cold, her hair tied up, she looked very boyish, and even a little familiar…

Xiao Lan shook her head: “I don’t know, when we chased it out, she was also together…it should be just a guest who came over for dinner.”

“Oh,” Henggou interrogated the little hotel owner and replied, “I just asked her, she seems to be a tourist who came to Izu too… Anyway, the detailed process will be discussed in the department. Let’s get on the bus first…”

“Huh?” Yuanzi looked at the police car and said in a daze, “I want to take a car? But, I really don’t want to take a car now… I’m a little scared…”

The Taoist Association suggested: “In this case, the garden, you can go to the police station with me, anyway, the distance is not far, and you can change your mood by looking at the scenery.”

“That’s not good?” Henggou said worriedly. “What if I’m being spotted again? Miss Yuanzi’s hair is brown again. This time the gangster and the murderer of the previous murder are likely to be the same person.”

“Police officer,” the Taoist Association said with a smile, “you don’t have to worry too much, I don’t think he can do anything in broad daylight, no matter how bold he is?”

The garden next to her tightly pulled Xiaolan: “If there is a chance, there is still Xiaolan.”


“I’ll go with them too, police officer.” Gao Cheng said coldly and walked to the side.


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