Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

v3 Chapter 1115 - : Blockbuster news: Nokia returns to the traditional mobile phone market

“Loop, Nokia’s global mobile phone shipments fell again last month, don’t you have any strategy to deal with it?”

“Mr. Chairman, you said that we conducted research. Thousands of mobile phone brands emerged in the world last month. They took away our mid- and low-end mobile phone market with low prices and plagiarism. We found that among them There is Huanyu Technology behind the scenes.”

“Loop, I don’t want to listen to this. You have to know that Suri resigned before because he lost the Chinese market. And you, I don’t want to lose even the global market because of you.”

“Mr. Chairman, we have made a good strategy.”

Nokia’s board of directors, Luopu knows, this is the chairman of the board to put pressure on him.

Although he is Nokia’s CEO, but the CEO is just a part-time job.

If he does a good job, he can continue to work at Nokia. If he doesn’t do it well, his fate is the same as that of Suri, and he will be driven away by Nokia.

Of course, he also felt the pressure.

Although he squeezed Suri away, Loop was very happy.

But Nokia’s current situation, he also has the same headache.

“Oh, tell me about your strategy.”

“In the future, we will reduce the research and development of smart phones and try our best to stabilize our traditional mobile phone market.”

“Loop, you mean, we don’t make smartphones anymore?”

“Doing is to do, but our most important thing is the traditional mobile phone market. I have a piece of data here. From the analysis of global sales, the current global mobile phone market is still the world of traditional mobile phones. Although he is being pushed by smartphones step by step, This is also related to our changing strategy. If Nokia does not join the smartphone market, I believe that smartphones may not be able to develop at a high speed. On the contrary, if we focus on traditional mobile phones, maybe we can still use smartphones. The market share is suppressed. After all, we surveyed and found that 70% of consumers believe that they are not interested in smartphones, and they are not used to using them, and they will not operate…”

A copy of the data was taken out.

This is a large-scale data survey conducted by Luopu during this period of time.

Through this data survey, this also gave Luopu increased confidence.

He believed.

Smart phones may not be the future of mobile phones.

Smart phones that are so popular now are likely to be short-lived.


The most important thing now is that they are no longer involved in the smartphone market.

The other is to use their most technologically advanced R&D capabilities to compete with smartphones.

“looks great.”

The chairman nodded, but he still said, “Loop, although your strategy seems feasible, I can only give you one year. You must know that although I am the chairman, I have to treat other directors. Responsible, and even more accountable to all Nokia shareholders.”

“Mr. Chairman, one year is enough.”

Loop gritted his teeth.

Although Luopu didn’t have much confidence in one year.

But riding a tiger is difficult, he can only agree.

Moreover, what can he do if he doesn’t agree?

For now, this is the only way that Nokia can break through the siege.

“Bill, Samsung’s mobile phone market share plummeted by 30% last month.”

“It’s so serious, is it the appearance of those counterfeit machines?”


Microsoft headquarters.

CEO Steve handed Bill a data report.

Bill couldn’t help but marvel.

Last month, the global copycat machine suddenly blew a whirlwind, and it became popular all over the world for a while.

This trend has not only made counterfeit phones the focus of most attention in the world, but at the same time, a series of major mobile phone manufacturers around the world have also been suppressed by counterfeit phones.

For example, Samsung, which has always been one of the world’s top brands, has suffered huge losses.

“Bill, I think this is a huge opportunity for us.”

“what do you mean?”

“I think we can talk to Samsung about our windowsmobile system again.”

“Steve, Samsung rejected us last time. They want to build their own system.”

“Yes, they rejected us before, but look at their performance recently. If their system is doing well, then their market share cannot fall so much.”

“But this is not just a system problem, it also includes hardware and ecology.”

“Theoretically, this is the case, but if it can make up for the defects of the system, this is also beneficial to Samsung’s market share. Moreover, if you want to talk about ecology, in this world, only Microsoft can fight against Huanyu Technology.”

“Steve, this is a good idea.”

Bill praised his good classmate, and then said: “Steve, look at it like this, I will trouble you to go to Samsung again.”

