Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Really just a detective

Taking advantage of the time when Suwa Yuji was communicating with others, Conan pretended to be curious and asked, “Uncle, did someone tell you in advance that Gao Cheng will come instead of him?”

Suwa Yuji looked puzzled and asked, “Why do you say that?”

“Because you obviously don’t know Brother Gao Cheng, but it’s not surprising that he is here.” Conan kid said.

“Well,” Suwa Yuji said with a smile on his gloomy face, “because there have been situations where someone else could not replace him before, I also want to wait and ask him about his situation. However, it is called Gao Cheng… I seem to have heard it somewhere…”

“Brother Gao Cheng is a detective. Uncle may have heard it on TV,” Conan asked quietly, “In fact, brother Gao Cheng asked me about his uncle. Because someone entrusted him here anonymously, I wanted to find out the client. Who is the one who has not come today?”

Suwa Yuji heard the words and took a close look at the venue, and muttered: “Well, there should be three people not here…”

Gao Cheng sat at the bottom, silently watching Conan inquiring about the news.

I have to say that sometimes the identity of children is really convenient. Some things that adults are not easy to do can be easily done by children without arousing suspicion.

After a while, Conan came back thinking about it, and Gao Cheng asked again: “What’s the result?”

“There are three people not present,” Conan said with his chin in a deep voice. “The only people who are not invited today are you and a woman. Not many people know about this kind of private gathering, so those three people It is very likely that he is the client. Of course, Mr. Suwa may not be without the possibility of lying.”

Talking about Conan, he looked at Takagi who was sitting in the back and kept looking around: “Hey, is this police really reliable?”

“Don’t you think he is a good person?” Gao Cheng smiled, “If you have anything, you can ask him for help.”

“Forget it, I’d better ask the doctor for help,” Conan shook his head, “I think as long as I find the identity information of those three people, maybe I will gain something.”

The gathering is not really interesting. There is no impromptu program. It is just a small private gathering held a few times a year from time to time, either to exchange kendo or to talk about related competitions. Gao Cheng just started to chat with interest, and gradually Also lost interest.

After crossing into the world of Conan, he has lost his attachment to kendo, but treated it purely as a self-defense technique. What really makes him strive for is the world of famous detectives.

If at first it was just to make a living and the original owner’s obsession with the detective agency, after experiencing the one-minute famous detective mode of the system, he would never forget that feeling. After solving the puzzle of the case, the whole body would be different. The pores seemed to be excited.

As night fell, Gao Cheng yawned, and his eyes fell on a woman in the crowd who felt a little dangerous.

That person is…

Seeing that Conan went to investigate and had not returned yet, Gao Cheng stood up and said to Gao Mu: “I’m going out to get a breath and come back soon.”

“Then I will check the outside again.” Takagi cautiously looked outside the dark mansion.

As a fairly good policeman, he feels that he still has the ability to protect Gao Cheng, after all, no matter how good swordsmanship is, he is afraid of bullets.

almost waited for Gao Cheng to leave the meeting place, and the woman pretending to be listening to the discussion also got up and left. Only Suwa noticed and glanced suspiciously in the meeting place.

The woman dresses very simply, she doesn’t carry a pistol at all, so even Takagi is preconceived not to pay attention.

walked into the yard and saw Gao Cheng walking towards the side room and toilet where no one was left, the woman sneered.

She had been guarding the police for a long time, and it was because of this that she let her client cheat Gao Cheng out.

The woman walked carefully through the corridor, and when she saw a figure with a wooden knife, she climbed onto the roof with her hands and feet flexibly in the dark.

“Is it okay to think that swordsmanship is great and a rookie policeman is personally protected?” The woman despised, “Too naive, I prefer to use iron wire to kill people than a pistol.”

The woman quietly lurked on the roof, and when the figure with the wooden knife passed by below, she pulled the pendant around her neck and pulled out a long iron wire as she did in countless actions.

No matter how powerful a swordsman is, she still has to be killed by her professional assassin in the dark…

“Hmph.” The female assassin raised her mouth, her eyebrows were abnormally excited, and she pulled the iron wire with her hands and tightly directly wrapped the neck of the person below.

“That’s it!” A voice sounded abruptly from the roof behind her, and the female assassin turned her head in surprise, and found that Gao Cheng appeared behind her inexplicably.

“It’s you! How could it be?” The female assassin loosened the wire and looked at Takagi who was coughing down in disbelief, “It was clearly just now…”

“It’s obviously me, right?” Gao Cheng smiled, “I’m sorry, I just temporarily handed the wooden knife to Officer Gao Mu for safekeeping.”

“You found me a long time ago?” The female assassin was unwilling to say, “Who are you on earth?”

“Of course it’s a detective, don’t you know?”

“Damn it!”

The female assassin gritted her teeth and jumped off the roof to flee, but Takagi, who had slowed down, drew her pistol.

“Don’t, don’t move!” Takagi rubbed his neck uncomfortably.

Outside Suwa visited the mansion, several police cars soon arrived to **** the female killer away.

“However, Joto,” Conan and Gao Sung stood at the door together, curiously said, “I really want to know what would happen if you were attacked by her with a wire.”

“Fool, I’m not Police Officer Takagi, how could UU reading be attacked by him?” Gao Cheng rolled his eyes, “And I won’t risk stupidly.”

Takagi, who had just finished questioning inside the house, just passed by. He couldn’t help but a black line, and the corners of his mouth twitched: Do you mean I’m a fool? I’m so sorry. Hey, I don’t know for whom I was the bait…

“Thank you really just now, Officer Takagi,” Gao Cheng said gratefully when he saw Takagi Shita who was silently complaining, “If it wasn’t for you, I really didn’t know what to do?”

“Huh?” Takagi’s thoughts were interrupted, and he was suddenly stiff, as if he was caught doing something bad, blushing and embarrassed, “Haha, it should be all, I am a policeman.”

When the police car left, Gao Cheng shrugged and said to Conan: “Look, I know that Officer Takagi is a good person.”

After a pause, Gao Cheng continued to ask, “By the way, did you find the client too?”

“Well,” Conan said with a natural expression, “One of those three people just left jail not long ago. He happened to be a murderer in your grandfather’s case. The police have also found evidence that he hired a killer.”

“In other words, there is no danger, right?” Gao Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and said tiredly, “Great, I can finally get a good night’s sleep, let’s go back.”

Conan gave Gao Cheng a weird look: “By the way, how did you find that woman was a killer?”

“Intuition, detective’s intuition.”

“Kito-kun!” Suwa Yuji walked out of the mansion with his arms in his arms, and squinted. “Although something unpleasant has happened, can I invite you to the next party? I hope I can still ask you for advice. Swordsmanship!”

“Of course it can,” Gao Cheng turned around and smiled, “but I have to have time. The detective agency is actually quite busy.”

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