Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 18


Chapter 18 at hand

Anves opened the buckle and flipped the heavy cover.

The parchment, whose pages are slightly yellowed, has now turned dark yellow and almost brown, and the glossy texture has become unusually old, as if an extremely long period of time has passed in an instant.

On the originally empty title page, a strange giant symbol appeared at this time.

The symbol body is composed of ominous spirals, twisted polylines, and strange dots of different sizes.

The ink that depicts it is also very peculiar, to Anves’ eyes, the black-green ink seems to be still flowing.

Scrutinizing the mysterious pattern, Anves keeps comparing in the heart, trying to find the meaning behind the symbols.

But in the end this attempt failed, and the bizarre symbol, like the material of the book, was beyond his current knowledge.

He tried turning to the second page again, only to realize that the following pages couldn’t be opened at all, as if they were glued together by super glue.

A strange feeling came, and Anves immediately understood why he couldn’t read:

The spirit strength wasn’t strong enough! Can’t afford the mysterious knowledge in the book.


At this moment, the Duke suddenly clapped.

The sound seemed to turn off some kind of switch, and the abnormal feeling in the room disappeared instantly.

Anves shivered all over, raised his head as if he had just woken up from a dream, and the spirit strength connected to the book was disconnected naturally.

A strange feeling arose in him, as if something had changed.

At this point, the sound of the hourglass has returned to normal, but in the upper part of the hourglass, the silver blue gravel has been missing a large chunk of which is visible to the naked eye.

“Three magic hours and thirty-two minutes have passed since your spirit strength touched this book.”

Noticing Anves’ gaze, Duke Karrot was flat. Open your mouth.

“Three magic hours? Has it been that long?!”

Anves was stunned for a while, and his eyes couldn’t help but take a bit of surprise. In his perception, the time seemed to have just passed less than 3 minutes.

“Doesn’t it feel like it’s not too long? This is the Lacana effect: when you’re trying to parse higher-order spells with too low spirit strength, you get this illusion of time.”

The Duke spread his hand, and a complex flower-like spell structure appeared in his palm, and then gradually turned into scattered light spots from top to bottom.

“If I hadn’t interrupted just now, you would have used up spirit strength like this without noticing it. If you continue, you may even damage your Divine Sea.”


“If your rank reaches the fourth rank or above, even if it is still not enough to complete the analysis, you can detect something wrong after consuming too much spirit strength, and immediately cut off the connection…”

said , The Duke suddenly realized the problem in his words.

“Of course, it’s not your problem, on the contrary, it’s a good thing!”

“As a member of my Olivendi family, you must not commit those ordinary occupations. The fatal mistake made by the reader: blindly pursuing the advanced speed, ignoring the most fundamental foundation of oneself.

A precocious black honey fruit will have a green and boring taste. Even if we Being on a bloodline, but between the same rank and different foundations, will also lead to the difference between Heaven and Earth.

You have to remember that all future strength growth will be based on Your initial foundation. Every slow accumulation of the present will be amplified by thousands of absolutely times in the future!

Only by making your own foundation completely reach the limit of no ascension, with the most perfect attitude Promotion can make you go further on the career path!”

“I understand, father.”

Anves slightly nods, and can’t help but secretly think about what happened just now alert.

Having a double memory, he should have noticed immediately that something was wrong, but he was still unconsciously caught in it, which was undoubtedly a wake-up call to his relaxed state of mind.

“So, what are you going to do?”

Duke Karrot nodded, tapping his fingers on the table, drawing Anves’ gaze.

“Although the power of this book is a little weird, I can feel that it is not malicious to you.

And its hidden state can blind my perception, no matter what. No doubt it’s at least a ninth rank, or even a magical Rare Item for a Peak ninth rank!

I just checked the library directory and it was one of the first collections in the library, from the beginning of Donation from His Excellency Substitute Patriarch Aldrich.

It also means that, for thousands of years, you are the only one who can sense and manipulate it.”

“father, I think Would you like this book?”

Anves immediately understood the Duke’s unspoken implication, and immediately made his request with a smile.

A high-level magic Rare Item will bring you a strength that cannot be ignored.

Crucially, little Anves doesn’t have it in his memory, making it a variable of fate.

Any one of these variables is invaluable in his current situation.

“The books in the library are the public property of the family, and I can’t decide to give you one of them.”

Gently stroking the carvings on the cufflinks, the duke Raising his eyes, his blue eyes stared at Anves’ somewhat surprised and puzzled expression, his tone neither fast nor slow.

“But, if you really want that, I can lend it to you temporarily. In the future, as a price, you’ll need to add three or more books of the same type to the library to replace it.”

“Do you accept this offer, Anves?”

“I accept! father.”

“Very good.”

The duke settled the matter casually. During the process, the two of them tacitly did not mention the specific time of the future.

At the same time, the thick book in Anves’s hand fluttered, and a blazing white flame appeared.

Anves was startled and instinctively retracted the book’s hand. But he immediately discovered that while the entire book was burning, the white flames had no temperature at all.

After getting out of Anves’ palm, the book did not fall to the ground, but hovered smoothly in the air.

As the white flames burned, runes glowing with dim light appeared on the cover, and then gradually collapsed from top to bottom, turning into dim-blue spots of light drifting away.

A large number of light spots meet in the middle of the study, stretching into a dim-blue Star River. Against the backdrop of the quiet burning white fire, it looks mysterious and magical.

Soon, all the runes on the cover collapsed, a ring with a coat of arms engraved on the Duke’s index finger lit up slightly, and the flame disappeared out of thin air as it appeared.

“Now, it’s yours. But if it changes in some unknown way in the future, let me know immediately, understand?”

“I understand.”

Anves grabbed the book floating in the air again, and the moment he started, his heart suddenly moved, and the heavy book instantly shrank to the size of a palm.

“Have you been recognized? Not bad.”

The duke knew nodded, took out a piece of paper from the desk drawer, and stamped it with the coat of arms.

When the ring face and the paper are attached, the colorless magic divine light flashed disappears, leaving an ice crystal-like imprint.

“Take this to Leonard and ask him to take you to the Moonlin Castle storeroom to get materials to make a book chain.”

The Duke shook his hands and threw the paper to Anves, who Reached out gracefully to catch it.

“Then, I’m leaving, father.”

With the Duke’s approval, Anves bowed and quietly exited the room.

When he left, Duke Karrot stared at the door, tapping his fingers on the tabletop, brows slightly wrinkle.

“Old Days Secret Scripture? This kind of breath…”

After thinking for a while, the Duke opened the drawer on the bottom layer of the desk again, and his fingers sketched a Complicated miniature array.

A shimmer of light flashed, and the wooden planks depicting the array waved like water waves, and an extremely secret dark grid quietly opened.

At the same time, an illusory, like a mysterious fragrance from an endless, far-flung country drifted out.

In the dark compartment is a dark silver key with a palm-length and simple style.

It is made of some unknown metal, the handle is carved with strange and delicate vine patterns, and the surface is extremely dull, and it seems to have gone through a long time.

Stroking the cool metal texture of the key, I don’t know what to think, the Duke suddenly laughed in a mocking low voice.

“Taboo, hehe…taboo?”


Goo——→recommended ticket

(End of this chapter )

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