Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Classification

“Close the feed port and start performing deep element stripping-“

All After feeding the elements of the device into the device, Anves gave orders to Thorium to set up a new elemental stripping mission.

“The order has been accepted…the mission is established, the elemental stripping begins…magic output power: normal…the remaining time: six mana hours, thirty-seven minutes, forty-two seconds—”

Thorium’s emotionless female voice echoed in the laboratory again.

After confirming that the silver white pyramid was functioning normally, Anves waved his hand to put away the materials on the test bench, took off his long white protective cloak, and slowly left the laboratory.

Today’s lessons are all over, and the two important magic experiments at hand are temporarily settled.

Now, nothing will bother him.

After a rare leisure time, Anves walked out of his residence slowly and roamed freely in the wide courtyard.

A cool autumn wind blew across the late-autumn courtyard, blowing a strand of blond hair dangling from Anves’ forehead.

Since the Level 2 residence does not maintain a constant array of evergreen alchemy plants, the lush and green courtyard when we first moved in is now a withered yellow.

The silver-leaf rose bushes that were once planted in the flowerbed have withered, leaving only the branches shimmering with silver light.

Several thick black oak trees grow in the courtyard. In the summer, most of the leafy canopy has fallen, and the bare branches are slightly bleak and stretched to the sky, ready to meet the coming harsh winter.

A dull yellow leaf fell in the wind and was caught by Anves.

“Autumn, is it over already?”

Holding the fallen leaves in his hands, Anves was slightly startled, and his mind couldn’t help being a little complicated.

Yes, the autumn of the empire is almost over——

After a long silence, he let go of the fallen leaves and let them fall to the ground on their own.

As if sitting on a reclining chair, he floated up completely relaxed, looking up at the sky.

Today happens to be a sunny day, and the blue sky is as profound and pure as an oil painting.

A few light clouds are dotted in between, dazzling white under the sunlight.

“Sometimes, I really envy these clouds.”

Quietly looking at a floating white cloud, for a long time, the young man with light blond hair felt lightly sighed.

“free and unconstrained, free—”



second day, after the end of the course .

Anves skillfully declined some invitations, then dressed up and re-entered the magic lab.

The previous cursed metal samples have been separated, from the original eight pieces to thirty-nine metal particles of different sizes.

The total volume of these metal particles varies greatly, the volume of the largest part is almost a hundred times that of the least part.

Anves didn’t take it out in a hurry, leaving the constant environment inside the element stripping device. Some lively enchanted metals might react with the air, resulting in some undesired results.

Corresponding to the number of specimens before separation, he reclassified the thirty-nine samples into eight categories, and assigned a separate sub-number for each category.

This is to set the finished product storage location for Constructing Spirit, and the elements separated next will be directly divided into corresponding areas.

“Establish a super-large batch peeling task and open the full form of the peeling device.”

After all the elements are classified, Anves communicates the core of Thorium with spirit strength, and prepares for large-scale peeling. Raw material stripping.

“The order has been accepted… The mission is established, and the element stripping device begins to rebuild—”

Accompanied by Thorium’s voice, the entire silver pyramid begins to emit dazzling silver light .


The nearby metal floor suddenly opened slowly, and the dark golden structure rose from the ground.

It’s a huge monster composed of mysterious spirals of crystals, multi-layered nested glowing cubes, and extremely complex magic circuits.

The surface structure of the silver pyramid in the middle began to fluctuate, and in turn connected to the special interface on the outer structure.

The inscription lines on the surface are gradually deformed and connected with the magic circuit at the interface.

one after another A faint blue streamer flashed in the depths of the installation from time to time, adding a strange beauty to this icy and mysterious giant instrument.

“Reconstruction is complete, the external booster components are working well, and the pre-concentration begins—”

The instrument darkened the golden surface, and the originally dim magic power circuits lit up in turn.

Bright white light flowed through the loop, and the suppressed magic wave gradually spread, shrouded in a small space in the laboratory.

“Start filling raw materials… Deep peeling begins… Magic output power: limit… Remaining time… One thousand three hundred and forty-nine mana hours, fifty-nine minutes, fifty-one seconds— “

A large amount of refined cursed metal raw materials are transported through the transmission pipeline, continuously entering the element stripping tower, and then broken down into the finest particles by the cracking array.

These refined high-purity cursed metal raw materials are all refined by family affiliated forces.

Anves just needs to speak, and there are enough low-level professionals to do it for him.

This is one of the meanings of the existence of subordinate forces, so that the noble person avoids repetitive work that is not helpful for self-improvement.

Having done everything for now, Anves finally checked the dragon eggs in the transformation pool and left the lab.


Two days later, the imperial capital, Paloxia

After escape alive from the pursuit of the White Rose Legion, the last Dragonborn Following the Olivendi family who was responsible for protecting him, they came to the basement of a high-end hotel in the capital.

“Is that right here?”

Crossing a long hallway with a gold and red carpet, the two came to a closed door.

“Yes, Lord Anves is waiting for you inside.”

The family guard in heavy armor with the inscription Knight stood by, looking at the last dragonborn expressionlessly, with a low voice .

“It’s all here, can you tell me what the identity of this Lord Anves is?”

The last dragonborn looked at the visor raised by the guards and didn’t give up asked.

Although he became Anves’ entourage, the elves never knew what Anves was in the Olivendi family.

On the way to the royal capital, the elves asked him side by side, but each time they were forced back by the silent gaze of the guards.


“Okay, I won’t ask—”

Under the silent gaze of the guard, the elf retreated again.

“Then, wait a minute, can you find me a room, and I’ll change clothes”

Turning his eyes, he glanced at his clothes, the last dragonborn. Suddenly I remembered that I seem to have some preparations to negotiate with the NPC that I have not completed.

The guard’s helmet turned slightly, and he glanced at the nondescript attire on the elf’s body.

After thinking about it, he nodded, took out a metal card and threw it to him.

“Back hallway, turn left, second room, you have five minutes.”

“Okay, thank you very much—”

Thanks to the guard nodded, the last dragonborn hurried to the designated room.

Thanks to the young and ruthless, salt deer, clear heart, empty world, Qin Daojiu, book friend 20200112120043379 for the reward——

Thanks to book friend 160324161443248, time and space Yang, Shi Hongfei, 54+66+, Shuyou 20190524210234672’s monthly pass-

(end of this chapter)

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