Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 102


Chapter 102 Kaqi Party and Inspiration for Influence

Because he is older than Anves, Harvey entered the Royal Pamir Academy a year earlier than Anves.

And the location of the Academy is very close to the imperial capital [Palosia].

Obviously, in this year’s Academy life, our dear Lord Harvey has found a lot of new ‘fun’ in the aristocratic circle of the capital.

Katee party, strictly speaking, is actually a special kind of aristocratic party dance.

The difference from ordinary aristocratic balls is that party participants need to hide their identities and enter a small room and drink a special potion before entering the main venue.

This potion was originally invented for some special stealth missions, but because the cost was too high and could not be further optimized, the formula for this potion was eventually shelved.

Until a certain day, for some unspeakable purpose, some noble people dug its recipe out of the old pile of paper and developed a new use for it.

The potion comes in three colors, light blue, light pink, and light green.

Light blue and light pink potions can temporarily strengthen the drinker’s body to around the fourth rank, and change the drinker’s body structure to random appearance male and female according to its color.

Blue is male and pink is female.

The light green potion also strengthens the drinker’s physique, but randomly changes the drinker to any appearance and gender.

The duration of the three potions is fourteen hours. After the time has passed, the user’s body will recover to the moment when the potion was consumed.

As a special offering for the dance, the effect of each bottle of medicine has been specially adjusted. There will be no accidents where the appearance is lower than the standard line, and only the appearance of handsome men and beautiful women will appear randomly.

The entire venue is guarded by special personnel, and is shrouded in the power of high-level prophetic art treasures to ensure that the identities of the participants will never be exposed.

After paying dues, noble participants can cast aside the constraints of their status, relax and dance in the luxuriously decorated venue.

You can join hands with someone you like at first sight and have a gorgeous ballroom dance in a soft room filled with fragrance, or on an elegant terrace with silvery moonlight.

You can also join many handsome gentlemen and elegant ladies on the vast and luxurious dance floor, as if you are in the garden of the mythical gods, for a group dance of complete self-indulgence.

If you’re too shy, you can choose a room by yourself, and dance alone to the soothing and dreamy sound of ecstasy.

If you get hungry halfway, the long table on one side of the hall is full of rare, precious and magical wines and delicacies from all corners of the continent.

Golden caviar from the Sea of Storm, cedar truffles from the Lost Forest, Manbol’s Rainbow from the glorious calendar 2364, etc., let the guests enjoy themselves.

The prom time will last for twelve magic hours, and during this long time, if your partner agrees, you can do something else.

Ahem—yes, I mean, like eating… oh no, eating!

At the end of the time, all the guests will be prompted and exit in an orderly manner through the dedicated random transmission array, returning to their normal life trajectories.

It’s like a beautiful and absurd dream, no matter how bizarre and motley the dream is, how intoxicating it is.

When I wake up from the dream, everything is gone.

In the memory information, little Anves used to be very interested in this kind of party.

Considering the character of this life, Anves sighed after a while, and decided to decline his invitation.

I often feel out of tune with you because I’m not savage enough-

Ice blue flames rose from my palm, and Anves threw that beautiful invitation into the In Ice Flame, watch its surface quickly climb a layer of white frost, and then turn into powder under the impact of the ice element.

These invitations are all one-offs with special magic attached to them.

If a VIP who received the invitation does not want to participate, just destroy the invitation, and the organizer of the party will perceive the reduction in the number of invitation functions and respond accordingly.

In Gloria high society, this is seen as a polite thing to do.

Summon out a whirlwind at will, taking the drifting silver dust out of the window. Anves stared at the empty window, but something suddenly seemed to be caught in his heart.

Cage Party? Invitation card?

Speaking of which, this secret party mode seems to be fine.

Compared to the normal Academy association, even the secret association of the ‘True Knowledge Society’ is not as suitable for his current situation as the organizational structure of this secret gathering.

The biggest problem he is facing now is that there are too many eyes staring at him around him.

Whether it was my childhood at Moonlin Castle, or now at the mysterious branch of Pamir Academy.

Because of the power of its own Legendary bloodline, and the intuition behind it. He could vaguely perceive it almost all the time, a pair of vision from around him.

These eyes are kind, indifferent, and scrutinizing. But without exception, they were all overtly or secretly monitoring him.

Olivendi, the inseparable noble name, was his birthright and the yoke that bound him around his neck.

As the fourth son of Duke Karls, even his unintentional actions will attract extra attention and speculation from the outside world.

In order to avoid this kind of attention, his methods must be secretive enough to avoid the eyes of outside forces.

And a secret organization that can only join by invitation, just can meet this.

Only those who are approved by him can receive a secret invitation from him to become a member of the organization.

The organization regularly holds secret gatherings at regular intervals. The identities of the members participating in the gatherings are kept strictly confidential, and information and resources can be exchanged with each other.

If you are facing some difficulties, you can also seek help from other members by posting tasks at a cost.

If we go further, the members of the organization can not meet in reality, but only through some special Rare Items or magic, in the dream world, Illusion Technique space and other special spaces to communicate with each other, flexibility, safety with a higher degree of secrecy.

As for the required secret contact Rare Item, you can definitely ask Duke Karrot to help you get one.

The more analysis, the more Anves thinks this model is feasible and much better than his previous power idea.

“Also, after a while, the family should also come to ask me about the reason for this action. I can just take this opportunity to ask Duke Carlos my needs.”


As he tapped his fingers on the table, Anves suddenly thought of another question.

What should my organization be called?

A dark brother would? winery? Or just call it a secret organization?

Forget it, after all, it is to attract talents from the outside world, so it is better to have a formal name.

Then, it will be tentatively scheduled for the secret ceremony——

Goo——→recommended ticket

Thanks to Yuemian illusion for the 3000 points! Don’t hesitate, book friend 20200112120043379, book friend 20190501121901296’s 100-point reward-

Thanks to Yuemian illusion, book friend 20190226141202848, so-and-so summon, elegant and easy-going trumpet, and the monthly ticket of the magician of autumn Goo –

(end of this chapter)

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