Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 430


Chapter 430 Excellent Congressman

“Hey, Xiaoyu, have you heard? Our top management got a There is an election for the federal parliamentary seat now!”

“Doesn’t it need to be said? Isn’t it already spread all over the forum, we have been following Spark from the very beginning, and being chased and run by the regular army all day can be regarded as hard-hearted.

As soon as the military merit awards were announced, the group of people were very envious, hey, but it’s a little too late to think of joining now, and the contribution degree of turning positive is enough for them to brush for a while. ”

In the former Silver Fir City, two players dressed as the ‘Xinghuo’ organization chatted casually.

When Silverwood City was captured by several rebel groups, the name of the city was changed to Dawn City, which means dawn is coming.

If anyone can see their character panel, they will notice that the two have different team prefixes before their nicknames.

They are the players of the subordinate guilds of White Light and Yinlan. Because the Stardust Club has a big business in the Federation, White Light and Yinlan from the Rebel Army temporarily join forces to a limited extent to fight against Stardust from the Kingdom Army. .

In this battle, the players performed very well. Because of their character of not being afraid of death for the sake of money, the resistance organization formed a large number of players Suicide Squad, specializing in various tough tasks.

In combination with the Black Ring Chamber of Commerce Alliance, it secretly supported a batch of huge might alchemy bombs ‘Seeds of Destruction’ for the rebels at a very low price, so the player-guided self-destruct troops were newly released and became The nightmare of all enemies on the battlefield.

The five sixth rank powerhouse that could have easily dealt with low-level constructs, but also cautiously when facing the player’s team.

Because the opponent will self-destruct if they can’t beat it, and the explosion of formidable power is enough to damage the sixth rank.

In the beginning, due to their lack of preparation, the middle and high-level professionals in the Grey Iron Kingdom suffered a great loss. They were killed by unexpected explosions during the battle, resulting in heavy losses.

This is equivalent to the last straw that broke the camel’s back. If the middle and high-level powerhouses hadn’t lost too much, the kingdom’s garrison would not have suffered an avalanche-like collapse in the future.

Although there are also players on the side of the Kingdom’s garrison, but due to insufficient equipment resources, they are completely overwhelmed by the former.

As a result, players’ status has risen rapidly among the aborigines as they have proven themselves.

This time the organization runs for federal councillors, and players also get the right to vote.

“Who are you going to vote for this time? I think a high-ranking member of the Starfire Organization is good. If he takes the top position, each of us can receive five units of magic gold ore, which is a large amount of income. !”

At this time, the player known as Xiaoyu inadvertently asked about voting,

“I have identified a candidate, and when I heard his name, I Just know that he will be a good MP in the future.”

Mentioning this, his companion mysterious smiled.

“Really, what’s his name?”

Xiaoyu asked a little strangely.

“Xavier Parkinson.”

“Oh, well, Senator Parkinson, he does sound quite fitting.”

Saying, The two laughed.

While players are enjoying the fruits of victory, many high-ranking rebels are gathering together to discuss future development.

In this battle, they also had a general understanding of the strength of the rest of the organization.

In general, the Spark organization ranks first in overall strength. Due to the longest development time, this old-fashioned resistance force has the largest number of members.

And the Embers are equally impressive.

As a new rebel force, the equipment of the members of the ember organization is simply enviable.

Even the players in charge of self-destruct wear silver Knight II.

You must know that in other resistance organizations, it is the main model magic guide that is only issued by elites, and it is enough to exert the destructive power of Fifth Rank professionals.

That is to say, I recently got a lot of treasures. I don’t care about the money. I have Anves from the factory, so I can use them to self-destruct things.

This also makes its situation on the battlefield even more confusing. When you think that there are no self-destruct soldiers in this High Rank unit, you will be blown up by an unexpected explosion.

With the undead players, this makes the ‘Embers’ organization with a weaker background firmly seated in the third position in the comprehensive strength of all the rebels.

At this time, Avatar of Anves is also mixed in, and is pretending to chat with a senior executive of ‘Bright Sun’ about possible future development.

But in fact, Anves knew very well that the future of these resistance organizations still depends on the game between those high-level prophets.

Among the several resistance organizations present, behind the ‘Xinghuo’ organization, there are at least two or more high-level prophets secretly intervening, and each other has at least one high-level prophet. .

Like the Anves, their ultimate goal is also to obtain feedback from destiny by interfering with the web of destiny of the continent.

It is because of their strength that these resistance groups have come to this step.

But now there is actually a problem, that is, the total amount of these fate feedbacks is not enough for all high-level prophets.

There are several Eighth Rank Peak forecasters on the continent, and their only goal is to break through ninth rank.

And this process requires not only the power of massive fate feedback, but also a far-reaching impact on the web of fate.

That is to say, if this prophet wants to break through, then at least one major event that directly affects the fate of one of the continent Three Great Influences needs to be done, and it needs to be completely completed by him alone, or at least It is the absolute main force in it.

Obviously, this is especially difficult when there are multiple Eighth Rank Peak prophets like this one at the same time.

So, some people chose the Resistance, some people chose to build the network, and some people chose the other.

But their fundamental purpose is the same – to change this world.

At this time, the legendary resistance group, the Circle of Truth, has recently been in action again.

When several major rebel groups joined forces to capture the Grey Iron Kingdom. People suspected of the Circle of Truth organization reappeared, attacked many magic crystal mining areas, and fought fiercely with the ninth rank guarding the mining areas, winning or losing.

At the same time, there is a taboo on the circle of truth, which is gradually spreading in the Federation.

That is, never use a curse to try to trace the identity of the leader of the Circle of Truth.

The first to use the curse and try to mark the opponent’s ninth rank has suffered a big loss.

At that time, after he cast the curse, the feedback was like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

He didn’t care, thinking that the spellcasting failed. But as time passed, he suddenly realized that there was a faintly discernible whisper in his Divine Sea.

The whispers made him extremely irritable, and Divine Sea was a little unstable.

He has found a lot of people and spent a lot of resources, but until now, he still has not been able to solve this problem.

With the example of this hapless ninth rank ahead, many have become more cautious in their approach to the circle of truth.

(End of this chapter)

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