Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 33


Chapter 33 spell quiz (below)

At present, except for those First Rank spells with more complicated models, most of the other First Rank spells, Anves can now be instant cast.

The reason why the wind blade is cast by singing is just to relive the feeling of spell casting.

Then, the spell book suspended beside him opened automatically, turning to the page that recorded Wind Blade Technique.

The page lit up, and the same wind blade reappeared as before.

This is the biggest advantage of spell book casting, sorcerer completely eliminates the process of guiding magic, just fill the spell book with magic, and it can be activated quickly.

The only limitation is that the spell book has a limited space and the sorcerer has to choose which spells to record.

And due to material limitations, low-level spell books cannot record too high-level spells.

Waving the wind blade away, Anves began to carefully sense the changes brought about by the increase in bloodline maturity after his advanced First Rank.

The warlock in “Mysterious Era” is actually equivalent to a normal mage with more full attribute increase, spell-like ability, cultivation without bottleneck and level cap limited by bloodline concentration.

The affinity of fleshy body strength and magic power has been improved, and the eyes have obtained constant secondary magic vision and secondary true vision, as well as the fundamental innate talent derived from the two bloodlines respectively.

Ice Elemental Manipulation, and Light Elemental Manipulation.

The effect of these two abilities is to make Anves flexibly manipulate the elements of ice and light as if he were manipulating his own arms.

And, when using the magic corresponding to the attribute, you will also get a huge bonus, equivalent to the extremely effective spell that comes with it.

Anves thoughts move, a cold, clear ice quickly congealed in midair.

The next moment, the ice turned into a beautiful ice crystal rose with delicate veins on its thin petals. Then it turned into a lifelike ice bird, flying around Anves nimbly.

Under his control, the hard ice cubes change shape like water.

After thinking about it, Anves maintains the flight of the ice bird while trying to control the light around the ice bird.

The ice bird flying in midair flickered suddenly and then disappeared out of thin air. But still visible in the magic vision, a strange cloud of twisted magic was flying around Anves.

“The cost has increased fourfold.”

Sensing the cost of power, Anves notes it.

When the two innate talents run at the same time, the pressure on the bloodline will increase a lot, and almost half of the power consumption is caused by the faint contrast between the two bloodlines.

After a brief test, Anves had a hint of spirit strength and activated the Illusory Ice Domain model in his mind.

The originally full spirit strength was immediately evacuated, and a hazy ice fog with a faint white light spread instantly, with Anves as the center, covering a radius of 30 meters.

“The area has been expanded by nearly half, and the spirit strength consumption has been reduced by about 30%.”

Sensing the changes in the Illusory Ice Domain, Anves cast a mage hand to test the animals The district grabbed a scorpion beast, placed it on the field, and then used a silent phantom to simulate a circle of walls around the scorpion beast.

When the phantom was formed, the icy mist exuding a faint white light spontaneously filled the phantom, which made the formed phantom look extremely real.

After trying to reach out and touch it, Anves was somewhat surprised to find that the phantom surface had the same rough touch as a real wall.

What was put into the field was an adult male beast. It was fat and strong, with bright tan fur and a white stripe on the left back. Its strength was barely enough for Second Rank. .

After being locked up by the phantom wall, it looked around and sniffed constantly, seemingly confused, but finally fell down in the center of the wall.

Looking at the lazily lying beast, Anves cast Silent Phantom again, conjuring the illusion of another beast in the circle.

“hmph — hum —”

The scorpion beast lying on the ground stood up vigilantly, his eyes fixed on the illusion, and the instinct to defend the territory made it pose. A threatening posture and a constant threatening grunt.

But then, it gradually moved away from this menacing stance and walked slowly to the phantom, arching the phantom lightly with its nose.

Anves manipulated the phantom and turned his head slightly, making a gesture of looking at it, and his spirit strength was consumed again.

The beast froze for a moment.

Then continue to arch.

The phantom doesn’t move, but that seems to be sending the wrong signal to the beast.

It arched twice again, then circled the illusion as it sniffed in confusion.

In the end, the beast seemed to have made up her mind. It slowly circled behind the phantom, and then took advantage of the phantom beast’s ‘unpreparedness’, and slammed onto it!


The phantom couldn’t bear its weight, and it shattered and disappeared. The beast was caught off guard, and the whole beast hit the ground heavily.


Oh, it seems a bit painful, and even the sound has changed…

Looking at the series of beasts Action, Anves face black lines.

However, it will have this reaction, at least to prove that the enhanced illusion is real enough.

Anves threw it back into its cage after unleashing a quick heal on it, removing the source of its pain.

Anves was a little dissatisfied as he surveyed the surrounding haze.

The white light of these mists is a bit conspicuous, it would be nice if it could be darker.

Sensing Anves’ thoughts, the faint rays of light of the fog began to dim, gradually becoming like ordinary fog.

Is it really dark? !

Slightly startled, Anves understood immediately, this should also be one of the changes of the initial spell.

At the same time, he also perceives the effect of the Illusory Ice Domain after the fog becomes darker:

The light deflection effect disappears, and the increase in the effect of the Illusion Technique is reduced.

“So, the Illusory Ice Domain has undergone four changes: increased area, reduced spirit strength consumption, increased phantom realism, and the ability to darken the originally glowing fog.”

True to the initial spell.

Thinking, Anves’ thoughts gradually turned to the mysterious mist.

He’s been curious about the effects of this misty spell model for a long time. Now, the time has finally come to lift its mysterious veil.

After thinking about it, Anves did not choose the Hei Yaojing tablet, nor the living devil beast, but chose an ordinary stone as the target of the spell.

Not sure if it was single-target or area magic, he moved the stone further away. Then stretch out the right hand, align the palm with the distant stone, and carefully activate the spell model.

Originally, Anves was prepared to be drained of spirit strength, and then failed to cast spells.

But what he didn’t expect is that after the spell model is activated, the spirit strength is only reduced by a small part, and the consumption is not even as big as Illusory Ice Domain.

There is a strange feeling that there is no change in the appearance of the stone as the target, but Anves knows that some kind of change has occurred.

Casts a mage hand, carefully grabs the stone, and examines it carefully with spirit strength. Then some powder was scraped off the surface of the stone and a detection component was applied to it.

The results of spirit strength and magic feedback show that the properties of this stone…

No special changes have taken place, it is still an ordinary stone!

The beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and a hint of doubt flashed from Anves’ blue eyes.


At this moment, a faint frog croak suddenly came from the stone.


Anves was stunned for a moment, and a flash of light appeared in his mind, as if he suddenly caught something!

Recalling the strange feeling before, he immediately locked the name of a famous spell.

mysticism First Rank spell ——【mysterious spell】

(end of this chapter)

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