Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 131 - : Layout YY

   Wu Haijun came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

   However, I was puzzled before I came, but when I left, I felt bright in my heart.

  ’S conversation with Chen Yu allowed Wu Haijun to find a unique path.

   Speed ​​is the best.

  If other brands of computers sell 100 computers a day, they sell 500 computers a day.

  Other brands of computers have stocks, but they do not have stocks in Shenzhou.

   This strategy can also make Shenzhou the most advanced computer every time it launches.

  In the electronics industry, the most advanced components are the cheapest.

   This speed can make up for the price difference made by Shenzhou and quickly occupy the market.

   Of course, Chen Yu wouldn’t care about Shenzhou’s affairs.

   He just made suggestions, and it was their business whether to adopt it or not.

   He doesn’t want to engage in computers now, what really attracts him is the Internet.

   Apart from cooperating with major game companies, Chen Yu focused his energy on YY.


   Chen Yu had never thought of engaging in instant messaging so quickly.

   In Chen Yu’s thoughts, even if he wants to do it, it should be in the mobile Internet era.

   For example, we came up with WeChat.

   But since the launch of 5173, huge gamers have given Chen Yu a chance.

   He never thought that gamers of this era could be so powerful.

   is almost the same as what Chen Yu said before, mastering the game player, then mastering the game entry.

Do not.

   now not only has mastered the game entrance, it can be said that it has mastered the Internet entrance.

  With such good resources, why wait for the mobile Internet era in later generations.

   I have mastered the 5173 network, I have mastered the game players…have been qualified to compete with Penguin.

   “Li Nan, the main task has been put on the development of YY in this period of time.”


   “Build brother, the major game guilds must be maintained. Once YY is online, these game guilds will be the first batch of users.”

   “Mr. Chen, rest assured, major companies have good personal relationships with us, not to mention that the guild system of our website, activation code issuance, virtual item sales… are all closely related to them, and they can’t leave if they want to.”

   “Xie Zhang, think about some YY event planning over there.”


   All kinds of affairs have been arranged, and Chen Yu has also joined the development of YY.

   The reason why Chen Yu is on the front line in person is that Chen Yu hopes that YY can reach a certain scale in the first time.

   Although the penguin is no better than the penguins of later generations, it also monopolizes the entire market.

  To break a blood path in this monopolized market, it is not enough to catch gamers alone. It must have better, more eye-catching, and more attractive features.

   For example, create YY’s social functions.

If   YY has been engaged in entertainment and only grabbing game portals, then he is no different from YY in his previous life.

   Even if YY is still hot, it is definitely not an opponent of QQ.

   For YY to truly become an instant messaging software, it is necessary to work **** social networking.

   For example, in Chen Yu’s plan, there is a “poke” function.

   This feature is not in the previous life YY and the previous life QQ.

   This feature comes from a poke on Facebook.

   If you are looking for something similar, it is similar to the window jitter of QQ.

   But a poke is fundamentally different from QQ’s window jitter.

   QQ’s window jitter is a function to remind others that I have sent you a message.

   For example, I sent you a message and you didn’t reply. Maybe you didn’t see it. Then I sent you a window jitter.

   When the window jitter occurs, the other party will pay attention to your message.

   Of course, in addition to the jitter of the QQ window, there is also a little entertainment attribute, that is, everyone feels this thing is fun.

   and then kept playing and shaking with each other.

   It’s just that the function of this one is completely different.

   How do you say, what does the function of poke mean, I am afraid that even the founder of Facebook is not sure.

   This is a function without a clear purpose. You can understand all kinds of meanings that you can understand.

   If you think this function is boring, then it is boring.

   If you think this feature is cool, it’s cool.

   If you think you want to attract the attention of the young lady, then you can poke it.

   And if you want to date young lady but you are embarrassed to say, you can also poke it.

   Of course, as for others to ignore you, that is another matter.

   Anyway, a poke represents all possibilities…

   In addition, in addition to the poke function, Chen Yu also decided to add an album function to YY.

The    album function is for users to upload albums.

The function of    is very simple for later generations, so simple that you almost think there is nothing new and interesting.

   However, for those who are new to the Internet, the charm of photo albums is more attractive than blogs.

   This is a platform to show to others, which is also an important part of Internet socialization.

   At least everyone uploads photo albums, but not everyone blogs.

   In the plan behind, Chen Yu also plans to bring out the YY homepage.

   The so-called YY homepage is actually similar to the Qzone. It is an upgraded version of YY photo album.

   This is also a part of social attributes, and it can even be said to be an important part.

   However, Chen Yu only wrote in the plan, but these functions will be left behind for development.

   The Internet needs innovation, but it has to be innovated step by step.

   Over-innovation at once, users can’t fully accept it all at once.

   is like a blog.

   In fact, the so-called personal homepage, personal space is no different from blogs.

   There are logs, photo albums, comments, interactions…

   And blogs have taken root in China as early as 2000, and have appeared in 96 years abroad.

   It is a pity that the blog was not gradually accepted by netizens until 2004 in the later life.

   “Li Nan, how long does it take to complete the entire project?”

   “It is estimated that it will take one and a half months.”

   “One and a half months, then it will be the New Year.”

   Chen Yu counted the time.

   It’s almost a month and a half before the New to the previous situation, it can be done in 1 month.

   But when Chen Yu joined it, he not only added new functions, but also upgraded the original functions, which delayed the time a lot.

  , for example, a channel manager.

   The initial setup is that the channel only needs one creator, and then add a few more administrators. But later Chen Yu denied this setting, and added a super administrator, channel creator, channel general manager, channel manager, first-level sub-channel manager, second-level sub-channel manager, channel members, guests, visitors… …And so on.

   “Yes, judging by the construction period, it should be the Chinese New Year. Mr. Chen, will our YY be released after the Chinese New Year?”

   Li Nan asked.

“Do not.”

   Chen Yu shook his head: “Why do you want to launch after the New Year.”

   “We will launch it on the first day of the Lunar New Year.”

   “This, can’t it.”

   Li Nan was dumbfounded.

   He also planned to go home this year for the New Year. Unexpectedly, this year will not pass.

   But as a company manager, if you can’t go home for the New Year, you can’t. It’s normal to sacrifice a little bit for the company.

   But, according to Mr. Chen’s appearance, it seems that the entire company is not allowed to go home for the New Year.

   “Mr. Chen, do you mean that the owner of the company does not have a holiday for the New Year?”

   “Don’t let it go.”

   “Mr. Chen, some…”

   It doesn’t matter if you don’t take some ordinary holidays, it’s really unreasonable if you don’t take holidays during the Chinese New Year.

   “I am afraid that ordinary employees will have opinions.”

   “It’s okay. If you have comments, you can mention it, but if you stay in the company for the New Year, your salary will double during the New Year.”

   Chen Yu said directly.


  PS: Brothers, the book will be officially released tomorrow.

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