Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 435


Chapter 435 The Seekers

As he said, they took their precious time to gather here, it is Because those prophets stirred up the storm, the Federation was in chaos.

“Perhaps you are right, but if we intervene in person, there is a high probability that the situation will get out of control. It has only been more than two thousand years since the destruction of the ancient Magic Empire!”

” Are you sure if you leave it alone, they won’t provoke a new round of ‘Destruction Day’?”

“Then what do you say about it?”


After everyone argued for a while, the speaker who was sitting on the main seat raised his eyes slightly, raised his hand to press down, and stopped the echoing voice in the great hall.


After glancing at the crowd, they fell silent again, like a ninth rank where nothing happened before, the speaker said softly

” If we leave it alone, the situation may indeed worsen. Therefore, it is precisely to solve this matter that everyone is called here today.”

Speaking, the speaker in black robes clapped , more than a dozen magical items like dark golden crowns suddenly appeared in front of every ninth rank.

“Then, please allow me to solemnly introduce this to you, a growing miracle – [Construction Network]

You only need to share a little spirit strength When you connect, you can perceive its magic.”

Staring at the delicate crown in front of him, several ninth rank had some doubts to separate out a trace of spirit strength and try to connect.

“Yes, I know this stuff, but what’s the use of it? A new way to appease the commoners?”

An unusual ninth rank with dark shadows He opened his mouth hoarsely, with a bizarre double-mixed tone in his voice, as if the body and the shadow spoke together.

“No, you mean, ‘connected’?”

At this time, another ninth rank, who looks like a woman, said suspiciously after taking a closer look.

“Yes, this is its most critical role.”

Without continuing to sell off, the speaker of the black robe nodded, and his tone gradually rose.

“It will usher in a new era, everyone! A greater era!”

“Perhaps those low-level professionals are not worth mentioning to us, but you must We all know one thing. When the number exceeds a certain limit, it will trigger a real qualitative change.

And building a network can turn them into a whole!”

“ Yes, but what does this have to do with the theme of our meeting?”

At this time, the black shadow ninth rank spoke again with a tone of impatience.

“I heard through some means that the construction of the network seems to be related to a certain Eighth Rank Peak prophet. Your Excellency Speaker, I wonder if my information is accurate?”

Another ninth rank who had never spoken before suddenly spoke up, and a pair of giant dragon-like emerald green vertical pupils stared at the speaker’s face, as if to see through his mind.

“Anyone else have any doubts?”

After listening to the two’s questions, the speaker, nodded, did not answer immediately, but looked around again for a week.

No one spoke again. The previous two questions were exactly what they wanted to know.

“…Then, I will give you the answers to these two questions now.”

Seeing this, the speaker of the black robe nodded again, and then slowly got up.

“First of all, I will answer the second question, the construction of the network is indeed related to an Eighth Rank Peak prophet.”

This sentence produced a shock The effect of , many ninth ranks suddenly in an uproar, looking at the speaker’s eyes can not help but bring a strong suspicion, waiting for him to make an explanation.

“Next, the first question, the relationship between framing the network and our meeting. In fact, the answer to this question is closely related to the previous question.”

I didn’t care about everyone’s reaction. When the voice was a little quieter, the Speaker spoke again.

“It’s very simple, to end the current chaotic situation, there is not only a way to forcibly suppress this, but also to allow a new ninth rank prophet to appear.

Why don’t we Take this opportunity to train a ninth rank prophet belonging to our federation to check and balance the stargazers? Otherwise, when the other party recovers from the injury, wouldn’t it still restore the dominance of the family?”

As the speaker’s voice fell, the air in the hall was temporarily silent.

Previously, many ninth ranks were actually avoiding this question consciously or unintentionally.

It’s not that no one thought of this, they as ninth rank, impossible do not deal with these high-level prophets, but the crux of the problem lies in the candidates to support.

Many prophets who are close to ninth rank are different, so why should they support the person mentioned by the speaker when they are competitors? Why does the other party get their support?

Also aware of the crux of the problem, Speaker Black’s eyes glanced for a week, and the different expressions of everyone were captured in his eyes. Then suddenly the conversation changed, and the tone became low.

“Since I brought this up at this meeting, I will naturally not embarrass you all in vain.”

“I don’t know, do you want to go further?”


One stone creates a thousand waves!

Mentioning this, the eyes of many ninth rank suddenly became serious.

“The other party has found a way to go further?”

A ninth rank opened his mouth and raised a question that everyone here is concerned about.

Indeed, if this were true, then they really wouldn’t have any trouble supporting each other anymore.

“Do you still remember the ruins of the mysterious sky city that fell from Outland last year?” another thing.

“You mean the prophecy ‘the ruins hide a secret beyond the limit of ninth rank’? But we still don’t know what that prophecy actually refers to.”

Black Wing frowned, a little puzzled.

“Once, I couldn’t understand it, but when the city in the sky exploded like fireworks in front of my eyes, when I saw the splendid and shining light rushing towards the wall of the distant zenith, I Suddenly I understand the true answer to the prophecy.”

He slowly opened his hands and stared at everyone present, and the speaker’s tone suddenly became enthusiastic.

“That’s the secret of the prophecy, the key to breakthrough ninth rank limits, just outside the wall of the zenith!

This world…it’s missing something. No They, we can’t go any further!”

The speaker’s voice ended, and the room fell into a long silence again. This answer makes many ninth rank somewhat at a loss, and at the same time some completely unprepared.

“However, we still have no way to break through the obstacles of the zenith wall.”

After a while, a ninth rank urn with a body as huge as a Little Giant spoke. , the sound echoed in the room like a muffled thunder.

“Such an answer is no different from saying nothing.”

Looking around the ninth rank, the speaker, who was skeptical, called the head and sighed.

“I have a question for all of you, are we humans born with the strength of ninth rank?”

“We don’t have the natural flying ability of the Human Race. There is no magic innate talent of the elves, nor the strength of the devil beasts who are born at the middle and high levels.

“Then at the beginning of history, our incomparably weak ancestors, how did they find a way to let us The one that stands on the top of the continent step by step? “

Said, he raised his right hand, and a human-shaped illusory shadow appeared in the midair. Then, under the simulation of magic, the Divine Sea structure in the illusory shadow continued to advance, showing a The process of a professional from weak to strong.

From apprentice to full-time professional, breakthrough fourth rank, breakthrough seventh rank, until the final breakthrough ninth rank.

Something special, illusory Every time shadow’s breakthrough method is very rough, leaving a lot of shortcomings.

“Without any previous experience, the first ninth rank in human history, [The Wall of Sealing] ] Fergus Brandon. How did he break through ninth rank? Did someone tell him the way to break through ninth rank? “

Glancing at the mixed expressions of everyone, the black robe’s speaker waved away the projection in midair.

“Now, the bottleneck with no breakthrough reappears. The predicaments that people have faced before are now our turn to face.

It’s just that the existence of this bottleneck has expanded from us to the entire human civilization! “

“So now, are you ready to back off?” ”

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(end of this chapter)

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