Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

v3 Chapter 1070 - : The leeks were cut

Obviously, Nokia has thought about this issue.

Although they also have headaches.

Is the price of Nokia 1 higher or lower than Super Pear?

Finally, no matter whether it is higher or lower, Nokia 1 will appear passive.

However, Suri thought of a smart pricing.

Since it can’t be high or low, it’s the same price as the super pear.

I have to say that the same price as Super Pear 5999 seems to be a very wise choice.

But this is just what it looks like.

After the Nokia 1 was officially launched at the Nokia New Product Conference.

Nokia 1 is not as hot as Super Pear.

Of course, it’s not that no one cares about Nokia 1.

Nokia has been making mobile phones for so many years, but he has cultivated a lot of hardcores.

Many irons still support Nokia.

Only after these iron rods finished supporting Nokia, the sales of Nokia 1 quickly fell into the cold.

As for the reason, it is still an ecological issue.

The reason why a smart phone is called smart is that in addition to its functional intelligence, the most important thing is ecology.

If there is no series of applications compatible with you, then your smartphone is just a display.

Of course, Nokia’s Symbian system was compatible with many applications.

However, because of the new touch method, all the applications that Nokia previously worked with must be re-optimized or even reworked.

This not only takes time, but also costs a lot of money.

Of course, it’s not that there are no application vendors to keep up.

How can Nokia say that it is also a global manufacturer, and there are still some applications that have quickly caught up with Nokia’s pace.

In the period after Nokia 1 appeared, a series of applications were slowly introduced.

However, some of these applications can keep up, but there are some applications that Nokia just wants to do, and these applications may not appear.

For example, the friend network application.

For example, Huanyu video application.

Weibo application.

These are all global super applications. The key point is that these applications belong to Huanyu Technology.

Huanyu Technology will launch an application that supports the Symbian system?

This is impossible.

In fact, Nokia has used this trick before.

When Super Pear was launched, Nokia also united a group of collaborators to boycott Super Pear.

The method of resistance is that no matter all applications, they will not launch a super pear version.

It was only later discovered that after the boycott, there was no effect at all.

Not only did it have no effect, on the contrary, some of those who had participated in the boycott before joined the Super Pears camp.

After reading the research, it was discovered that Nokia’s resistance was useless at all.

If you want to resist, then Huanyu Technology will do its own application.

For example, for office software, if Microsoft doesn’t follow it, Universal Technology has launched a wps mobile version.

Another example is search engines. If Google doesn’t follow, they bring their own Easy Search, and even Baidu.

So, now Nokia is also encountering this problem.

If they follow Huanyu Technology’s previous practice, they can build a social networking site by themselves, a Weibo platform by themselves, and a video site by themselves…but…you can only think about it. The dream is lofty, but there is no room for actual operation. Such a platform is not comparable to functional application software, it is a social application. Social platforms have a natural stickiness, and users cannot easily change social software.

It’s like people won’t change instant messaging software easily.

Even if you can make these platforms, it is just a display whether anyone uses them.

Of course, you can also promote it slowly, and sooner or later they will use it.

But sorry.

It doesn’t matter if you take your time, consumers will not take your time.

They have to log on to the Friend Network every day, check Weibo every day, and watch Huanyu video every day…Can consumers bear that there are no such applications in the Nokia 1 smartphone?

Of course, for these issues, why didn’t Nokia, the world’s top manufacturer, consider it?

They are very aware of the disadvantages on their side.

But Nokia has more than 100 years of history, they have a series of means to resist rivals.

For example, price cuts.


The social application is Nokia’s weakness. Even if Nokia does it by itself, it is difficult for them to do it.

However, if your mobile phone sales reach a certain level, a series of applications will naturally follow.

In fact, ecological construction is not built all at once.

As they are Saipan.

They knew too well how the ecology was built.

No matter how good your technology is and how complete the application is, if there is no sales, it will be finished.

But as soon as your sales rise, whatever application you want will appear in any application.

At that time, even your competitors, he will rush to cooperate with you.

Lowering prices is the best way to increase sales.

Nokia has forgotten it.

If Nokia 1 is priced at 5,999, they also have a profit of 2,000 yuan.

The price of 5999 yuan can’t sell for a while, what about me 4999?

However, for the sake of face-saving.

After all, price cuts affect the Nokia brand.

Therefore, Nokia adopted such an approach.

The official guide price is still 5999, but the supplier has given them a great discount.

So, you will find it in the market soon.

Although the price of Nokia 1 is set at 5999, the final price you buy may be 4999 or even 4899.


This move continues, and Nokia 1’s sales have been strongly improved.

The price of 5999 is indeed a bit embarrassing, because compared with it, they would rather buy super pears.

But at the price of 4999, Nokia 1 can indeed be considered.

“Mr. Suri, our sales have increased by more than 30% in recent days.”

“Oh, it looks pretty good.”

“We expect that our sales will continue to increase for some time to come. Although it cannot be compared with Super Pears for the time being, as long as we give us time, we will definitely be able to catch up with Super Pears.”

“very good.”

Suri nodded in satisfaction.

This strategy was formulated as early as when they developed the Nokia 1.

Looking at it now, the effect is very good.

This also proves Nokia’s strength on the other hand, as well as their long-term vision.

Even if Huanyu Technology is one step ahead of them, what about it?

Motorola was more ahead of Nokia back then, but didn’t Nokia also defeat Motorola?

As long as they maintain such a momentum, the touch smartphone developed by Huanyu Technology will make wedding clothes for them.

But what Suri didn’t know was.

When their Nokia 1 made a significant price cut, those leeks harvested by Nokia were not happy.

“4999, tusk tusk, this is the latest market price of Nokia 1.”

“I bought Nokia blindly before I bought When we are leeks, we will lower the price when we say that the price is lowered. Even if you want to lower the price, have you ever asked us about some of our leeks?”

“As a loyal fan of Nokia, I bought the Nokia 1 the first time. Although after buying it back, I feel that this phone is not as easy to use as a super pear, but who would call me a Nokia fan. Even the Nokia 1 No matter how bad it is, I will bite my teeth and swallow it. But Nokia actually treats us as leeks, good, very good, then I will expose the Nokia 1 **** phone…”

Do you know the mood of being harvested as leeks?

It’s like buying a Cadillac for a few months and losing 100,000.

Or maybe 10,000 heads of grass and mud like buying a Tesla and dropping 200,000 a year…

The first batch of old Nokia 1 users at this moment are in this mood.

(End of this chapter)

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