Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Christmas for single dogs doesn’t seem

In the blink of an eye, more than a week has passed since the bandage weird incident at the Villa. Perhaps because of the approach of Christmas, the detective agency did not receive a few decent commissions. On the contrary, it was because of a special visit to Ayako who was ill, and he was inexplicably and Suzuki Sonoko. , Maurilan relations are progressing rapidly.

is not a couple relationship, but because the original owner was originally a graduate of Didan High School and became the senior of Yuanzi and Xiaolan.

However, in fact, only Xiaolan treats him as a senior, while Yuanzi’s eighth wife is purely concerned about whether he likes Ayako.

On Christmas Day, Gao Cheng happened to meet Yuanzi and Xiaolan after school, and of course Conan was also there.

“Gao Cheng, my elder sister is very popular. If you don’t hurry, it will be too late.” Yuanzi asked Gao Cheng.

“As I said, I just have a good impression of your sister. Now I have to become a famous detective first.”

Gao Cheng has a dead fish-eyed expression, Yuanzi, this guy does not have a big lady in front of his friends, he is careless, looks pretty good, but the heart of gossip is too strong.

“What?” Yuanzi said boringly, “Like Xiaolan’s Shinichi, there is only a stinky boy who can reason and solve the case. Be careful not to find a wife in the future.”

Gao Cheng looked stiff, and said with a dry smile: “You don’t need to worry about this. Okay, I have to work. You guys have fun.”

“Really…” Yuanzi grumbled as he watched Gao Cheng step enter the lively street full of Christmas atmosphere, until finally disappeared into the crowd.

“Hee hee,” Xiao Lan said with a funny smile covering her mouth, “Yuanzi, Senior Gao Cheng has left.”

Yuanzi blushed, and after glaring at Xiao Lan, he followed up and said, “Is your new one yet?”

“Yes, not yet,” Xiao Lan said in a weak voice, “but he sometimes calls me…”

“How come there are people like this!” Yuanzi said with an injustice, “This is an annual Christmas, and the reasoning guys are really such bastards!”

Conan half-opened his eyes and looked at the garden silently: Hey, why are you so angry?

There was a trace of loss hidden in Xiaolan’s eyes, and she said helplessly: “Yes, that guy always looks confident and pretentious, always bullying people…but…”

As she talked, Xiaolan sighed, and recalled with a blush on her face: “But even so, he still has advantages.”

As if thinking of the days with Shinichi Kudo, Xiaolan’s eyes were full of longing, she paused, turned to the garden and asked, “By the way, didn’t you fall in love with that handsome man Ota Masaru in the villa last time? No progress. ?”

“That guy?” Yuanzi obviously froze before remembering, and waved his hand again and again, “I don’t like that kind of coward! And I have found a new goal!”


Conan and Xiao Lan were stunned at the same time, and looked in the direction where Gao Cheng had left: “Should it be…”

“What do you want?” Yuanzi looked speechless, and then said with a blush, “I wouldn’t like the reasoning maniac like you, it’s Tatsuya, the lead singer of the most popular Rex Orchestra-Kimura Tatsuta. and also!”

Yuanzi squeezed his hands excitedly, and said excitedly: “By the way, I can participate in the celebration party of the Rex Orchestra concert this Sunday, and I can see Darya himself up close! Xiaolan, you go together too!”

Xiaolan was also very excited: “Can you really see them?”

“Huh,” Conan curled his lips to the side, “I’m just a singing boy, Gao Chengjun is much better.”


Then it was seven o’clock on Sunday evening, a KTV in front of the station.

“Brother Gao Cheng, why did you come here too?” Conan looked at Gao Cheng silently.

“Don’t look at me like this,” Gao Cheng looked at the star opposite Kimura Tatsuya, and whispered, “Actually, I also like listening to songs, and I met them because of a commission.”

“What commission?” Conan asked with no expression.

“Looking for a cat…” Gao Cheng subconsciously responded, and changed his words quickly, “Anyway, it’s a very important commission.”

“It’s too blunt to change your words,” Conan said, “Would you not pay back this kind of commission directly?”

“What is a direct commission?” Gao Cheng snorted and leaned into Conan’s ear. “Actually, I also received the commission here to investigate Tatsuya Kimura. I can’t tell because of the confidentiality of the employer you……”

“You haven’t said it yet…”

“I can’t say the rest.”

Gao Cheng’s eyes fell on a young girl who was about 20 years old among the members of the orchestra.

Shibazaki Mieko, a 20-year-old guitarist, is his client, and the content of the request is to investigate where the lead singer Tatsu Kimura really likes.

He hasn’t gained much these days. If it weren’t for the high commission fee and nothing happened recently, he wanted to give up.

At this time, Xiao Lan happened to sing a song with Yuanzi, and suddenly invited Gao Chengdao: “Senior, you can sing a song too!”

“Me?” Gao Cheng waved his hand sweatingly, “I’ll forget it, my throat is uncomfortable today.”

“Don’t you know how to sing?” Yuanzi asked suspiciously.

“That, haha, I’ll go out to the toilet.”

Gaocheng left the private room alone and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Not only does he not know how to sing, it can be said that he is completely pentatonic and has no musical cells. How embarrassed to make a fool of himself in front of the band.

However, the commission this time is really difficult, I don’t have any clues at all.

I just know that Tatsu Kimura will soon leave the orchestra and fly solo, and it will be even more difficult for the orchestra to disband and investigate.

Speaking of it, nothing will happen to Conan, right?

Gao Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head a bit too sensitive.

Although Conan has a physique of death, it is impossible to die everywhere. When he followed, he was very calm.

returned to the KTV private room, Kimura Tatsu also happened to come on stage to sing his famous song, it looks very hi, the song is also very good, worthy of the current hot star.

“That’s great.” Gao Cheng quietly sat back in his seat.

If it weren’t for Mieko, it would be difficult for him to get in touch with the popular singer, let alone participate in such a private event.

“That,” Sonoko waited for Tatsu Kimura to finish singing, and he asked after a while, “Is the Rex Orchestra really going to disband?”

“Don’t worry,” Tatsu Kimura also chuckled while eating rice balls, “I will play again in my own capacity. My new song is ready! The title of the song is called…”

As he talked, Tatsu Kimura’s face suddenly changed, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, clutching his throat in pain and falling to the ground amidst the anxious shouts of everyone.

“what’s happenin?”


“Call an ambulance! Hurry up!”

Gao Cheng looked ugly and ran to Kimura Tatsuya with Conan.

The blood ran down the corner of Kimura’s mouth, it looked very dazzling…

“It’s dead…what the **** is going on?” Gao Cheng silently looked at Conan to check, and through Conan’s expression he realized that Kimura was out of help.

“This smell,” Conan dignifiedly held up Kimura Tatsuya’s hand, murmured, “It’s potassium cyanate!”

“Potassium cyanate?”

Gao Cheng followed carefully and sniffed. He hasn’t the ability to distinguish toxic substances by smell, but seeing Kimura Tatsuya also died in pain, he also knew that it might be poisoned.

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