Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 29 - : 1 serious nonsense 8

   “Sister, over here, over here.”

   “Oh, chubby, quite a lot of people.”

   “Sister, don’t call me chubby anymore, where I am young. Come and introduce to you. This is my cousin Wang Chang, and this is my partner Chen Yu.”

   “It’s the game studio you mentioned before.”

   “Yes, sister, how about it, I said I can do something serious.”


   After waiting ten minutes, Fatty Wang’s cousin Wang Chang came.

   Unlike other college students, Wang Chang has short boys hair, which is very capable.

   “Your game studio will make some money now at most. In fact, there is no technical content, and the competition is high, and there is no threshold. I don’t know how many game studios will appear in the future.”

   “Even if they appear, we have seized the opportunity. Don’t you know, the best business in the legend now is us.”

   “Fine, your game studio is great. However, Xiaopang, if you have the skill to start a game studio, you might as well open a few more Internet cafes.”

   “Open a few more Internet cafes, sister, it’s easy to say, you don’t know that an Internet cafe is a large amount of computer investment, where did I get the money.”

   “Ask your father to get some. If you don’t have enough, go to the bank for a loan.”

   “Loan, no, no, no, I can’t take a loan. Is Fatty Wang the one who owes money to the bank?”

   “My God, Xiaopang, what are your thoughts, what’s wrong with the loan. Which companies do not take loans now? Effective use of bank loans and leverage can save you decades of struggle.”

   “I don’t take a loan anyway.”

   Fatty Wang shook his head.

   “My cousin seems to be very optimistic about the Internet cafe industry.”

   Just now, after listening carefully, Chen Yu has a general idea of ​​Wang Fatty’s cousin.

   Like Fatty Wang, Wang Chang’s family should be pretty good, at least as a rich second-generation in Xinfeng.

   In addition, Wang Chang was admitted to the Department of Computer Science in Wuhan Province, and he has a much better vision than Fatty Wang.

   It is obvious that ordinary people can’t figure it out from the conversation of opening more Internet cafes and loans.

   However, this Wang Chang is also more arrogant. Yan Ran looks like you just listen to my arrangements.

   Of course, no matter what Wang Chang is, obviously this Wang Chang is still very capable.

   From the perspective of Chen Yu’s later generations, Wang Chang’s abilities clearly surpassed her status as a senior.

  In his heart, Chen Yu was planning to fool Wang Chang to develop a website for himself.

   “Internet cafes are a new industry, and the country is vigorously promoting and developing the construction of the Internet. In the future, the number of Internet cafes in the country may reach 50,000.”

   “50 thousand, it can’t be so many.”

   “There will only be more and no less, and even I predict that the number of Internet cafes across the country will exceed 100,000 in the future. At such a terrifying scale, the economic value it generates will be huge.”

   After Wang Chang finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Yu, but he said in his heart, why did he say this to this kid?

   Can he still understand.

   then smiled: “Little brother, the legend is fun.”

   “Cousin, I don’t agree with you.”

   Chen Yu naturally knew that Wang Chang despised himself.

   This is also normal.

   He is a high school student now, what can he see?

   Now it’s mostly playing games, can you still talk about economics and industry with him?

   However, Wang Chang’s point of view, he can refute him thoroughly in minutes.

   “The Internet cafe industry is an emerging industry. It is impossible to draw a conclusion for the future. As for the cousin, you said that the number of Internet cafes in the country will reach 50,000 or even 100,000 in the future. I think it is impossible.”

   “Little brother, what do you know.”

   “Sister Tang, don’t worry, listen to me. First, I think that although Internet cafes will grow on a large scale in the future, the growth will reach the bottleneck in a few years.”


“The reason is simple. National Telecom has launched a pilot home broadband adsl since last year, and it has been implemented nationwide this year. In addition, the cost of broadband has been reduced to 2,000 yuan a year. In the future, I believe that broadband fees will still be reduced on a large scale. It may drop to a few hundred yuan a year. Since personal home broadband is so cheap in the future, why should everyone go to Internet cafes?”

   “Oh, it seems that the little brother still has some research. But don’t forget the cost of the computer. Now a computer is on average around 5,000 yuan, and the average family can’t afford it, so they can only go to the Internet cafe.”

“The cousin is right. There is also the computer problem. Internet cafes are not only broadband, but also computers. In the past two years, the average family cannot afford a computer. However, the cousin also knows that computers are updated very quickly. This The faster the speed, the greater the price reduction. Last year a computer cost 8,000 yuan, this year you can buy 5,000 yuan. This is a brand computer, if assembled, the price is lower. Even if the average price of this year’s computer is 5,000 yuan What is the price of computers next year? 4000? Or will it reach more than 3000 yuan?”

   “This is impossible. The price of a computer can’t be reduced so much all at once.”

   “This is not impossible, Shenzhou Computer must understand it.”

   In 2001, Shenzhou Computer Company was formally established, and slogan 3,000 yuan to buy a computer.

   “3000 yuan, this is the slogan of Shenzhou Computer. Although the industry believes that Shenzhou Computer is dying, I don’t think they are bragging. I think this is a trend.”


   At this point, Wang Chang has not dared to despise Chen Yu.

“In addition, we have to talk about the national GDP. Last year, the national GDP growth was at 8 points. This year’s employment economy is better than last year. The lowest is 8 points. Some experts predict that it may exceed 9 points. But no matter it is 8 points. The point is still 9 points. This is placed in another place. It represents an increase in the income of Now I can’t afford a computer for the time being. In three years, computers may indeed enter thousands of households. “

   After finishing speaking, Chen Yu didn’t say anything, but took a sip of beer and let Wang Chang digest it.

   Of course, with all that said above, Chen Yu is not optimistic about the Internet cafe industry.

   In fact, Chen Yu is very optimistic about the Internet cafe industry.

   But being optimistic is one thing, and serious nonsense is also one thing.

   “My grass, Chen Yu, what are you talking about, I can’t understand a word.”

   Fatty Wang was dumbfounded.

   “Yes, Chen Yu, you said a lot just now, although I have heard all the words you said, what do you mean?”

   Zhang Jianming also asked.

   “I don’t know what Brother Yu said, but I feel very good.”

   Chen Li said to the side.

   “Cousin, are you still optimistic about the Internet cafe industry like this?”

   Chen Yu smiled and looked at Wang Chang.

   See I won’t short-circuit you by fooling your head.

“Chen Yu, what you said is reasonable, but I still think that the Internet cafe industry has a lot to do. This time I came back to write a paper on the development of the domestic Internet cafe industry. What you said I will put him in the paper and leave it to the future Argumentation.”

   “The future is too far, just say now.”

   I didn’t expect Fatty Wang’s cousin to be so stubborn.

   This makes Chen Yu a little headache.

   Really leave it to the future argument, and Chen Yu will lose if it is proper.

However, as a rebirth person, he has tricks. After Wang Chang finished speaking, Chen Yu threw out a killer trick: “Since my cousin is so optimistic about the Internet cafe industry, I want to come and conduct a survey of the Internet cafe industry. Recently, I published it. I wrote a document on the rectification of the Internet cafe industry. I wonder if your cousin is concerned about it?”

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