Rebirth of farming for a living

Chapter 45 Sweet and Sour Tenderloin

Li Qiuyan was worrying about what to cook. Cui Zeyu and Cui Qiong couldn't eat at the same table as the other workers.Li Qiuyan looked through the vegetables he had bought in the past two days, then asked his aunt to stop what she was doing and help kill the two chickens.I got the water myself, planning to wash the pork belly first and then make pork belly chicken.

It happened that the lean pork bought yesterday had not been eaten yet, so Li Qiuyan asked Wang Congcong to help cut it into thin strips, and then he made flour and washed the pork belly there.

After washing the pig belly, Mrs. Zhang also killed and washed the chicken. She also left a few colorful chicken feathers on the tail and asked Li Qiuyan to make a feather shuttlecock when he had nothing to do. Li Qiuyan smiled and thanked Zhang. His kindness.Mrs. Zhang didn't want to get her hands on sauerkraut anymore, so she went home directly.When the second uncle saw this, she knew there were guests at home, so she went back first.

Li Qiuyan quickly stuffed the chicken into the pig belly, stuffed onions and ginger into it, added red dates and spices, and simmered it in the pot over low heat.

Then he marinated the thin strips of pork cut by Wang Congcong with green onions, ginger and egg whites, and then he was free.

Wang Congcong looked at Li Qiuyan's skillful movements and felt very envious. He made up his mind to learn from Li Qiuyan.

Seeing that Li Qiuyan was free, he discussed with Li Qiuyan what to do. Li Qiuyan thought about it and saw Wang Congcong's good noodles, and he had an idea in his mind.Seeing Li Qiuyan's idea of ​​making noodles, Wang Congcong hesitated and said, "Okay, this is whole grains. How about I give you some pure white noodles?" Li Qiuyan smiled and said, "It's okay. They haven't eaten any delicacies from the mountains and seas. I'll make them." ."

Li Qiuyan took out a small piece of dough, added some brown sugar, chopped some red dates and put it in. He kneaded the dough and divided it into exactly twelve pieces of the same size.Wang Congcong looked very curious, and saw Li Qiuyan took the knife again and cut out a small cross on the top of each steamed bun.

"What is this doing?" Wang Congcong couldn't help but be curious.Li Qiuyan smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when it comes out of the pan." At this time, Wang Congcong also kneaded the remaining Erhe noodles steamed buns.Because he was afraid that the stoves would not be enough, the stoves in the left and right yards were idle, so Wang Congcong went to the yard to steam buns.

Li Qiuyan first boiled water to scald the fungus, then chopped the remaining chicken into pieces, briefly poured water into it, heated oil, stir-fry the onions, ginger and garlic, then poured in the chicken pieces and stir-fried evenly, then added boiling water and poured some more Hazel mushrooms stewed.Wang Congcong steamed the steamed buns and then peeled and cut a large winter melon into pieces.It just so happened that the chicken had been stewed for a while, so I poured the winter melon in and a big pot of winter melon stewed the chicken was ready.Served with steamed buns, this is the lunch for today's work.After putting the vegetables into a pottery basin and covering them with a curtain to keep them warm, Li Qiuyan started making small pot dishes.

Pour in hot oil and fry the marinated pork till it becomes crispy. Without caring about the heat, he puts a mouthful into Wang Congcong's mouth. Wang Congcong exhales and says, "Okay, it's delicious." Li Qiuyan smiles and puts the pot in his mouth. Pour out the oil in the pan, save the base oil, use brown sugar to make a simple sweet and sour sauce, pour the fried meat strips in, and the simple and helpless version of sweet and sour pork is ready.

The fungus was soaked a lot, and was cooled a bit. One plate was served on a small plate, and the rest was given to the workers to change their taste.

Li Qiuyan saw that the pork belly and chicken were almost ready for stew, and washed some tender baby spinach, planning to scald it in the pork belly and chicken pot later.

No matter that Cui Zeyu and others had not returned yet, Li Qiuyan first set up a small charcoal stove on the Kang table in his room, took out the pork belly and chicken, cut the pork belly into shreds, and cut the chicken into pieces.Once done, put it in a casserole and serve it on the table.

At this time, Cui Zeyu and others also came back. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Li Qiuyan let Cui Zeyu go into the room. A table full of people sat at the table including Li Qiuyan, Cui Zeyu, Cui Qiong, Awang, Shitou, Wang and Li Xiangnan.Wang Congcong was too embarrassed to serve at the table and couldn't help but have an adult accompany him, so he asked Li Xiangnan and Wang to come.

When he opened the lid of the casserole, he saw that the soup was milky white in color and had a refreshing fragrance. Li Qiuyan first filled a bowl of soup for everyone, and after drinking it, he felt extremely refreshed.

Li Xiangnan said: "Thank you, Master Cui, for taking care of me." He still remembered that it was Cui Zeyu who gave him the opportunity to do honeysuckle at the beginning. Later, Li Qiuyan started the pig sewer business, and he still hasn't given up the honeysuckle business now.Kaishan borrowed Cui Zeyu's name again.

Cui Zeyu waved her hands repeatedly and said: "I should thank Miss Li and your family." Li Qiuyan glared at Cui Zeyu when he heard this. Only then did Cui Zeyu realize that Li Qiuyan had repeatedly told him many times that he was not allowed to mention the matter of saving people.Then he laughed and passed away.

The pork belly is extremely crispy and the chicken is tender.Fungus fragrance.The favorite of several children is the simple version of sweet and sour pork, which they eat without raising their heads.Seeing that they were almost done eating, Li Qiuyan brought out the white noodles rolled by Wang Congcong and boiled them in the pot with baby spinach. The spinach was green and the noodles were white and tender. Just looking at it made her appetite whet her appetite.

Li Qiuyan sighed while eating, but unfortunately he didn't know how to make bamboo noodles.

Several children ate sweet and sour pork and stopped eating noodles. Li Qiuyan served the flowered steamed buns, which were sweet and fragrant, like small desserts. It was like a competition, and several people ate one after another.

After dinner, Cui Zeyu was about to leave. Cui Qiong had just had an accident, and he was afraid of worrying his aunt after staying out for too long.He left the gift and left regardless of Li Xiangnan and Wang's attempts to stay.But Cui Qiong had a sullen mouth and obviously didn't want to leave. Li Qiuyan said hurriedly: "When sister has time to go to the town to see you, be good." Cui Qiong then followed Cui Zeyu obediently.

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