Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 7 - : Paved an avenue of stars for parents


   Chen Danian did not speak, but Chen Tianqiao, chairman of Shengda Company, said directly.

“Yes, it is.”



  The assistant was a little nervous, but nodded.

   “You talk about the situation in detail.”

   “Chairman, the situation was like this…”

   assistant recounted the situation in detail, and then left the office.

   “Big brother, during the closed beta, our ruling sold 5,000 yuan. I still find it incredible. I didn’t expect that on the third day of the public beta, an unimportant horn actually sold 10,000 yuan.”

   “I didn’t expect it either.”

   “If this is the case, brother, I think, maybe we don’t need to wait until the end of the month, maybe in the middle of the month, we can exceed 50,000 simultaneous online.”

   “You are sure of this?”

   “If it was before, I might be a little worried, but now, I’m sure.”


   “Big brother, hang the machine here, go, let’s have a good meal.”

There are 10,000 yuan in the card, and Chen Yu’s mind is also active.

   “Well, don’t you tell me, I also want to suggest, you don’t know, I feel sick after eating instant noodles these days.”

   “I thought you liked it.”

   “I like a fart, isn’t it poor, fortunately, we haven’t been wasted all night for the past few days.”

   found a restaurant nearby, Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming had a nice meal. At this time, Chen Yu took out a stack of money: “No, it’s for you.”

“This is?”

   “Divided into.”

   Chen Yu said: “The horn sold for 10,000 yuan, you three and seven, this is 3,000 yuan.”

   “This, this… Chen Yu, you seem to be playing the horn. How can I collect money?”

   “What did you call me hitting? You were not there, or I wouldn’t be able to hit either. Besides, I didn’t take 7000 yuan on my side, I’m afraid you think I’m getting less.”

   Brothers clearly settle accounts. Although Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming have a good relationship, Chen Yu still wants to make it clear in person when it comes to money issues.

   “No, no, how could it be.”

   Zhang Jianming waved his hands again and again.

   He knows that Chen Yu is the protagonist together with the two. He is just playing together.

   Without Chen Yu’s strategy, let alone making money, you have to pay if you can’t play this game.

   In fact, this game itself is a paid game, and you still need a monthly card of 30 yuan a month.

   It’s pretty good that someone can give you 3,000 yuan.

   Otherwise, Chen Yu could find someone to level him up, maybe a few hundred yuan would be enough.

   Of course, Chen Yu said it was 37 points, and he wanted to see Zhang Jianming’s attitude.

   If Zhang Jianming feels that three to seven points are not enough, but to five to five points, Chen Yu will not make sense.

   But if this is the case, then the two can only be ordinary friends.

   Now that Zhang Jianming is not a greedy person, the road between the two can go longer.

   “Then take it.”

   “I’m welcome.”

   Chen Yu said so, and Zhang Jianming no longer twitched.

   “Let’s do this today, I have something to do when I go home.”

   “Okay, I’ll go back to the Internet cafe.”

   “Don’t go up so late. If you are too sleepy, then get off the plane and go home for a night.”

   “Don’t worry, you won’t know how powerful I am.”


   Without saying more, Chen Yu was going to go home.


   “Mom, I’m back.”

   “You kid, you don’t go home for several days, your skin is itchy, right?”

   “Mom, didn’t I say that I went to a classmate’s house? Besides, these few days are not holidays.”

   “You can play like this during holidays, but can you not go home during holidays?”

   Chen Yu’s mother Zhang Wenxiu picked up a broom and was about to hit it. Chen Yu smiled and avoided.

  Where did he know that his mother just pretended to be, since childhood, mother never beat him.

   “Smelly boy, have you eaten, there is fish soup on the table, tonic.”

   “Mom, I had a big meal today, I’m so full.”

   “After a big meal, where do you have the money to eat a big meal?”

   “Classmates please.”

   was talking. At this moment, there was a creak in the yard, and one person pushed a bicycle into the yard.

