Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 464


Chapter 464 Backstab

Sea Blue Kingdom, the temporary headquarters of the Embers Organization.

As night falls, a faint silver crescent hangs on the horizon, covering a pot of bluebells on the windowsill with a flowing silvery white light.

In the quiet study room, with the faint moonlight outside the window, Anves sat leisurely on the carved white star wood lounge chair, flipping through a heavy book with a cover that was still turning slightly. The eyeball book, learning the secret technique knowledge recorded in it.

As a famous ninth rank Rare Item, the various secret techniques recorded in Heros’ Tome of Infinite have a real boost to his current magic level.

Including the long-lost Netherworld River reincarnation, life hiding and other top secret techniques, this book has detailed records.

I don’t know how long it took, Anves closed his eyes slightly, closed the book in his hand, and gently rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers, recovering more than half of his spirit strength.

Forcibly flipping through the magic book of the ninth rank limit at the level of less than Eighth Rank, even he would feel a little tired.

At present, the growth of his personal professional strength has stagnated again, and he can only make up for it temporarily through learning in disguise.

Although the Old Days Secret Scripture had previously sealed the black pyramid, some power was fed back to him, but its speed was quite slow and the number was not large. Power feedback when it comes to things is completely impossible to compare.

Of course, he can also understand the reason for this disparity. After all, one is the body, and the other is not even a wreck, but a wreck.

Looking up at the night outside the window, at this moment, Silver Moon Severn has reached the middle of the sky.

Putting away the book, Anves got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the night view outside.

The environment all around the stronghold is dark and quiet, with unknown birds hoaring from the branches of the large chestnut tree. The torch rays of light of several night soldiers wriggled slightly in the darkness, like one after another dim red star.

Tonight is the last day before the general attack. According to the secret plan of Anves and other top leaders of the resistance group, tomorrow morning, the resistance groups such as Spark, Embers, and Sunshine will jointly start a long-lost alliance. action.

Strive to concentrate troops, fight a time difference, and annihilate the flanks of the Kingdom’s army with absolute superiority before the support of the Kingdom’s military arrives.

It does sound like a good plan, but many people know that there are bound to be changes in this operation.

“knock knock—”

At this moment, the door was knocked gently.

“I remember, I’ve told before that no one is allowed to disturb me tonight unless the allied forces of those kingdoms are already here, right, Mitchell?”

Anves, with his hands crossed, stood in the silver moonlight in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and did not look back.

Meanwhile, a Seventh Rank Peak Rebel Commander enters the room and salutes Anves.

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency, but I have just received an urgent piece of information, which is of great importance and is related to tomorrow’s joint counter-offensive. I must report it to you immediately.”

After explaining in a low voice, Mitchell’s speech gradually increased.

“As for tomorrow’s action, I have obtained confidential information from my eyeliner. Some high-level members of the organization have colluded with outsiders and are ready to rebel at a critical moment, and then use it as a sign to defect to Other organizations.”

You’re right, and the highest-ranking of those who colluded with foreign enemies is standing before you right now.

Anves finally turned around at Mitchell’s words, but his expression remained so calm that it was hard to fathom what he was thinking.

“According to my investigation, the list of members involved in this incident is…”

Unaware of Anves’ thoughts, Mitchell immediately reported his investigation results. , several senior executives in the organization controlled by Anves, all included in this list.

“…you did good, Mitchell, I got it.”

Waiting quietly for him to finish, Anves nods.

“By tomorrow, I’ll check what you said and readjust their positions temporarily.”

Watching the ‘loyal’ subordinate leave, Anves Fingers tapped on the table.

Mitchell was not a subordinate he controlled with the Twisted Seed, but a professional who chose to join the Embers Organization.

Out of instinct, he didn’t explain anything to Mitchell. Because he is not sure whether this person will tell people in other organizations what he said in a blink of an eye after he leaves, so as to gain benefits.

Unconsciously, it has been more than a year since he came to the Federation.

And now that the situation has developed, the Embers Organization has no need for him to continue to exist.

Soon, when this war is over, he will almost be able to go home.

After a night of silence, the second day will come soon.

Second day In the morning, the counter-offensive operation officially began.

A small number of Legions were sent out to harass each other on the frontal battlefield according to the usual exploratory attack method.

In the dark, the main professional troops of the three major resistance organizations have been secretly assembled, and there are even more than one ninth rank who are personally leading the battle.

Then, when the enemy’s strength was dispersed, the horn of the counterattack was officially sounded.

A mid- and low-level professional covering the mountains and plains, dressed in a huge construction Battle Armor, ran at a very high speed under the escort of a construction mothership and a mechanical wyvern in the sky Allied forces to the completely unprepared kingdom.

one after another Fiery beams of magical power drop from the sky every now and then, blasting destructive mushroom clouds across the ground. Even if the military mages on the side of the Kingdom’s coalition held up the wide-area shield, they were quickly smashed and penetrated.

In a huge battlefield of this size, the role of personal bravery is diluted to an extremely weak level.

Except for the Disaster Grade powerhouse above the seventh rank, everyone else can only be regarded as an ordinary part of this flesh-and-blood mill. White.

On the side of the battlefield, looking at Legion, the two professionals who were fighting each other fiercely, Leo was sitting in the rear of the army. Prevent some special magic methods, and at the same time, when the enemy’s ninth rank can’t help but snipe the opponent.

However, although his eyes were fixed on the frontal battlefield, his peripheral vision drifted to the ‘friendly’ camp from time to time, appearing a little absent-minded.

After a while, the change he had been waiting for finally appeared.

As if unable to resist the fierce attack of the enemy, several alien troops of the ember organization, led by the captain above the seventh rank, suddenly began to fight and retreat in the direction of other friendly forces. .

And when the friendly troops helped them block the enemy, these people suddenly flashed their eyes and launched a deadly attack on the backs of these unsuspecting companions!

Only, the result of the attack was slightly different from what they thought.

Originally, under this wave of attacks, they were expected to be able to bring down at least half of them on the spot.

But the reality is that not even 1 in 10 are actually recruited.

At the critical moment, many high-level professionals of the Spark organization will take action directly and will be protected by the forces of sneak attack.

At the same time, several Legions of the Embers Organization turned against the water on the spot, beheading these players who took on the ‘secret mission’, and at the same time directly put on the Starfire Organization badge on the backhand.

Before these players could figure out the situation, they received a system hint.

[The resistance organization ‘Embers’ has been disbanded, and the prestige and contribution of the faction have been cleared. ]

(end of this chapter)

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