Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 477


Chapter 477 natural phenomenon

While chanting these incantations, the Speaker was not using a common language, but a A very ancient and strange language.

The voice was light and psychedelic, like a feather falling softly on the soft snow, and like a sultry whisper echoing from the deepest depths of a dream.

And when the listener can’t help but want to explore its content further, it disappears like a snowflake falling into the palm of the hand.

This strange feeling is not derived from the content of the incantation he is chanting, but seems to be related to his intonation, or the organs in his body for vocalization.

When the speaker started to chant the prayer, the silhouette of the star on the side disappeared directly, and through a special secret technique, he was instantly away from here.

As the prayer continued, an indescribable aura gradually filled the night sky centered on the ceremony array.

The stars in the night sky suddenly became clearer and brighter, and were stained with a faint yellowish tint.

The strange music comes from the dark and deep space. It sounds wonderful at first, but if you listen to it for a long time, it will make the listener unconsciously fall into eternal sleep.

And the many ninth ranks in the array have gradually become silent from the previous fierce struggle, and their wills sink into the depths of the endless dark dream.

Also sinking, not only the many unfortunate ninth ranks, but also the consciousness of the several millions of network connections in the partially constructed network in charge of the Speaker.

On the Internet, the will of countless people has unknowingly fallen into a deeper dream. Everything in the originally illusory online world began to become weird and absurd, but they were immersed in the dream, but they didn’t realize it.

In the Web of Destiny, the thread of destiny of half of the network connections being sacrificial offering by the Speaker is all stained with an ominous dark yellow, in stark contrast to the ice blue area controlled by Anves.

And, over time, more ice blue areas began to be gradually infiltrated with dark yellow.

At this moment, the abnormality in the sky was finally noticed by the many ninth ranks below.

“Something’s wrong, what is that!”

Staring at the natural phenomenon in the night sky, a ninth rank said with some doubts and vigilance.

“…that’s a foreign body! He’s calling for a foreign body that doesn’t belong to this world!”

When he heard the slightly hollow and strange music from the far-reaching night sky, [Crown of Thorns] Mark fought a cold war from head to toe.

Mark’s eyes flashed with disbelief when he sensed the familiar old and ice cold aura. Then, the emotion instantly turned into a mixture of anger and fear.

“How dare he?!”

Mark is naturally very familiar with the aura of foreign objects recorded in the teachings. And, as one of the Seven Archbishops of Holy Splendor, he knows more secrets.

In this world, there are many terrifying beings that are incomparably ancient and powerful. They existed long before human civilization, or even this world, and will continue to exist.

The Lord of Dreams, Maelim, is one of them. He is considered to be the foreign god who rules the world of dreams and the authority over dreams. The main body slumbers in the dark fog in the depths of the deep space Star Sea, continuing the eternal dream of absurdity.

Few of the esoteric gods worship him as an idol, and he once personally led the team to destroy an evil summon ceremony conducted by the esoteric group.

They have indeed acquired some kind of strange power, which can make the consciousness of the professional fall into a trance and sleep. But under his word, even their High Priest is still vulnerable.

But today, Mark suddenly realized that the esoteric summon ceremony he had destroyed before was so amateurish and ridiculous compared to this one tonight.

Double-digit ninth rank, millions of federal creatures!

This kind of handwriting made him feel terrified.

As the in the sky natural phenomenon continued, many ninth ranks on the ground also began to sense that the situation was not good and were all ready to flee the battlefield.

But by the time they realized it, it was too late.

Soon, the consciousness of many ninth ranks also began to blur and fell into a deep sleep. Only a few ninth rank extremes took advantage of this natural phenomenon just to appear, when the impact was not too strong, forced to use life-saving secrets to escape.

Except for Archbishop [Crown of Thorns] Mark.

“The ancient aliens from outside brought the darkness of chaos, and the darkness devoured the crowd.”

“People called to God in desperation, so God came with the brilliance of Supreme, and brought darkness and darkness together. Foreign object expulsion—”

After experiencing the initial fear, Mark’s eyes turned decisive.

While reciting the first chapter of the first chapter of the holy scriptures, the bishop right hand held down the ring-shaped holy emblem of light on his chest, and his left hand took out a holy spar again and held it in the palm of his hand, resisting the sleep with difficulty. Invasion of power.

At the same time, along with his chanting, light came out of nothingness and shone on him, making his silhouette look a little more holy than the strangeness around him.

“God said that when the light comes, the darkness must not remain in the world!”

When he recited the dive symbol, he smashed the holy symbol in his hand. spar. At the same time, a holy white shimmer flowed out of the hole in the center of the sacred emblem on his chest.

That’s the kinship of the gods, and it is the kinship of the gods that belongs to the seven Archbishop levels. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it with the presence of gods.

Under the flow of rays of light, Bishop’s body was gradually infected and turned into a human figure composed of pure brilliance.

And from the broken holy spar, enough holy power to form a level-breaking attack, completely wrapped around and blessed bishop, raising his power to a new height in a very short time.

After doing all this, bishop resolutely rushed towards the huge sun in the sky, trying to interrupt it at the last moment of ceremony.

“It is a sad existence to be bound by pious and illusory beliefs.”

In the huge defensive array, the speaker who presides over the ceremony looked indifferently at the rays of rushing down below. light humanoid, don’t care.

In the eyes of the speaker, that brilliance rushed into the range of the defensive array, gradually approaching him, but its power was also constantly weakening.

In the end, when he consumed most of the defensive power of the external network, Bishop’s silhouette dimmed, and he was powerless to restore his original fleshy body.

Unwilling to be separated by the last distance, after looking at the Speaker, his body fell down, and he also fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, his sacrifice was not entirely without effect.

Due to the influence of Ma’elim’s power, many network connections who have fallen into deep sleep have been unable to continue to provide strength for the defense array.

The array power consumed by bishop has not been restored.

However, the Speaker did not care about this.

Although the strength of the defensive array has been almost exhausted, at this time, no one can threaten the operation of the ceremony anymore.


But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something wrong.

When Bishop’s body finally fell down, among the many ninth ranks, another black robed man who was still awake finally appeared.

Controlling the Avatar to slowly levitate, Anves’ silhouette is extremely abrupt in the center of the many stationary ninth ranks.

At the moment when the strange tune that came from the night sky sounded, the Old Days Secret Scripture hanging from the waist at the distant Anves body suddenly floated up on its own, the pages of the book were turned over, and the text on the surface emitted a strong voice.

‘s dim light.

Whether it is the part of the construction network controlled by Anves, or the Avatar located in the distant battlefield, the power extension of all Anves body is shrouded in a faint dark green at this moment.

With the help of the spontaneous power of the Old Days Secret Scripture, Anves’ will was exempt from the interference of Maelim’s breath and did not fall into a deep sleep.

However, this time, faced with Maelim’s power of dreams, Old Days Secret Scripture showed difficulty for the first time.

The dark green light on the heavy cover is flickering, trying hard to suppress the dip of dark yellow, but it can only maintain the state of evenly matched.

“…It’s you?”

Feeling the power of the Old Days Secret Scripture on Anves, the Speaker finally moved.

“The world is really small, isn’t it, dear Lord Farr.”

Slowly taking off the mask, Anves smiled and bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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