Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 10


Chapter 10 Study! Learning makes me happy!

When breakfast time is over, Anves begins the day of study. Fiona was also separated from him and received a different education.

The first is the linguistics of the two magical times, currently teaching the Mani language common to the continent, and the language of the elves on the far Eastern Continent.

Then one hour to learn aristocratic etiquette, which covers dealing with people, behavior, grammar and so on.

In the study of noble etiquette, Anves also learned the meaning behind his super long name:

The first name is his name, followed by his birthplace, The birthplace is followed by the names of the parents, followed by the title of nobility and the family name.

If the background of both parents is very different, only the name of the powerful parent can be used.

When Anves reaches the ninth rank in the future, he can also put his own title between his parents’ name and the title of nobleman.

For example Karrot’s full name:

Karrot · Karlas · Drummond Nia · Winter’s Chill · Law · Olivendi

Among them, Winter The cold is Karrot’s ninth rank title.

The last magic hour of the morning is used to study history. Unlike the Enlightenment, the study is the history of the empire, which also contains some secrets that only the Four Great Families and the royal family know.

Although he knew something in the memory fragments, Anves still listened with keen interest pleasure when listening to the history instructor again.

When the morning study is over, Anves relaxes. There was nothing to study in the afternoon, and he was free to spend the time between after lunch and before dinner.

Different from ordinary aristocratic tutors, bloodline nobles’ strength growth mostly depends on bloodline maturity. As long as they can complete their daily learning progress normally, the family does not restrict their free time.

Usually, Anves will bring Fiona with him while playing a spell with his peers in the castle or garden

– an act that can be very effective in boosting the future ninth rank powerhouse Favorability.

The rest of the time, he will spend the rest of the time in the large library at Moonlin Castle.

Even in his previous life, reading was one of his few pleasures.

He enjoyed the process of flipping through the pages, slowly comprehending the profound mystery in the book, and absorbing the essence of the knowledge in it.

After coming to this fantastic world, he was ecstatic to have the opportunity to come into contact with various mysterious magical knowledge.

The Moonlin Castle library uses spatial extension techniques to make the interior much larger than the exterior.

Its area reaches tens of thousands of square meters and the height can reach tens of meters.

The environment is elegant and quiet, and the fragrance of old books permeates it, which is relaxing and joyful.

The entire library is divided into three layers by shallow golden suspended corridors, and the lowermost atrium is an area for reading and rest.

The magnificent magic crystal chandelier hangs down from the dome above the atrium. Thousands of crystals refracting splendid brilliance form a long spiral, like a huge cluster of light crystals, which is extremely gorgeous.

The reading area is all around, surrounded by countless ceiling-high black pearl wood bookshelves, many of which are isolated ancient books and even magic books.

But most of the books, flashing protective azure Magic Talisman text on the surface, cannot be opened.

Only a few books without rune can Anves flip through properly.

At the age of five, Anves showed a keen interest in books when he first entered the castle’s library.

Upon seeing this, Duke Karrot waved his hand to give him access to the library, allowing him to read the library in his free time in the afternoon.

Because Anves has not yet entered the order, for safety reasons, the Duke only opened the general collection of the library to him.

Although there are many rare books among them, the real magic books are still out of reach for Anves.

As far as I can remember, little Anves is not very interested in reading, except for various miscellaneous stories. He likes some hero biographies, such as the story of the dragon and the princess.

It is worth mentioning that, due to the fact that there has been no large-scale war at the imperial level for thousands of years, the literary level of this world has been very developed.

The story of the dragon and the Princess is also from the original:

‘Princess was captured by the dragon, and the real identity is mostly the hero of the Prince who defeated the dragon and married Princess. ‘

This kind of old-fashioned and time-honored storyline has gradually developed a whole series of strange dragons and Princess series.

Anves glanced across a book, the general plot of which came to mind.

For example: hero defeated the dragon and got the castle and treasure left by the dragon, but gradually grew scales and sharp claw, and finally became a new dragon.

In the memory fragment, the Duke learns that little Anves was reading the book and asked him a question:

Why did hero eventually become the new dragon?

“There must be a magician who studies the taboos of life, and has done evil magic experiments in that castle.”

The young Anves thought for a while, then seriously to answer.

To this answer, the Duke just nodded with a smile and stroked his short, light golden curly hair.

Example 2: Princess has been with the dragon for too long, family breeds fondness. Prince came to challenge the dragon, but was framed by Princess, and was eventually defeated and eaten by the dragon.

“If the family breeds fondness with the evil dragon is changed to a deal with the evil dragon, it is probably the most realistic of these stories.”

Anves carefully Looking at the spine of the book, he remembered this book, whether it was in the memory scene or in the game of the previous life.

Mysterious Era ranks seventh on Mysterious Era’s Ranking List of Most Popular Biographies.

Example 3: Prince fought against the dragon but lost in the end. Although he tried desperately to let Princess escape, Prince himself fell into the clutches of the dragon.

First week, ******, one month later, ######.

In the end, Prince and the dragon lived happily in the castle.

“Strange knowledge has increased…”

Remembering the content of this book, Anves subconsciously glanced around, took out the book and placed it in the far corner of the bookshelf.

This book must never be seen by Fiona!

By the way, this one is number 14 on the aforementioned Ranking List.

Example 4: Prince sneaked into the castle, but after finding Princess, he was blocked by the dragon in Princess’s room.

Because the dragon was too powerful, Prince compelled by circumstances changed into Princess’ clothes, pretended to be Princess’s twin younger sister, and tried to get through.

But when Prince’s identity was revealed, the dragon was even more excited…

If it weren’t for the author Court Eunuch at the critical moment, it is estimated that this book would also be on the Ranking List.

Anves glanced at the author’s signature and place of publication, and sure enough, it was the author from the Itel Kingdom Federation.

Example 5: After Princess was captured by the dragon, a hero came to see the king and threatened to go to the dragon’s castle to save Princess.

The king asked his name happily.

hero said: My name is…

Good guy, a name accounts for 90% of the content, and it still hasn’t been written yet! ?


Yes, in the previous life, little Anves did not read one book, but a whole set.

A certain Olivendi patriarch collected almost all versions of the Princess and the Dragon’s tale for collection purposes and put them in the family library.

Why didn’t Duke Karrot interfere?

The Duke doesn’t mind little Anves’ personal hobby as long as his daily learning progress is up to standard.

I wonder if these authors have been sprayed to death by the real giant dragon…

Oh, maybe the author of the fourth book has been sprayed to death.

didn’t know whether to cry or laugh shook the head, Anves walked to the bookshelf with the basic theory of magic.

Pale fingers slid across the spines of volumes, eventually stopping on a book with no memory. Anves pulled it out, went back to the reading area, and started today’s reading.

(End of this chapter)

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