Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 30


Chapter 30 Star Sea

When the crystals condensed and formed, Anves only felt a bang in his consciousness! The perspective suddenly seems to be infinitely higher, as if it is one with the entire world.

Countless information appeared in his mind, as if everything in this world had no mystery to him anymore.

The spell model, which had taken a lot of effort to build before, in the eyes of Anves in this brief moment, is as simple as one plus one equals two.

Even the inadequacies of the spell model, every delicate hair was completely shown in his mind.

At this moment, the aurora belt that was slowly changing around him suddenly fluctuated violently!

The dreamy dust in the crystal dish suddenly lit up, and the colorful iridescent flames burned almost explosively, and the weight began to slowly consume at a speed visible to naked eyes!

In the environment, the high concentration of source magic suddenly began to surge, and Anves’ body seemed to have become a bottomless deep-sea vortex, swallowing all the energy around him!

Relying on the blessing of this state, the mist that had been invisible until now could no longer block Anves’ ‘eyes’.

Under the gaze of his will, the surface of the fog mass was magnified infinitely, and the thick fog that was originally thick was rapidly thinned in his eyes, and finally turned into countless tiny particles.

And in the center of this huge cloud of particles that make up the mist, what is hidden…is a scene like the boundless Star Sea!

At the moment of seeing this piece of ‘Star Sea’, Anves was struck by lightning, his consciousness vibrated violently, involuntarily broke away from this state of being one with the world, and fell unconscious on the bedding past.

In the crystal dish beside me, the flaming dream dust suddenly flashed violently, the original rainbow-colored fireworks suddenly turned into a dazzling beam of pure white light, and all the remaining dust was completely actinic in an instant!

The huge consumption brought an amazing effect. The originally fluctuating changing aurora belt suddenly increased in brightness and quantity infinitely, and gathered into a huge white ball of light, wrapping Anves in it!

After an unknown amount of time, Anves woke up, sweating and panting heavily.

The dream dust of ten people has been completely burned out, and the aurora-like light belt has dissipated.

The super magic crystals in the array have also exhausted all their magic power and turned into a pile of transparent crystals without magic power fluctuations.

By the faint moonlight outside the window, he glanced again at the clock in the corner of the room. At this point, silver’s hands have pointed to 3:29.

“What the hell is that!?”

A stormy sea was raised in the blue eyes like the ocean, Anves gasped violently, trying to calm down the Divine Sea, which was strongly impacted. .

He dared to swear! It was the most complicated and mysterious spell model he had ever seen in two lifetimes!

If you compare the Illusory Ice Domain model that you have built before, which occupies most of the free spirit strength, to the solar system.

Then this foggy spell model is the Milky Way containing hundreds of billions of star systems!

He knew clearly in his heart that if he wasn’t in the state he was in when he first condensed his core, if it wasn’t for the precious dream dust that was used up to stabilize his Divine Sea.

Even this brief glimpse was enough to have devastating consequences for him.

Even in a coma for a few days, the Divine Sea was devastated! On the other hand, because the reason cannot bear the information that is too huge and subverting cognition, the direct consciousness collapses!

Anves tried to recall his previous memory, the structure and defects of the Illusory Ice Domain were still very clear, but only a vague impression of the specific structure of the fog was left,

Anves tried to recall his previous memory. p>

“It should be the role of the self-protection mechanism, and yes… If the memory of the structure in the fog is still very clear, I am afraid I have a nervous breakdown now.”

Anves heavily Exhaled, gave up recalling those heavy knowledge, both eyes slightly closed, staring at their own changes.

First of all, it is the expansion of the Divine Sea area.

When he was immersed in the state of one with the world, his essence Divine Sea began to expand at a high speed, and when he finally escaped from the state of One with Heaven and Earth, the upper limit of spirit strength had been expanded to the original more than three times.

It seems that the increase rate is not high, but you must know that Anves’ total spirit strength has reached dozens of times that of ordinary mage apprentices during his apprenticeship, and even exceeded the overwhelming majority First Rank sorcerer!

It’s like a water glass and a water tank. The capacity of a water glass is ten times larger, and the excess capacity is still not double the capacity of a water tank.

Perhaps the upper limit of spirit strength does not represent current strength, but it does represent future potential.

You must know that the spirit strength improvement brought by each breakthrough level is multiplied with the spirit strength base!

A higher cap means a bigger boost base.

Secondly, it is the improvement of the quality of spirit strength.

After successfully condensing the spirit strength core, the quality of Anves spirit strength has been increased by Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The magic that takes ten or more spirit strengths to cast at level zero can now be cast with only one spirit strength.

The most important thing is that he can now finally use spirit strength to probe the environment in a large area.

The mist-like spirit strength at the zeroth order, no matter how much it is, can only be separated from the body by a short distance, and it will dissipate directly no matter how far it is.

This is the high-quality spirit strength that Anves has repeatedly purified. If it is replaced by an ordinary sorcerer apprentice, even the spirit strength cannot be achieved in vitro.

Finally, there are changes to the spell model.

The model structure of Illusory Ice Domain has changed a lot, and some defects found before have been optimized into a new structure at this moment.

In addition, the model itself generates a subtle frequency, which is completely synchronized with the frequency of its own spirit strength core. This is also the biggest feature of the initial spell, which can maintain its own stability with a lower spirit strength occupancy. .

No changes have been made to the mirror image model, which means it was not counted in the two initial spells.

This means that the fog has also become his initial spell!

As for the specific structural changes of the fog, Anves couldn’t see it. But he could vaguely feel that it also produced some kind of unknown mutation.

At this point, Anves could no longer suppress his tiredness, and he no longer suppressed it. He obeyed the desires of his body, lay down completely relaxed, and fell into the deepest sleep.

this time, including spirit.

After realizing that Anves was really asleep this time, two hidden spirit strengths quietly pulled away from Anves’ room.

In the study and bedroom where the castle is still lighted, the sound of relaxed sounded invariably.

In the starry night sky, Purple Moon Amis was half-submerged below the horizon, and the silver-white Severn also began to sink.

The lights finally went out, and the ancient castle under the moonlight once again restored the tranquility of the night.


Thanks for the random numbered reward, every reward is an affirmation of this cute new pigeon! Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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