Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 500


Chapter 500 The Mystery of the King’s Sword

“Dear Your Excellency Anves, it is like this, several guests around me found me, And brought information that may be of interest to you.”

Facing Anves in the crystal ball, the last Dragonborn immediately changed his attitude, respectful as a dog’s leg.


nodded in different expression, Anves glanced at the environment near the last dragonborn.

At this time, in addition to the blue robe mage, the other two sixth rank had entered the shadow in the corner of the basement, leaving the shrouded range of crystal ball’s vision.

The kitten Tiramisu has also been let go, and under the orders of the Dragonborn, she stood obediently as a decoration.

“So, I wonder what this guest wants to do when he finds my subordinate specifically?”

Looking at the mage behind the last dragonborn, Anves looked calm. Open your mouth.

“First meeting, Your Excellency Anves, you can call me blue, and I’m sorry to contact you in this way. But after all, I have a low status and it is difficult to meet you in a normal way, Please forgive me.”

Seeing Anves looking over, blue robe’s mage Auburn stepped forward, spoke neither humbly nor arrogantly, and gave himself a code name at will,

“I don’t know Olivendi Is the family interested in the whereabouts of the legendary Sword of Kings?”

“The Sword of Kings?”

Looking at the mage opposite the crystal ball, Anves raised his eyebrows slightly , and quickly recalled the information about this sword.

“Interesting, keep talking.”

As he tapped his finger on the table, Anves showed a hint of interest and motioned for the blue robe person on the opposite side to continue.

“You must be aware that the original body of the Sword of the King was taken away by a mysterious powerhouse thousands of years ago, and it is still in a state of loss.”

Auburn nodded, simple Tell the story of what happened.

“And a few days ago, an expedition that escaped from the ground discovered the remains of a secret laboratory suspected to be related to the Sword of the King.

In that ruin, they found Several pieces of analysis data on the nature of the Kingsword Sword. However, when they left, they had an infighting, which led to the leakage of information.

Based on some things that the team brought out, we have already grasped The exact coordinates of where the King’s Sword is located, or at least the coordinates that are closely related to its location.

But we also know that our strength may not be enough to compete with the great characters.

So, for only 1.5 million gold coins, we are willing to inform you of the specific whereabouts of the sword of the king.”

“So, this is your purpose?”

Listen After the blue robe mage’s words, Anves’s reaction was not as serious as he thought, but he stretched out a finger and slowly shook the head.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Lan, you are not the only one who has contacted the Olivendi family for thousands of years and claimed to have obtained the whereabouts of the sword of the king.

However, their information was quickly falsified after the fact.”

Speaking, Anves leaned back on the back of the chair and waved his hand casually.

“So, I need practical and reliable proof, not your empty words.”

“I can confirm that this coordinate has a very critical connection with the whereabouts of the Sword of Kings. . You can contact the Olivendi family’s fortune-teller to prove it through prophetic magic.”

Anves’ reaction, shrugged by the blue robe mage, was unnerving.

“Also, we are not the only ones who know the whereabouts of the Sword of Kings, we just got the coordinates first.

Other people who also got the information, maybe The other Three Great Families are now being contacted, even the Imperial Household.

After all, we don’t have the ability to block news. The longer you hesitate, the greater the chance of change.”

“…Yes, leave a location, and someone from the Olivendi family will contact you to discuss the details. If your information is proven to be true, then your request will also be fulfilled.”

Nodding, Anves cut off the communication and looked at the dimmed crystal ball in front of him, a little lost.

didn’t expect , the last dragonborn who was released for free movement actually brought him back some surprises.

In the secret history of the empire collected by the family library, it was recorded that the Gloria Great Emperor held this sword and fought with the [Flame of Frozen All Things] from the Foreign Domain.

‘The terrifying star of dawn descends upon the world, and all things are frozen in the flames of the pale starlight.

In critical moments, the splendid silhouette of ten thousand zhang stands straight in the sky, and the fearless swings his sword toward the dark night sky, slashing the icy spark from the night sky. ‘

This is the original text of the secret history, and the ‘Slashing the Stars’ in folklore is the prototype of that battle.

He was actually a little impressed with the Rare Item of the Sword of the King. After all, it is the only epic Rare Item in red, and several guilds in the previous life seem to have fought a large-scale guild battle for this.

It is precisely because of this that the real high-level forces of many empires have appeared in front of many players, taking off the veil of mystery.

However, Anves is not clear about the exact location of the relics unearthed and their final whereabouts. Because those stabbing information was considered secret even in the previous life and was not made public.

If you count the time, in fact, the time when the Sword of the Chosen King was re-launched in the previous life was less than a year away from now.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the coordinates mentioned by the mage who calls himself ‘Blue’ are true.

Of course, to Anves, it doesn’t really matter if it’s fake.

After all, all they want is money, as everyone knows, and problems that can be solved with money are not problems.



With the intention of both parties, this transaction was completed smoothly.

After verifying the coordinates, Anves paid 1.5 million gold coins as a reward. And arranged for an Avatar to immediately go to the coordinate location, trying to explore there first.

Meanwhile, since Anves didn’t hide anything when he moved the family, the duchess also knew about it.

They know more secret information about the epic Rare Item than Anves.

The King’s Sword has real and unreal power, and the key lies in the so-called ‘King’s aptitude’.

The Gloria Great Emperor has been in office for three hundred years, and during these three hundred years, in addition to governing the empire, the Great Emperor also relied on the heritage left over from the ancient Magic Empire, and single-handedly created an almost invincible terrifying demon. Like Legion.

According to the few data, the entire Legion is composed of 1,024 golems, which are divided into 32 independent squares. rank. Controlled by the Floating Void City-level Tower Spirit, proficient in linked array attacks.

When all the golems form a giant array to attack together, it can easily issue a terrifying forbidden spell that breaks the limit, and its formidable power is not even dare to touch the limit of ninth rank.

But after the Gloria Great Emperor stepped down and mysterious disappeared, the golem Legion also disappeared with the Great Emperor.

According to legend, only the wielder of the Sword of the Chosen King can find the golem’s slumber and reawaken it.

Because of this secret, the imperial family and the Four Great Families are very concerned about the whereabouts of the Sword of the King, because it is a power that is enough to balance the left and right sides.

However, it is still not completely sure that the Sword of Kings is located at the coordinates, and the Sword of Kings is re-launched, and it is not certain whether it is a trap deliberately created by some forces.

Duke Karrot simply handed over this matter to Anves, intending to exercise his ability to handle affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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