Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 449


Chapter 449 Cooperation

“Cooperation with me? Can you explain?”

Surprised by Anves’ words, Mrs. Mandel brushed the golden curly hair a little, looking at Anves with her coquettish purple eyes, waiting for his answer.

“I mean, I hope to bring the ember organization and join the Glory Alliance, but it is not in the form of signing a master-slave contract with you.”

Anves spread his hands, His eyes were fixed on Mrs. Mandel’s face.

“I hope to join the Glory Alliance as a member of the Embers Organization and the Count of the Rock Helm Kingdom as normal.

Of course, in order to show my sincerity, I can First, according to your instructions, arrange for Embers’ personnel to sneak attack ‘Xinghuo’ and ‘Bright of the Sun’ and other organizations from behind as my vote for changing camp.”

“Don’t sign a contract? Still want us support?”

After listening to Anves’ words, Mrs. Mandel was stunned, and finally understood what he meant, and her pretty face couldn’t help but get cold.

Want to use her name to get involved in the tiger skin of the Glory Alliance?

“Your Excellency the Man in the Mirror, do you really think that with your current situation, there is still room for you to discuss it with me?”

“Sorry, Ms. Mandel, with embers The current strength of the organization, if you don’t agree, I can apply to other high-level leaders of the Glory Alliance to join.”

Anves shook the head.

“Indeed, you might be able to notify others ahead of time and try to prevent them from letting me join the Glory Alliance.

However, it doesn’t matter if you can get the same level as you, or even higher. The high-level alliance leaders at the level agree to your request. Even if they do agree, the worst outcome for me is the destruction of the Embers Organization.

And as long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, you will be with me before. A high-level prophet with cooperation is also enough to ensure my safety. Compared to my personal freedom, this is nothing.”

After listening to Anves’ words, Mrs. Mandel was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled. stand up.

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency The Man in the Mirror, it was Pomona who was abrupt before. I apologize to you now.” The lady stood up, bowing slightly to Anves and raising her skirt.

“If you want to join the Glory Alliance, I am very welcome.

However, unlike being my personal subordinate, joining the Glory Alliance does not mean what you did in the past. It can be written off.

You still have to pay enough for this to get the top leaders of the alliance to promise to save you.”

In fact, Mrs. Mandel never thought about it. Anves would simply agree to sign that contract with her.

Her real goal is actually to represent the Glory Alliance and throw an olive branch to the Embers Organization.

It’s just a little unexpected that the person in the mirror seems to be the type she likes.

So, she doesn’t continue to persecute Anves now, but prepares to appease him for the time being and make him let go of her vigilance.

Like fishing, you must be relaxed to catch the fish successfully. If you just blindly take up the line, it will only lead to the final decoupling of the fish.

After all, when the Embers Organization really attacked their former comrades, the resistance organization would naturally no longer be able to tolerate them.

As for the other party’s so-called high-level prophet, when the final battle of fate broke out, she didn’t think the other party would be willing to risk being attacked by other prophets and forcibly protect the person in the mirror. .

Then, the only life-saving straw the other party can count on is the Glory Alliance.

At that time, she has 10,000 ways to force the cute prey in front of her to obey obediently and become a submissive plaything under her skirt.

As a result, the two who were pregnant with each other happily reached an agreement.

When Anves sneak attacked organizations such as Starfire and Sunshine from behind as agreed, Mrs. Mandel will allow the Embers Organization to officially join the Glory Alliance and become a member of the alliance.

Watching the crystal ball in front of him go out again, the corners of Anves’ mouth were slightly raised.

Well, here it is.

No matter what Mrs. Mandel thinks, he just needs to make this Avatar the Glory Alliance.

Utilizing this status, he can do things far beyond Mrs. Mandel’s imagination.

After taking a last look at the invisible web of destiny in the sky, Anves ignited a radiant dust and slowly entered a state of meditation for daily cultivation.

Those high-level prophets, even at the cost of dragging the entire federation into war, are going to pursue things that are the only chance for a breakthrough.

And what he pursues is to make it impossible for any of these people to break through.



Next, in the continuous war in the Federation, time passed for several months again, reaching the golden moon. four days. (August)

With the hastily wrapping up of the mid-year festival, the continent’s Web of Destiny finally begins to take on a new twist.

However, it was not the resistance army that initially sparked this change, but the existence of an increasingly extensive network of constructs.

At this time, the popularity of the construction network has reached 36.34% of the population of the entire Federation. It can be said that almost every household has an Internet user.

And, with the promotion of those high-level prophets at all costs. This number is still rising.

Although it is far from the 80% popularity mentioned by the Speaker. However, after the construction of the network became popular, the grassroots people in the Federation gradually began to show extremely obvious changes.

The fundamental reason is that the amount of information obtained from day to day becomes different.

With the advent of the Internet, the channels for people to contact all kinds of information have suddenly been broadened, not only limited to the piece of land in front of them, but also to directly understand the information that happened in other distant kingdoms.

And, because the construction network is a dream-like existence. After a day of labor, the people had dinner, put on their helmets on the bed, and entered the virtual online world.

There, people can not only get all kinds of virtual enjoyment of Frightening-Soul Sting, but also can contact and learn all kinds of knowledge by paying some price.

This is a feature that the web was designed to do when it first appeared.

Although these knowledges are required to be paid, there are also options for task exchange.

For example, in reality, new construction network users can be drawn, or enough psychic power fluctuations can be provided in exchange for contribution points.

And when enough contribution points are obtained, various virtual services and information packages in the network can be purchased.

So, with this design, all kinds of professional knowledge are implanted in the minds of the people by unnoticeable influence according to the magic program set in advance.

This operation is also inspired by the appearance of strangers.

If it was a peaceful time in the past, this kind of behavior would be strictly prohibited by the nobles of the major kingdoms without even thinking about it.

But now, the high-ranking nobles are busy fighting the rebels and coping with the pressure of the Glory Alliance and other forces.

For the sake of more fate feedback, the high-level prophets are already not in notice of these effects.


(End of this chapter)

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