Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 47


Chapter 47: Fantasy Rare Item

“I heard from Mrs. mother, brother, you are leaving next month , went to the Royal Capital Pamir Academy to study. So, I want to prepare a parting gift for you.”

“I heard this legend from an old lady who sold straw weaving, so…”

Soon, under the inquiry of Anves, the girl, like a cheerful bird, told him the whole sequence of events on chirp chirp twitter twitter.

Thinking of her who used to seldom leave the castle, but during this half a month, she would run out every afternoon in the afternoon and would not come back until very late.

Slightly closing her blue eyes, the pale and slender nobleman took a deep breath. He opened his eyes again and looked at the little girl’s cute little face that was a little red from excitement, with a very soft smile on her face.

“Thank you, Faye, this is the best parting gift I’ve ever received—”

To Anves, this sudden surprise was like When a traveler on the snowy plains on a winter night was trudging hard, he suddenly saw a temporary camp in the distance.

And in the center of the camp, a small bonfire made of cedar branches, shining warmly.

Plain, but warm-

“hehe…it’s nothing, it just took a little more time to find the box and the flowerpot, I asked Annie to do it too. The…”

Getting an unexpected compliment from Anves, Fiona’s cheeks turned even redder and she smiled shyly. At the same time, he turned his head to the side without a trace, and his splendid light blond hair flickered.

“Actually, I was going to take it out when I was parting, as a surprise for you. It’s just that I couldn’t wait, so I took it out now…”

Saying that, the girl was a little lacking in confidence, and her voice gradually became smaller.

Anves laughed, reached out and tapped the vine again, making it back into a box shape, he already understood the structure of the magic.

“Then, I’ll give it again on the day I go to the Academy, why not—”

Said, he handed the box to the girl, and smiled gently at her. blinked.

“Huh, ah? Is this still possible?”

Fiona was stunned for a moment, holding the box a little not knowing what to do, her pink lips slightly open, the clear lake blue Big eyes full of confusion.

“Let’s put it with you first, Fei, just to let the father and mother share your good luck.”

Anves chuckled, and gracefully pointed to the box than a ‘please’ gesture.

“Well, you’re right.”

Fiona agreed, nodded, and put the box away.

“Then, brother, keep reading, I won’t disturb you~”

Said, the girl got up lightly and walked towards the door of the library.

Anves smiled and watched the girl’s back disappear outside the gate. Then he began to reflect on himself.

There is no such scene in my memory. In other words, his existence itself has unconsciously changed something.

‘Yes, in the past life, because Fiona diverted the attention of the Duke and Duchess, little Anves, who was only one year older than her, did not have as good a relationship with her as it is now. ‘

‘Perhaps, some arrangements could be changed a little…’

Speechless, Laughed, Anves closed the book on the table and put it aside. Then stretched back and beckoned, another book flew down from near the top of the shelf and fell into his hands.

This book is huge, about half a foot thick, and the whole book exudes a dreamlike air.

If the person holding the book has a slightly lower spirit strength, he will even be directly intoxicated into an illusory dream.

The cover is an icy black, but somehow gives a sense of serenity and serenity.

The center of the cover is stamped with two beautiful lines of Gumani, which seems to radiate an ever-changing glow under Anves’ gaze.

“On the Birth of the Rare Item’s Growth”

– Nordence

“Sooner or later, this knowledge will be used, won’t it? But now It’s just to start researching ahead of time.”

Anves opened the book, and his spirit strength was running at full strength, while resisting the erosion of the dreamy atmosphere all the time, while reading it carefully.


On the second to last day of the Academy, Anves left the library and entered the alchemy laboratory after a long absence.

“Enable the highest level of protection——”

Standing in front of the dedicated magic complex inscription refining golden stage, Anves held the family amulet, and a trace of spirit strength penetrated into it.

With his movements, the laboratory’s array core was activated immediately, and the multiple restraints and Defensive Array enveloped the inscription table.

Originally, he planned to make a low-level magic Rare Item as a gift to Fiona before parting.

However, after receiving the unexpected gift from the girl, Anves temporarily changed his mind and prepared to make a low-level Rare Item with growth potential.

“The parchment of the Black Mountains of Mandurah, the dark abyss iron from the depths of the wandering land of the Resentful Soul, the soft hide of the belly of the sacred unicorn, the one-eyed extract of the nightmare giant…”

Comparing the list of materials, Anves took out all kinds of strange things and started making a Rare Item that he had long conceived.

“In the gaze of the terrifying bird, use one-eyed extract mixed with wraith essence as the ink.

Use the night crow’s feathers plucked on the night of the 13th Hearthfire as the ink. The base material, attached to the girl’s resentment, is made into a magic quill pen to write the text and illustrations of the book…”

On the side of the alchemy room, the black cloth wrapped around the huge cage was lifted, revealing one of the Only grotesque scaly monsters.

It was a monstrous black bird with a seahorse-like head and lamprey-like mouthparts.

Seeing the long-lost light flapping its huge smooth wings, six evil scarlet eyes stared in Anves’s direction, emitting restless gasps.

Assuming there is no protective array, Anves will be severely mentally eroded in an instant, and may even be swallowed by nightmares on the spot.

But this is all just an assumption, in the end, that Anves’s evil gaze didn’t affect Anves in any way thanks to the protective array.

Anves kept moving, the quill tip filled with resentment, dipped in a rich and ominous liquid, dancing on the parchment glowing with faint black.

The whole process is guided by spirit strength, leaving lines of dark text elegantly and neatly.

The content of the text is the “Fiona Sleepwalking Immortal Realm” he had previously told for girls. Anves plans to use this story as the core carrier to build an illusory dream space.

After a few magic hours, the body part is complete.

Anves took out the long, shallow golden hair that he had collected from Fiona the other day and used it as a thread to bind it together.

“Afterwards, use the unicorn skin with shaded wood to make the book cover. Use dark abyss iron to wrap the corners and hoop the spine…”

Soon, in one person and one bird Under his gaze, a thick magic book gradually took shape.

In the cover that exudes a touch of holy white light, there is a very strong strange and ominous atmosphere wrapped in it.

Standard white cut black, nice.

Looking at the magic book in his hand that seemed to be dreamy and holy, but was actually extremely twisted and ominous, Anves commented wordlessly.

“Finally, a black umbrella that had experienced the rain at the funeral was opened indoors. In the shadow cast by the umbrella, an abnormal element was integrated into the formed Rare Item…

(end of this chapter)

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