Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 437


Chapter 437 Brother and Sister Night

“…fourth brother?”

staring blankly Fiona’s eyes widened in disbelief at the familiar gentle smiling handsome boy in front of him.

“It’s me, dear younger sister, how are you doing recently…”

As she spoke, Anves’s words were suddenly interrupted by the girl’s movements – she trotted directly. He rushed over a few steps and threw himself into Anves’ arms.


Holding Anves tightly, Fiona almost hung herself on Anves’s body, as if to put all her worries about him all this time. release.

After Anves was taken away by the enemy, the girl always felt a little remorse in her heart, thinking that it was her own reasons that led to the disappearance of her big brother.

Occasionally, she even dreamed that the enemy was doing all kinds of torture to her big brother, just like the plots described in those hero biographies.


Without saying anything immediately, Anves looked gentle, gently hugged the little girl in his arms, letting her vent her emotions.

The touch on his body was light and warm, and at this distance, he could smell the faint fragrance of the girl’s body with the scent of sunshine.

A moment later, when the girl’s emotions calmed down, Anves let her go again.

“Then, Fei, why did you appear in the ‘Spark’ organization before, is this also some kind of task arranged by the family?”

Sitting on the soft edelweiss sofa , Anves looked at the girl next to him as if he was a child, and asked with some doubts.

Although he knew in his heart that the girl would appear here, 80% of it was due to some kind of fortuitous encounter arranged by fate. But he is still very curious about the specific details of this fortuitous encounter.

“No, it was actually an accident. Brother, do you remember, what I said before, the fragment of the star’s rocky disk?”

“That day, when I After playing a ‘Fantasy of the Stars’ in the family secret, the shard suddenly glowed, and then transported me to the ruins of the star civilization…”

shook the head, Fiona also dismissed He put on his own disguise and briefly described his experience during this period of time.

“…In the end, we were teleported out by the ruins, but the evil sorcerer who sneak attacked us and stole half of the inheritance took the opportunity to escape.

So, for the sake of Don’t let that sorcerer endanger… civilians, I plan to stay here for a few days. After finding the sorcerer and taking back the stolen inheritance, I will go home and study hard.”

The girl blushed slightly when she said the last sentence.

“Is that so? It’s really an unusual and wonderful adventure.”

After listening to the exciting adventure of the girl’s heartbeat, Anves did not expose the girl’s desire to play for herself The excuse he was looking for, but as Fiona secretly expected, nodded eyes with surprise.

But in the next sentence, his words suddenly changed.

“But, Faye, did you come here without any preparation?”


said At this point, Fiona raised her face, and said something sorry.

“That… bro, in fact, I have informed Sir Father, he should be in the vicinity by now.”

“…You notified father?”

Anves’ expression faltered slightly.

“Yes, brother, didn’t you tell me that before making a move, you must first consider the consequences of this move?”

I didn’t notice Anves’s reaction, Fiona replied triumphantly.

“The talking pigeon told me not to inform anyone, especially my teacher.

I’m worried that by my side, or my current teacher, there will be A watcher for that pigeon existed, so there was no risk of trying to inform her.”

“But what if I came here alone, in case it was a trap?”

“So, because I was worried about your safety, I used a talisman to contact Sir Father. After telling him what happened, he promised to protect me here.

I think , if even Sir Father can’t solve this matter, then even if I come as agreed, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

“Very good, clear enough judgment——”

After listening to Fiona’s explanation, Anves couldn’t help nodding in agreement and applauded the girl gently.

“However, after contacting Sir Father, you shouldn’t be able to continue the adventure, right?”

“Compared to you, the adventure is not important.”

Fiona shook the head lightly, with a rare seriousness in her blue eyes.

“I heard Mr. mother talk about the second brother. Thanks to the fourth brother, you found out in time and rescued the second brother from that overseas island.

But Now, second brother has become a little different from before.

I worry that if you are taken away for a long time, if you are tortured by the enemy in some strange way, you will be like second brother. Brother became different like that…”

Listening to the girl’s serious words, Anves was a little moved, and at the same time, he was in silence for Evan.

If even Fiona knows about it, it means that his story has spread on a small scale.

And, after returning from the island, his second brother seems to have awakened some strange hobby. Not only has he researched many new and acclaimed tentacles, but he is also often invited to some secret gatherings between noble ladies only.

Anves feels that maybe he will meet the two again. Miss.

“…So, it’s a pity, but let’s end this expedition.”

Saying this, Fiona rested her head lightly on Anves’ shoulder, indoors. Be quiet for a while.

“By the way, brother, what did you just take me to the bedroom for?”

After a long silence, Fiona blinked her blue eyes and suddenly remembered what happened just now. something.

“That? It’s nothing, I just haven’t seen each other for a long time. I want to play a game of secret technique with you.”

“Is that so?”

Blinking her eyes cutely, Fiona tilted her head, her light golden hair flashed, she instinctively felt that something was wrong, but specifically Where is wrong and can not say.

After a few seconds, the girl gave up on the matter.

The room was quiet again, save for the slight crackling of the fire in the fireplace. The two little animals ran around on the elf carpet indoors, happily chasing and playing.


Looking at the beautiful scene in front of her, after a while, Fiona spoke softly.


“I missed you—”



After the two kept warm for a while, the reminder array on the door was activated again.

Three seconds later, Duke Karrot in a magic attire pushed open the door.

“Sir Father.” x2

The two hurriedly stood up and saluted.

The Duke did not speak immediately, but looked at Anves with a slightly complicated look.

“To be honest, Anves, with your performance at this time, I really feel that you can have a bar mitzvah in advance.”

As for the strength shown by Anves, he He wasn’t too surprised, after all, he handled that Seventh Rank Peak power dragon himself.

When Anves gets that Avatar, even if the strength will be reduced, it should at least have the level of seventh rank.

“No, Sir Father, I think it’s good to follow the normal process and hold it after I officially graduate.”

Anves looked calm, and even made a joke.

“Although I have been absent from school for about a year, my situation is special after all. I shouldn’t have been expelled by Pamir, right?” From 6:00 am to 6:00 pm tomorrow, pigeons can only delay the update time.

(End of this chapter)

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