Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 480


Chapter 480 Versus and sneak attack

“I must admit, you are the toughest opponent I have ever seen. Even on par with stargazers.

But now, what if you have the power to build the web, so what?”

Looking at the gathering of a certain Anves attacked, the Speaker hooked the head.

“The human body has limits after all. Even if you are the ninth rank limit, the strength you can hold is far from enough to increase your strength enough to stop me.”


As he spoke, he even took out an hourglass flowing with silver sand and placed it in the air at will.

“I’m not afraid to tell you, Lord Zast, there are still about 3 minutes before his eyes really come to this place.

Yes, if you can be here Only the sand in the hourglass will break through my array before the light flows. Then, maybe you can really stop me and exercise your ‘justice’.”

Glancing at the silver flickering beside the Speaker Light’s hourglass, Anves chuckled lightly, and at the same time as he gathered his attacks, he separated a thought, and summoned his magic hourglass directly.

“Don’t bother, Lord Farr, I can still judge the completion time of the ceremony.”

If someone compares the two hourglasses, they will find that , the speed of the sand in the hourglass beside the Speaker is obviously slower than that of the hourglass beside Anves.


Seeing that Anves was not fooled, the Speaker retracted the hourglass with some regret, and began to control the remaining strength of the defensive array to prepare for Anves’ attack.

His current situation is actually a bit embarrassing, because the core of the summon ceremony must be maintained by him, providing continuous guidance for the Lord of Dreams Ma’elim. He couldn’t get out, he could only be blocked by brace oneself.

In addition, due to the loss of the supply of building network power, the peripheral defense array has a serious shortage of energy, and there is less than 20% of the protection capability in its heyday, and it is still a one-time use.

In the face of Anves, who controls nearly half of the network power, the Speaker can only hope that Anves’ body’s carrying capacity is limited, and he cannot gather enough attacks to break through the shield in a short time.

After all, even if there is no supplement, the remaining power of these shields is still enough to resist several magic attacks that break the limit.

Under the eyes of the two with different meanings, when most of the sand in the hourglass flowed, Anves’ attack finally converged.

It was a blazing white sphere with a light blue color, and its rays of light were dazzling, reminiscent of the stars in the night sky.

The speaker’s judgment is actually right. Although this Avatar is made by Anves from the remains of a ninth rank extreme professional, it still cannot carry too strong network power.

Not much to say, when he felt that the load on this body had reached its limit, Anves shook his hand, and the ball of light crossed a bright white line, hitting the defensive array almost instantly.

“Om — rumbling –!”

First there was a short and slight magic resonance sound, and the next moment, accompanied by a terrifying magic power fluctuation, a huge The blue-white ball of light suddenly exploded in the night sky, and even rolled in the entire array, including Anves.

The strange snowflakes in the sky were violently pushed aside by the chaotic magic power, and the purple and silver double moons in the night sky were also reduced to a foil under this dazzling light ball. That bright blue-white radiance was clearly visible even in the distant city of Mancas, beyond a thousand li.

“Gods… what is that?”

Outside the battlefield several hundred li, many professionals stationed on the top of the mountain looked at all kinds of terrifying natural phenomena in the air, and in their hearts All were a little apprehensive.

Since the previous strange power came from the night sky, they have felt a strong sense of crisis, but due to their low strength, they have nothing to do, they can only pray that the ninth rank crowns can successfully defeat the enemy .

Fortunately, what came with the guidance of the array at this time was just a trace of Maelim’s aura of power, and the scope of influence was not too large. Otherwise, none of these people can escape.

And on the battlefield, Anves relied on the power of a continuously constructed network to protect himself and survived the explosion unscathed.

However, as the blast’s energy aftermath dissipated, the defensive array at the blast’s core resurfaced.

This attack, which gathered all of Anves’ power, still failed to break the protective array beside the Speaker. Although the latter had also dimmed to the point of extinction, it still held on tenaciously.

“It’s a pity, Your Excellency Zast, it seems that fate is on my side today.”

In response to this result, the Speaker slowly relaxed.

Although the array is almost exhausted, the time is almost up. The remaining time is not enough for the opponent to launch an overly powerful attack again.

As for those ordinary attacks, although he couldn’t leave the array, if he resisted with all his strength, it would be more than enough to delay the opponent for a minute.

The situation has developed to the present, and all his cards have been opened.

Originally in his expectation, when the power of the original dream came, the ninth rank, except for those who fled first, would fall into a deep sleep irresistibly.

He can also successfully complete the entire ceremony, and then use the power of Maelim to shatter the wall of the ceiling and move towards the starry sky.

It’s just that Anves didn’t expect Anves to appear. Not only did he rely on foresight, he planned and conspired in advance to seize a large number of network permissions, but he could even see Maelim’s sleeping power as nothing. geek.

Fortunately, everything will now be completely settled.

“I think we still have a little time, Lord Farr.”

Seeing this result, Anves without the slightest hesitation continued his shot. Prepare to smash the speaker’s shell quickly and destroy the array.

“…a dying struggle.”

Defining Anves’ actions indifferently, the Chancellor looked at the shattering array and began to build the spell ahead of time.

Finally, with about thirty seconds left in the ceremony’s completion, the array was completely shattered by Anves’ attack.

Just as the Anves spell had just fallen and the weak spot was temporarily exposed, the Speaker seized this fleeting opportunity and suddenly aroused his spell.

A terrifying dark-golden rule thunder and lightning instantly wrapped around Anves’ body surface, creating a fierce confrontation with the power of the protective network. Wherever the lightning strikes, the space produces unstable distortions.

This is not only for killing, but also for trapping the enemy. The dark gold rule lightning contains a very strong binding force, which is enough to temporarily interfere with the flow of mana at the ninth rank limit.

However, just when the Speaker made a full effort to confront Anves, the shock happened again!

A silhouette filled with terrifying black alien power suddenly and silently appeared behind him.

A strong sense of death emanated from him, and a large cloud of black air lingered above his head, constantly blocking the falling snow of eternal sleep.

Looking at the Speaker, who also had a weak defense due to the powerful attack, the silhouette with a mad smile, surrounded by hands full of the power of death, suddenly penetrated into the Speaker’s vest!

“My nemesis, how are you doing? During the four thousand years that I’ve been in deep sleep, I’ve been thinking of you all the time!!”

(end of this chapter)

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