Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

v3 Chapter 175 - : This is a battle that must be won

You can say that.

In 2002, to say that the hottest game in the world is not a legend, nor is it a legendary world, nor is it miracle mu, but a board game in Lianzhong World.

After several years of development, Lianzhong World, established in 1998, has now developed into an online game platform with the most monthly active users in China. At this time, you say that some people may not know the legend, and you may not know the legendary world, but you say that Lianzhong Chess, even friends who occasionally go online know it.

The business of Lianzhong World is very simple, it is chess and cards.

Mahjong, Doudizhu, Bridge…One category.

However, the business of Lianzhong World is simple, but it is the most popular among players.

Compared to online games, players basically don’t need to be familiar with them, and he can play.

For example, to play a game of landlord, you can operate it within a few seconds by holding the mouse.

There are many friends who don’t like online games. They play cards in Lianzhong most of the time.

Even if you are playing online games, when you are tired from playing online games, you also like to play cards in Lianzhongli.

It’s just that the Internet is changing so fast. When new software such as instant messaging appeared, it suddenly brought huge challenges to Lianzhong World.

Bao Yueqiao, the founder of Lianzhong World, visited Penguin not long ago and discussed with Penguin about his cooperation in board games.

“not at all.”

Li Nan shook his head: “It is said that the two parties have not reached a cooperation. The Penguin said that they don’t like chess and card games, and they will not enter the chess and card games.”


Chen Yu said firmly: “It is impossible for Penguins to look down on board and card games. They must be secretly making board and card games. As for the publicity to the outside world, it is just smoke bombs.”

Thinking of the QQ games of later generations, why would Penguin not make QQ games?

You know, the QQ games of later generations do not know how much credit has been made for the expansion of QQ instant messaging.

According to Chen Yu’s impressions, the QQ game was launched by Penguin in 2003, when Lianzhong World was still at its peak. By 2006, the number of simultaneous online QQ games had reached more than 2.6 million, but Lianzhong World had fallen to only 400,000 simultaneous online.

Unexpectedly, the penguins now acted a year in advance.

This should be the appearance of one’s own side, which suddenly disrupted the process of penguin history.

However, regardless of whether it is disrupted or not, Penguin only needs to play QQ games, which not only poses a huge threat to Lianzhong World.

Similarly, for YY, there is also a huge threat.

“Mr. Chen, do you mean that we also do chess and card games?”

“Of course, why not do it.”

Chen Yu said: “Chess and card games are inherently the most suitable games for players. Don’t think our current online games are very popular, but this does not mean all netizens. There are many middle-aged people and many female players. Do you play online games?”

Of course, it’s not that middle-aged and female players don’t play online games.

But even if it is playing, the proportion of playing is very small, far less than male players. Most of the people you see are shemales.

Only after later generations of broadband entered thousands of households, the proportion of female gamers has risen a lot.

But even if it rises a lot, the proportion of female players is still not much.

But if it is placed in chess and card games, there are unusually many female players and middle-aged players.

Of course, this also includes elderly players.

In addition, there are workers in some units, many units are often idle, and some of them are in good conditions, and they are all equipped with computers. Of course it wasn’t for him, it was for business needs. You said that few people dare to play online games at work. But when you say you fight against the landlords when you go to work, there are really many.

There are so many users who YY wanted to pull but failed to pull over at once, and they are very excited about everyone.

“Okay, Mr. Chen, chess and card games are relatively simple and not complicated. I will start preparations immediately.”

Although Li Nan didn’t realize that Chen Yu thought of so many at once, he also felt that there were a lot of people playing chess and card games. Moreover, there is no technology in this area, and the number of YY registration and simultaneous online users has reached a certain level, and it is not difficult to enter it.

However, Chen Yu immediately interrupted Li Nan: “Li Nan, promised to do so quickly, have you figured out how to make this chess and card platform?”

“Mr. Chen, this platform doesn’t seem to be difficult.”

“The technical difficulty of creating a platform is certainly not that it can be done quickly by pulling dozens of technicians. But what I want to ask is that we are engaged in chess and card games, Lianzhong World is also engaged in chess and card games, and Penguin is also engaged in chess and card games. Games, how do we surpass them?”


Li Nan thought for a while, and said: “We have the YY instant messaging. As long as the chess and cards are bound to YY, I have the confidence to surpass Lianzhong World.”

“What about the penguin?”

Chen Yu said: “You can think of chess and cards being bound to YY, don’t Penguins think that chess and cards are bound to their QQ. Now the number of simultaneous online QQ is 3 times that of ours. Although this volume is not a big deal, it is also incomparable. Horror. As soon as this volume rises, it will be difficult for us to catch up if there is no other way.”

In fact, the competition between QQ Games and Lianzhong World did not sell cigarettes.

Although the two are competitors, there is really nothing to fight against, and there is no need to fight against each other.

As long as Penguin develops all kinds of chess and card games, relying on the size of QQ, and a so-called [your friend is playing cards in QQ games] binding, he will soon be able to surpass Lianzhong World.

However, facing a penguin three times the size of YY, why do you surpass them?

Once they failed to surpass them, they were even far behind the Penguins.

Then give Penguin a certain amount of time, and Penguin’s QQ instant messaging will really be invincible.

This is a battle that must be won.

Unlike before, it doesn’t matter that YY has not surpassed QQ in terms of active numbers for the time being.

Because there is still a chance later.

But if you lose the penguin on a chess and card platform, it will be quite dangerous.

The new battle has come, and Chen Yu is highly nervous.

“Mr. Chen, I haven’t thought about this one.”

Li Nan frowned.

To be a YY chess and card platform is simple, but it is more than similar QQ chess and cards, it is not an easy task.

“I think we can try to dig out the executives of Lianzhong They have certain insights on chess and cards, and they can give us some help when building a platform in the future.”

After thinking about it, Li Nan said.

“It’s a good way to dig the executives of Lianzhong World, but it’s not very effective. The competition on the Internet is often compared not to whether you are professional or not, but to whether you have them or not. For example, our YY, if We follow the same model of QQ, and we will undoubtedly die.”

“It seems that the NetEase Bubble and QQ model are similar?”

“They will die soon.”


Li Nan burst into tears.

Is there such an evaluation of peers?

“If we want to compete with QQ, we still use our previous strategy and differentiated competition.”

With decades of forward-looking vision in later generations, Chen Yu thought about how to compete with Penguins.

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