Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

v3 Chapter 1083 - : 1 open letter from retail investors

Wsb forum.

This is a stock trading forum in the U.S., similar to the domestic, Stocks Tieba, and so on.

However, ordinary large organizations don’t have time to chat in this forum.

Here, they are all retail investors, that is, ordinary stock traders.

After Zhao Danyang called himself in the middle of the night, Chen Yu realized the crisis.

On Wall Street in the United States, there are a large group of hedge funds that short a certain institution or a certain company.

They have the most informed news, they have more professional judgments, and they have strong funds.

Often times they issue short-selling reports, which means that a certain stock has suffered.

Even, sometimes, their strength can resist a country and even shake the economic lifeline of a continent.

The 1997 Asian financial crisis was initiated by this group of hedge funds.

In the Internet bubble of 2000, a lot of stock names suffered terribly, but this group of hedge funds made a lot of money in it.

In many cases, most companies are helpless with this bunch of hedge funds.

Even in a region or a country, sometimes there is no way to use them.

Not to mention, this time it is still in the United States.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

These hedge funds seem to be strong, and they are calling for trouble on Wall Street.

But as long as the opportunity is grasped and united, retail investors also have the strength to resist them.

Even anti-harvesting can be carried out on them.

Chen Yu clearly remembered that in his previous life, American retail investors had a bloodbath on Wall Street, causing a lot of hedge funds to lose more than 10 billion U.S. dollars.

Unexpectedly, this time these hedge funds shorted Chen Yu, and Chen Yu gave them a trick to draw their salaries from the bottom of the pan.

“Brothers, Huanyu Group will go public next week, is there any one together?”

“GOGOGO, I’ve been waiting for Huanyu Group a long time ago.”

“Me too, I am a die-hard fan of Huanyu Group’s Friends Network, and I am going to put $100,000 into the Huanyu Group.”

In the Wsb forum, the listing of Huanyu Group is a hot topic recently.

This is normal.

First of all, Huanyu Group has a wide range of business, and many investors are their users.

Secondly, Huanyu Group is listed on the New York Stock Exchange this time and will create the world’s largest ipo.

Naturally, they have a strong interest in Huanyu Group.

“Brothers, be careful, some hedge funds may short Huanyu Group.”

“No way?”

“Nuo, the latest short-selling report released by Xiangyuan Hedge Fund, Jianzhi Huanyu Group.”

“I’m stubborn, these gangsters.”

Speaking of which, who is the most annoying among retail investors?

Naturally those institutions and these hedge funds.

Why hate it?

The reason is simple.

Because many times in the stock market, these hedge funds will treat them as leeks, and then harvest wave after wave.

This is placed in the domestic market, that is, every stock has a market maker.

For market makers to obtain benefits, apart from the growth of their own enterprises, the biggest benefit is to harvest the funds of individual investors.

They will go long or short a certain stock through various methods, and then achieve their goal.

As it is now.

Before Huanyu Group has been listed, Xiangyuan Group has already issued a short-selling report for Huanyu Group.

“Then shall we go?”

“It’s a bit tangled, I want to go, but I can’t.”

“Me too. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether we go or not, because there are many other retail investors who still buy shares of Universal Group.”

The retail investors in the Wsb forum are actually smart people among the retail investors.

In the stock market, many retail investors actually don’t look at anything.

They just buy stocks casually.

They buy which stock they like.

Xiangyuan Hedge Funds clearly released such a short report, and they expected that even if they released a short report, there would still be a lot of retail investors buying the shares of Huanyu Group. But it doesn’t matter. No matter how much these retail investors have, do these hedge funds have more funds? They only need to play a few tricks and drop a few big orders, and they can drop the shares of Huanyu Group.


The first batch of retail investors who entered the Huanyu Group became their leeks.

“Damn, I don’t dare to buy the shares of Huanyu Group anymore.”

“Yes, in fact, I am very optimistic about Huanyu Group. I think that Huanyu Group has great potential in the future, but they can do it like this. Damn it, it feels like eating a fly.”

“I don’t think the market value of Huanyu Group’s 180 billion US dollars is high. In terms of its growth, 180 billion is completely worth it. Even, I think it may exceed 350 billion US dollars in the future.”

“Guys, what should I do, do I buy it or not?”

Many retail investors continued to curse in the forum.

They hate these hedge funds too much, but they know that they are definitely not the opponents of these Wall Street hedge funds.

At this time, Chen Yu opened the document, and he was about to write an article.

The name of the article is: an open letter from a wsb retail account.

For the Xiangyuan hedge fund, I would say: You represent everything I hated during the financial crisis. You are a company that makes money by exploiting other companies and manipulating the market and the media. Your continued existence is tantamount to a deep reminder to those responsible for the suffering caused by the 2000 crisis, and that they were not punished for what they did that year. You blatantly disregard the law, you can short the stock of 100 dollars to 1 dollar, or even 1 cent. You have no moral compassion, and you don’t care about the life and death of anyone.

In that case, let’s declare war.

At the moment I only represent myself. But if you are like me, then we will join hands.

What we have to do is to buy, buy, buy on the day that Huanyu Group goes public…

We want Huanyu Group to rise by 30% on the day of its listing and completely crush the Xiangyuan hedge fund’s short-selling plan.

After an article is written, Chen Yu will certainly not send it out.

He is not so stupid, leaving a handle for others.

In the evening, Chen Yu called Wang Chang.

“Wang Chang, are you up?”

“Mr. Chen, he has already arrived at the company.”

“So fast?”

“Mr. Chen, there is an important thing to tell you. The famous Wall Street hedge fund Xiangyuan issued a short report to us.”

“I see, Dan Yang has already told me.”

“Mr. Chen, I will definitely find a way to deal with this matter.”

Wang Chang assured Chen Yu.

“Don’t be nervous, maybe that Xiangyuan hedge fund is a parallel import.”

“Mr. Chen, this Xiangyuan hedge fund is no better than our domestic financial institutions. It is said that they have 130 billion U.S. dollars in funds.”

“130 billion is quite a lot.”

The strength of these funds is indeed impressive.

However, although these funds are strong, Chen Yu does not feel that they are stronger than retail investors.

It’s just that retail investors are too scattered to pool their funds.

If a group of retail investors are united, even the most powerful hedge fund will be finished.

“Wang Chang, in this way, I will post an article in your mailbox for a while, and then you will find a computer expert to publish my article on wsb. Remember, don’t leave any traces, and don’t be caught by others. To the handle.”


Although I don’t know what the article Chen Yu wrote, Wang Chang immediately found the company’s most powerful technician.

(End of this chapter)

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