Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

v3 Chapter 1140 - :Snatch up 500,000 gel pens in three seconds

There is a reason why Tyson was finalized.

First, Tyson has a huge influence in the world.

Second, Tyson has withdrawn from boxing last year.

Third, after Tyson retires, he still has 40 million foreign debts.

The third and most important point.

Many people may find it incredible, how can Tyson, the dignified boxing champion, be in debt.

But in fact it is.

Tyson is not the only one who owes debt, there are many NBA superstars who also owe debt after retirement.

When they became famous, they enjoyed all the dream life they could enjoy, but they didn’t know how to check.

Once they retire, their income can no longer keep up with their squandering.

Prior to this, Tyson considered starring in a movie to try to repay foreign debts, but the effect was mediocre.

In addition, although Tyson has a huge reputation, there are also a lot of negative news, and there are very few endorsements.

At this time, he was having a headache on how to repay the $40 million debt.

When the Douyin official approached Tyson, Tyson agreed without hesitation.

The reason.

On the one hand, the official price of Douyin is very high. It only needs 4 hours of live broadcast, and Douyin will pay 1 million U.S. dollars in labor compensation.

Of course, there is another kind of cooperation.

That is, there is no remuneration, and it depends on the sales of the product.

Tyson will be divided according to about 10% of the total price of all commodities.

Only Tyson refused.

I don’t know how stable it is to get 1 million US dollars in 4 hours. Naturally, he doesn’t want to take the share of greater risk.

after all.

Who knows how much income will be from the 4-hour delivery.

In case you can’t sell much, you won’t lose money.

Everything is going well.

When Douyin officially signed Tyson and prepared to carry the goods in three days, it was almost a global sensation.


It’s the world.

Maybe Douyin doesn’t have such influence, but Tyson does.

Although Tyson has retired, there are really not many people who don’t know the name Tyson.

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the incredible news about Tyson’s delivery.

Adding the two together, the effect he produced was a complete sensation.

[Sensation: Tyson signed with Douyin. 】

[Tyson live broadcasts the goods, will you buy it? 】

[Analyze his economic situation from Tyson’s delivery…]

Tyson was originally a very hot star.

Especially his status in boxing and his series of negative news.

Now it has directly entered the field of bringing goods.

Many traditional media, including some well-known celebrities, are watching the excitement.

Most of them agree.

Tyson was forced to a certain extent by foreign debts, otherwise, he would not be able to bring the goods.

As for the reason.

Bringing goods is simply a very low behavior.

Only those Internet celebrities will do it.

If some of their celebrities actually carry goods like those Internet celebrities, isn’t this a self-degrading status?

If you really want to bring goods, first of all everyone will think that you can’t get along.


Even so, the news that Tyson will bring the goods live on Douyin still attracts the interest of many people.

Even if people don’t want to buy things, it’s good to see Tyson’s products.

This is the thought of watching the excitement.

They really want to see how the generation of boxing champion Tyson sells things.

Is it like the salesmen on the street, holding a product and yelling there.

Anyway, this must be very interesting.

Three days later.

Douyin officially held Tyson’s live broadcast to bring the goods.


Three days ago, in order to promote Tyson’s live broadcast, Douyin also registered a Douyin account for Tyson.

Tyson only released three videos in three days, but Tyson’s following fans exceeded 90 million.

Until the official live broadcast of the goods, Tyson’s fans have exceeded 100 million.

“Hello everyone, this is Tyson.”

At the live broadcast, Tyson and his assistant met with hundreds of millions of fans.

“Tyson, I’m grass, really Tyson.”

“Tyson, hello.”

“Tyson, don’t bite my ear.”

“Tyson, even though you bit someone’s ear, I still like you.”

“Heizi upstairs, he doesn’t like Tyson so he will get out of me.”

“Yes, damn, I don’t need some black fans like you.”

The comments in the comment area are swept away like snowflakes.

Although everyone came to watch the live broadcast, I have to say that Tyson’s popularity is terrifying at this time.

Of course, Tyson doesn’t care about this either.

He is ready to go live today to bring the goods.

Furthermore, he has heard too many scoldings on him.

Someone scolded him when he was badly punched.

When negative news came out that year, some people scolded him.

When he couldn’t move, he could only choose to retire, and someone still scolded him.

However, despite the scolding, more netizens expressed their kindness towards Tyson.

This made Tyson feel a little better inside.

So, he started to bring goods for the first time today.

“Everyone, many people have always wanted to ask why I signed a contract with Douyin and carried the goods. Well, in fact, the previous media was right. I owe more than 40 million US dollars in foreign debt. I need to make money The foreign debt is paid off. Therefore, I choose to bring the goods, just like being a salesman in reality. Although such a job may seem humble, I am still willing to engage in such a job.”

Perhaps it was the ups and downs that made Tyson understand a lot, and Tyson’s so close opening remarks won everyone’s applause.

Even if there were some people who didn’t have a cold with Tyson before, at this time, flowers, rockets, etc. supported Tyson on the public channel.

“The first product I brought today is called Apple Gel Pen. Everyone at Apple knows that it is the famous computer company. Yes, they also produced a pen. Although this pen is their amateur business, it is not allowed. Not to mention, their pen is so good to This is the best pen I have ever written in my life.”

“As for the price, it’s very cheap, 10 sticks for 9.9 dollars. I have 50,000 boxes here.”

Tyson finished speaking, and then the assistant hooked up the Apple gel pen.

Tyson took a sip of water while trying.

He was going to see how much everyone bought.

But at a glance, there is no more.


50,000 boxes of gel pens were swept away in a few seconds.

“Ah, why is it gone?”

“Sold out?”

Tyson looked at the assistant a little dumbfounded.

The assistant nodded.

“My God, you guys are too crazy.”

Tyson couldn’t believe it.

This is only a few seconds, 5 seconds is there, it is estimated that 3 seconds, he just drank a sip of water.

“Oh my god, in 3 seconds, 50,000 boxes of pens are gone.”

“Uh, uh, I was a little stupid by your combat power.”

“Ah, are there any more?”

Tyson looked at his assistant now.

On the other side, an Apple employee said excitedly: “You can add another 200,000 boxes.”

“Well, Apple’s staff said it could add another 200,000 boxes.”

Immediately, the connection hung up again.

This time it lasted a little longer, 20 seconds, and 200,000 boxes of gel pens were once again swept away.

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