Rebirth of farming for a living

Chapter 10 Wangjiaao

The further inside, the lighter Li Qiuyan's mood became.The mountains overlap in the distance, the scenery is very beautiful, and even the air you breathe becomes sweet.

Wang Daniu was also in a very light mood, humming along the way: "How about Yanyan Awang, isn't it nice here? Come and play more when you have time."

Li Qiuyan and Awang agreed in unison, and Awang sat in Li Qiuyan's arms, extremely happy.

When we arrived at Wang Daniu's house, we found a very spacious main hall with five rooms, as well as east and west wing rooms, but they were not tile-roofed houses.

Hearing the commotion, a whole room of people came out. Grandpa, grandma, aunt came out with cousin Wang Congcong and cousin Wang Shitou. Uncle and aunt Huang came out holding their cousin Wang Shuanshui who was just a few months old.

"Oh my little sweetheart." Grandma hugged Awang excitedly, her gray hair flying in the wind.

Everyone went back to the house and got on the kang. Li Qiuyan handed the basket he brought to his grandmother, and was not surprised when she got a meal.Li Qiuyan chuckled and took out the candies and gave one to each of his cousins. The atmosphere relaxed a lot, and everyone had smiles on their faces.Grandma Zhao kept blaming Li Qiuyan for spending money indiscriminately. After chatting for a while, grandma took her aunt to cook. Li Qiuyan hurriedly took out the meat from the basket and was complained for a while.

Seeing the eager eyes of his grandfather and uncle, Li Qiuyan understood that Wang Daniu had already talked about honeysuckle.Then he cleared his throat: "Grandpa, uncle, it's true. Tomorrow morning, we will go pick honeysuckle. I don't know how much Deshengtang can harvest yet. Let's sell this batch first. If the pharmacy needs more, Let's make other plans." Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Needless to say, the atmosphere at the dinner was warm. My aunt cut the pork belly into thick slices, stewed a lot of beans in it, and cooked sorghum rice.Li Qiuyan and Awang, who had not eaten dry rice for a long time, had their mouths full of oil.

In the evening, Li Qiuyan, Awang, and his grandparents slept on the same kang without recognizing the bed. They both slept soundly.

Early the next morning, except for my aunt and Shanshuo, everyone took a bullock cart to the ravine. Li Qiuyan's eyes lit up when he saw honeysuckle all over the mountains and fields.

Several people divided the work and cooperated. When the cart was full, Wang Daniu sent it home to dry, not forgetting to cover it with firewood.

After picking for a long time, and seeing his uncle running back and forth four or five times, Li Qiuyan decided to call it a day, and they all got on the bullock cart and went back together.

The younger aunt was at home while she was tied up and asleep, and she had cooked the sorghum rice. The older aunt quickly washed some vegetables, scooped out a bowl of miso, and ate it with dipping sauce.Li Qiuyan was inevitably in a trance, as if he were at a farmhouse.It’s fun to think about it, isn’t it just a farmhouse?

After eating in a hurry, everyone who was tired took a nap.

Li Qiuyan had nothing to do, so he wanted to go see the mountains again.

The mountains were quiet in the afternoon. Li Qiuyan found a pheasant behind a tree. In order to avoid disturbing the grass and alerting snakes, she quietly followed the pheasant while walking without rushing to catch it.However, perhaps because the footsteps on the leaves were too loud, the pheasant was suddenly frightened and ran away quickly. Li Qiuyan was about to chase it, but the pheasant ran into the trap.Li Qiuyan looked at the silly pheasant and laughed wildly.The frustration of coming to another world seemed to disappear in the laughter.

He picked up the pheasant and was about to leave when he heard a cool voice from behind: "There's a trap here. Don't you think it's strange?" "Ghost~" Li Qiuyan was startled and walked away. He wanted to run, but he was grabbed by the collar.She turned around and looked into a pair of eyes.A teenage boy, dressed in tatters, with clear peach blossom eyes and no smile on his face.Li Qiuyan held up the pheasant blankly: "Is this yours?" The young man chuckled, and the ice and snow on his face melted.He put Li Qiuyan down and said, "I'll give it to you. I advise you not to come to the mountains in the future. There are traps and it's very dangerous." After saying that, he turned around and left.

It’s really strange, Li Qiuyan was still thinking as he walked to the door of his grandmother’s house carrying the pheasant.

"Wow, sister, did you hit this?" Awang cheered excitedly. "Yanyan, why did you go to the mountains while everyone was sleeping? Do you know it's very dangerous?" This was my grandmother's reproachful warning.

Li Qiuyan came back to his senses: "Haha, this is a stupid chicken. I picked it up outside. Let's stew chicken for dinner tonight." He made another joke and made his aunt act coquettishly: "Auntie, I want to eat your stewed chicken and mushrooms. ." "Okay, okay." The eldest aunt lost her temper and could only follow Li Qiuyan.

After eating the little stupid chicken in the evening, Li Qiuyan asked her grandma about Zhao's fungus. "Agaric fungus, they are all picked in the woods. There are more of them when it rains, but they are rare in normal times." Ms. Zhao said, "If you like to eat them, there are some at home. I will bring them to you tomorrow." "Thank you, grandma." Li Qiuyan Feeling at peace, I planned to go back and find some wood to try.

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