Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 167


Chapter 167 What is that?

“Hello, outlander, I’m Bill. If you don’t mind, I can give you a brief introduction to the island.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Bill. I’m Hill, This is my comrade Jom.”

Anves extended the hand with a smile as well, and gave him a gentle shake.

The physical fitness is average, the highest is only two levels.

“Okay, Hill, nice name.”

After shaking hands with Anves, Bill nodded.

“I think, as you can tell, this island is unusual. There’s an eerie Curse Power that pervades the island’s wilderness.

That’s not There is no reason, according to the word of mouth of the old people on the island, in Ancient Era, the island was abandoned by the ancient gods.”

Said, the young and cheerful sailor carried the He raised his strong arms and pressed his chest.

“‘The god sealed the shadow of his inner dark side here, and tore the island from the continent and threw it into the sea of endless fog.’

According to Legend has it that when night falls, his shadow still awakes from its slumber and wanders among the ancient mountains of the island. And with his indescribable eyes, he patrols the dark jungles and fields of the island.”

“Once caught in the gaze of the Ancient God, the terrifying erosion will fill your heart, cause your body to produce an abominable mutation, and devour your reason completely.”

“The earliest ancestors were shipwrecked on the island, but most of them soon went completely mad due to the intense Curse Power on the island.

The remaining survivors, who were more determined, , praying to the gods in desperation.

The merciful ancient god [Rai] heard the prayer and began to pity the situation of the people on the island.”

“So he sent down the gods. Temple, blessed the land on the edge of the island, made it fertile and made it invisible to the sight of the Ancient God.

The surviving people surround Rye’s The temple established the town, and this is the place blessed by the gods ‘Ravanes’, which is the town in front of you.

Only under the splendor of the Temple of Rai, Only then can we escape the terrifying cursed gaze of the Ancient God.”

As he spoke, Bill pouted at the homeless man with a look of pity.

“See that poor guy? He’s like this because he didn’t get back to the sheltered area of the Temple of Rai in town before night fell.”

“Night is the most active time of the Ancient God’s curse, and a large number of Ancient God’s monsters will go out for food.

The pitiful person could not return to the town, so he had to find a shelter in the wilderness outside. Hiding all night, but still being eroded by Curse Power, the second day became like this.”

“So, outlanders, no matter what you are here for, you must remember, must Back in the city limits before night falls!”

As he spoke, Bill, laughed, took a step and walked towards the town with Anves.

“Follow me and I’ll show you around this town.”



The scenery in the town of Lavanles is just like those old, ancient Magic Empire towns.

After entering this ancient port town, Anves could clearly feel that the environment here seemed to be shrouded in a very peaceful force field.

This field blocks the effects of the Chaos Field in the Isle Wilderness, preventing it from consuming the population of the city.

The flat road is paved with a kind of ash-gray gravel, and all kinds of small shops are open on the street, and the signs at the entrances of the shops have begun to yellow and peel due to disrepair.

“Going along this street, the largest rock building on the side of the road, which is nearly twice as tall as the other buildings, is the largest hotel and tavern in this town. monster ].”

If you need a room, or if you need to find some news, go there. “

Looking in the direction Bill pointed. Anves saw from a distance, a large building of turquoise rock texture, a crane in a flock of chickens among the low buildings beside the road.

“By the way, do you have any common coins here? “

Speaking of the hotel, Bill seemed to suddenly think of something.

“What’s the general purpose here?” “

Anves asked rhetorically.

“Black Copper Coin, Silver Gold Coin, Platinum Gold Coin.” All mainstream currencies handed down from Ancient Era. “

Bill explained.

Anves raised his right hand from under the cloak, which contained several silver gold coins.

“Yes, that’s it.” kind. “

Nodding, Bill glanced at Anves.

“And follow this avenue to the end and you’ll see a hill in the middle of town, where the Temple of Rai is located. , just above that hill…”

“Thanks for the introduction and explanation, Bill, that’s enough. “

While speaking, Anves suddenly caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and his expression paused slightly.

“Take these, and treat it as if I were buying you a few drinks.” A glass of wine is ready. “

Then, he laughed, and very naturally handed several silver gold coins in his hand to Bill.

“Okay, Mr. Hill, thank you for your generosity, then see you later.” ! “

Bill’s eyes lit up, happily nodded, after accepting the silver gold coin, he returned to the direction of the pier with a smile.

The value of silver gold coin is still very high, this A few are enough for him for more than a month.

Watching his back, Anves frowned slightly.

He always felt that Bill had a vague sense of disobedience. , but I can’t say exactly.

“Lord Chaom, is there any problem with him? “

“He is in mostly normal condition, Lord Anves.” However, the guardian force in the city may not be as safe as he thought. Or, he had recently traveled to the wild depths of the island. “

The always silent Chaom explained.

“He has a faint, strange, chaotic Corrosion Strength about him, which should be what he said, the ‘in the island wilderness’. curse’. “

“Is that so? “

Anves nods.

“The matter is not pursued further.

At this point, he is more interested in another matter, then, Chaom.” Sir, what is that black ball that appeared in the alley? ”

Just now, while talking to Bill, he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that a pitch black elliptical sphere suddenly appeared out of thin air in a small alley on the side of the road.

What is that?

“Black ball? “

Jom looked suspiciously at the completely empty alley that Anves pointed to.

“Your Excellency Anves, where is the black ball you said?” “

“Can’t you see, Chaom?” “

Anves was also stunned.

After thinking about it, he took Jom and walked over cautiously.


Without waiting for Anves to get closer, the black ball suddenly turned into a female nature elf!


Anves stopped and took a step back without a trace.

This is the player?

That’s right, count the time, the player’s first public beta should also start.


Natural elves suddenly turned into dwarves.


Dark elves turned into female dwarves again.

Anves: “… “

To be honest, as an NPC, watching this scene feels quite weird.

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