Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 16 - : Brother Yu, you are our idol

   The next day, Chen Yu went to the Lenovo Internet Cafe early in the morning.

   “Good Brother Yu, good Brother Yu.”

   “Um, buddies, I’m just a high school student, just call me Chen Yu.”

   “Brother Yu, you are our idol.”

   “Don’t, don’t…”

   Chen Yu’s sorrow comes from the heart.

   Can I say that I really don’t want to be your idol?

   “Okay, decent, how was everyone familiar with yesterday? Brother Jian, tell me about the situation.”

   Now that he was on the right track, Chen Yu changed Brother Jian to Brother Jian.

   “Everyone is very smart. Although it is the first time to play a game, it takes ten minutes to get started. Moreover, these guys have become addicted to it. If it weren’t for me, they would all want to spend the night.”

   “Hehe, don’t blame us, this game is so fun.”

   Chen Li laughed: “I feel dreaming. Is it really profitable to play games?”

   “Of course there is money to be made. But, don’t think it’s fun. You may think it’s good at first, but every day you continue to fight monsters and upgrades. When that happens, don’t be tired.”

   “No, no, how could it be.”

   Everyone waved their hands.

   Playing games is still tired?

This is impossible.

   “Okay, since everyone is so interested, starting today, everyone will start leveling. Pay attention to rest, and you must be active for 10 minutes every 2 hours.”

   Although playing games is not hard work, sitting all the time is really bad for your health.

  Sit down like this for a long time, even if there is nothing wrong with it now, there will be a lot of sickness in the future.

   This is why Chen Yu doesn’t particularly want to be a game studio.

   But now there is no way, just make some money first.


   Everyone nodded.

   Chen Yu logged into the game account and sold two more magic shields on the public channel.

   But now the price of the Magic Shield has dropped to 2,000 yuan a copy, and it was apparent that someone had hit it out.

   Chen Yu didn’t care about it, he still had a lot of magic shields in his hand.

   Even if it is 2,000 yuan per book, he can still make a lot of money.

   Of course, the money for this magic shield does not belong to the studio, but to Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming.

  Although there are other advanced skill books, they cannot be sold because the player’s level has not yet reached.

   Chen Yu was not in a hurry either, thinking of the computer ordered yesterday, he said to Zhang Jianming and turned and went downstairs.

   When going downstairs, Chen Yu still heard the neat words: “Brother Yu, go slowly.”

   Chen Yu scared to pee and left quickly.


   “Boss Xiao, is the computer ready?”

   “It’s ready, look, it’s a bit old, but the configuration inside is brand new, so you can rest assured.”


   Chen Yu nodded.

   Whether the configuration inside is new or not Chen Yu will know when you go back and check it.

   “I have wrapped everything up for you.”

   “Come on, it’s a bit heavy.”

   “But, brother, do you want the old monitor or the new one?”

   “Of course the monitor needs to be new.”

   “Hehe, I thought you wanted an old one.”

   Boss Xiao smiled awkwardly, put aside the old monitor he had prepared before, and took out the new Philips monitor.

   Looking at a layer of non-stained display, Chen Yu grabbed a handful of ashes and rubbed it all over the display.

   Only for a while, the display that was originally brand new was made by Chen Yu like second-hand goods.

   “Little brother, what are you doing?”

   “It’s okay, the new one is too bright and bright, I don’t like it, so I just make it old.”

   “I didn’t expect the little brother to have this hobby. Just click and see if the difference is correct. I’ll take it to your home.”

   “It’s okay. This is the remaining money. Click on it. However, you don’t want Boss Xiao to send it. I’ll take a motorcycle back.”

   told my mother that it was an old computer, so Boss Xiao could not send it back.

   Chen Yu would rather pay a few dollars for taxi fare.

   “Master, go to Garden Bay.”

   stopped a motorcycle, and Chen Yu returned home with the computer he bought.

   “Xiaoyu, what’s this?”


   “Oh, do you get it back now?”

   “Didn’t I tell you yesterday, my classmate doesn’t need it, I got itchy again, so I took it back.”

   “Did you tell your classmates about the money next month.”

   “Say. Mom, don’t worry, my classmate is very rich.”

   “If you have money, you can’t do this. Come and be careful. This computer is valuable.”

   helped move the computer down, and Chen Yu put the computer in his room.

   “Xiaoyu, how come this computer is a little different.”

   “Why is it different.”

   “Look at this screen, it seems to be different from the one on TV.”

   “Oh, the old screen is like this, this is the new one.”

   “Didn’t you say that this is your classmate’s old computer? It’s a new one?”


   Chen Yu wiped his forehead.

   It’s easy for me to buy a computer. I actually pulled so much.

   But this can only be done.

   If I let my mom know that I spent almost 10,000 yuan on buying a computer, then I have to smash this computer.

   is also not right, this computer is so expensive, I am definitely not willing to smash it.

   More important questions, they will ask, where does your money come from?


   grabbed it?

   Chen Yu is still only a student, how can he say that he earned it from playing games.

   Even if it is true, Chen Yu dare not say.

Fortunately, Chen Yu had an active brain and said, “Yes, this is the old computer used by my classmates. Mom, you don’t know, computer technology is developing too fast now. The teacher told me that every electronic product After two months, he will have to update the computer. This computer was bought by my classmate two years ago. In two years and 24 months, the computer has been replaced with 12 generations.”

   “Oh, this way.”

   Zhang Wenxiu doesn’t understand computers, but thinks Chen Yu makes sense: “Your mother doesn’t understand computers. You study hard. When you make money in the store this month, you will give the money to your classmates.”

“Mom, no need. Tell you, your son, I’m smart. When I learn the computer, I can make software for others. Then I will sell the software, and then I will have money. Why do you need mom? Money.”

   “Yo yo yo, so capable, I still make software.”

   “Mom, what is UU reading, your son will start a software company in the future.”

   “The more you talk, the less serious you are. Well, well, my son is going to start a software company. Then your mother and I will enjoy the blessing with you…”

   Zhang Wenxiu smiled.

   Although I know that Chen Yu is talking nonsense, I am still very happy.

   In the afternoon, Chen Yu installed some spare software with the CD he sent, remembering that he hadn’t pulled the broadband yet, so he left home and went to the telecommunications company.

   At this time, the telecommunications company has not issued the business to the private business hall, and must apply to the telecommunications office.

   “Hello, I apply for a broadband.”

   “Is there a landline?”


   “How much broadband do you want?”

   “The highest is how many M.”

   “The highest is 4M.”

   “How much is 4M?”

   “10,000 a year”


   Chen Yu almost vomited blood.

   4M broadband actually costs 10,000 yuan a year.

  Think about future generations, 100M broadband will only cost 600 yuan a year.

   This is still telecommunications, and China Unicom is even cheaper, even as long as the package is free.

   And these broadband are all optical fiber.

   Now I can use the telephone line to dial the broadband.

   But that’s it, broadband charges are still so expensive.

   “What about 2M?”

   “5000 yuan a year.”

   “Where is 1M?”

   “2000 yuan.”

   “Then give me a 1M first.”

   Although I wanted to come directly to 4M, I only made tens of thousands of dollars.

   It took 8500 to buy a computer. If you pull up a 4M broadband, I am afraid that there will be not much money left from playing games.

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