   “Your dad is back, hurry up, you have to eat if you are full.”

   asked Chen Yu, Zhang Wenxiu walked out.

   “Hey, eat some.”

   Although a little full, but the love of his mother is rare, Chen Yusheng has a small bowl.

   “Hey, it’s weird, it seems like mom has something to do today?”

   Carrying a small bowl of fish soup, Chen Yu was a little strange, and cautiously came to the window.

   “How is it, did you borrow money?”

   “My relatives and friends have asked all the time, but only borrowed a few hundred.”

   “How can a few hundred be enough, it’s still a few thousand short.”

   “Then there is no way, you don’t know, their conditions are not very good, the conditions of the second sister and the younger sister are worse than ours, it is not bad if they don’t ask us to borrow.”

   “Will I turn around and ask my brother…”

   “Don’t go. Although my elder brother is rich, he asked us to borrow money when he was doing business, but we didn’t borrow it.”

   “We didn’t have any money at the time, how can we borrow it.”

   “I said so, but I don’t know if my elder brother thinks that way.”

   “He is my brother, he probably won’t.”

   “Forget it, don’t embarrass your brother. They have a good turnover of business funds, and they may not necessarily be borrowed.”


   Zhang Wenxiu sighed: “Forget it, you’d better find a job. I’ll talk about the store later.”

   “It seems that this can only be done.”

   “Xiaoyu is back, don’t say in front of him, the meal is ready, eat first.”


   After hearing about it, Chen Yu almost knew what was going on.

  In my memory, it seems that the state-owned coal mine where my father was in closed down when he was in his first year of high school, and his father Chen Simian was also laid off.

   Also because of his father’s laid-off, Chen Yu’s family lived in very ordinary conditions for several years.

   Fortunately, I opened a small shop in the next few years, and my life was getting better.

  At this time, there may be ideas for business.

   Just ask for money for business, and suddenly my parents don’t have much money.

   Thinking of this, Chen Yu secretly decided to come back to life and say anything to let his parents live a good life.

   “Dad, you are back.”

   “Well, I heard that you went to play with your classmates these days.”


   “I don’t object to going to my classmates to play with my parents, but I can’t stay home for several days.”

   “Dad, I won’t be anymore.”

   “Sure, let’s eat.”

   “I’m full, you can eat it.”

   Chen Yu sat aside, did not speak, watching his parents eat. U U Reading

   “Xiaoyu, do you have anything to say?”


   “Is there no pocket money? Here, save some money.”

   Thinking that Chen Yu wanted pocket money, Chen Simian took out a 100 from his bag.

   “No, Dad, I still have money.”

   Chen Yu shook his head.

   “Then what do you always look at your dad doing?”

   Zhang Wenxiu was also strange, and asked.


   After thinking about it, Chen Yu still said, “Um, Dad, are you laid off?”


   Hearing Chen Yu’s question, Chen Simian who was eating puffed out and almost spewed rice, and said in surprise, “Xiaoyu, where did you hear it?”

   “What’s the matter? My classmates have told me. He said that Gaoqiao Coal Mine had closed down, and his father had been laid off. Dad, you were also in Gaoqiao Coal Mine, didn’t you…”

   “Don’t ask children too much about adults.”

   Zhang Wenxiu, who was sitting on the side, glared at Chen Yu: “Just read your book well.”

   “Mom, I’m all grown up, not a child.”

   “You are not a kid and don’t worry about this.”

   “I’m not giving Dad an idea.”

   “Oh, can you still give your dad an idea?”

   “Of course, I am also a high school student to catch me.”

   “Yes, yes, our high school students, tell me, what ideas do you give your dad.”

   Zhang Wenxiu smiled and asked jokingly.

   “It’s easy, since you are laid off, then do business.”

   In 2001, this was the golden age of doing business.

  With decades of forward-looking vision, Chen Yu believes that he can definitely paved a avenue of stars for his parents.

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