After speaking, Bill said again: “By the way, in addition to Samsung, Sony, Motorola… these companies, we can go again.”

Regardless of success or failure, this is a huge opportunity for Microsoft.

As long as a series of mobile phone manufacturers are willing to use their Microsoft mobile operating system, Bill has absolute confidence in defeating Huanyu Technology.


That’s how they defeated ibm and Apple in windows.

They have sufficient experience.


Sometimes experience is indeed very valuable, but sometimes, experience tends to hold you back.

When Nokia and Microsoft started their actions on this side, Huanyu Technology got the news for the first time.

“President Chen, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?”

“Listen to the good news first.”

“The good news is that Nokia has suspended the launch of their Nokia 1s.”


Chen Yu was a little strange: “Why?”

“I don’t know for the time being. But the industry analysis is that their 1s cannot compete with our upgraded version of Super Pear, and the other is that they may have changed their strategy.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“It has been revealed that Nokia may focus on traditional mobile phones and no longer launch smart phones in the future.”

“Message confirmation?”

“There is no way to confirm for the time being, but from the recent Nokia’s accessory purchase data, it should be close to ten.”

With that said, Zhang Jianming took out the data on the accessories that Nokia recently purchased.

Naturally, ordinary people can’t see much of this data.

But for professionals, these accessories reflect Nokia’s strategic shift.

Judging from these accessories, Nokia’s purchase of accessories for traditional mobile phones has increased by 30%.

Under normal circumstances, this is not possible.

Because according to the current sales volume of Nokia, their market share has been declining.

It is impossible for them to increase such a large purchase at once.

The only explanation is that their strategy has shifted.

They want to compete with Huanyu Technology in the area of ​​traditional mobile phones.

Traditional mobile phones and smart phones do not seem to be competing products of the same kind.


This is not the case.

The world population has basically not changed much, and the sales of mobile phones in the entire market have also remained at a relative level.

If smart phones are sold more, the sales of traditional mobile phones will decrease.

Sales of traditional mobile phones have soared, and sales of smart phones will definitely be suppressed.

“Very good.”

Chen Yu stood up excitedly.

This is simply great news.

Chen Yu had always had a headache before, how could Nokia fight against himself in the smartphone market.

Judging from the previous life, isn’t this guy reacting slowly and has been reluctant to launch a smartphone?


Chen Yu’s wish finally came true.

In the smart phone market, Huanyu Technology has beaten Nokia to nowhere.


Nokia finally understood that their most powerful advantage is not in smart phones, but in traditional mobile phones.


Nokia may not understand.

When they started implementing this strategy, it basically laid the foundation for Nokia’s bankruptcy Another bad news? “

“The bad news is that Samsung has joined the Microsoft Windowsmobile mobile phone system camp.”


Chen Yu was also a little surprised: “How can Samsung join the Windowsmobile mobile phone system camp?”

“It is estimated to be similar to Nokia’s idea. Nokia does not want to compete with us on smartphones, but Samsung does not want to give up. So they want to find a stronger ally. Moreover, not only Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Ericsson, according to According to the news, it is possible to join the Microsoft windowsmobile camp.”

“It seems that Microsoft has a good ability to persuade others.”

Chen Yu said with a smile.

“Mr. Chen, Microsoft has their windows, and now they have fully launched the windowsmobile mobile phone system, and other mobile phone manufacturers support it. If this is the case, this will be a big blow to our Huanyu system.”


Chen Yu is not enough.

Then he said: “Brother Jian, I think the two you said today are good news.”

“It’s all good news?”

Zhang Jianming was taken aback.

The news from Nokia is good news, but the news from Microsoft is obviously bad news for Universal Technology.

“Brother Jian, don’t worry.”

Chen Yu poured a cup of tea for Zhang Jianming, and then said: “Smartphones are a brand-new product, and it is also a brand-new market. Nokia hasn’t fully understood what a smart phone is. Isn’t Microsoft not a mobile phone? Yes, they can clean it up?”


ps: On the first day of March, ask for a monthly pass. Brothers, Dabai dare to ask for a monthly pass cheeky, there will be no less updates. Everyone guesses, today Dabai will update a few chapters.

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