Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 511


Chapter 511 Escape

However, at the same time as the attack, the two Eighth Rank dragon blood guards also seemed to notice Some kind of anomaly, the attack spell that was about to touch the central Formation and the ground rune ring stopped in midair for a moment, and then even slowly retracted.

This is the magic control unique to Eighth Rank professionals. At this level, due to the complete integration of their own magic power and will, all their spells are like a temporary arm, fully controlled by their own will. .

“Wait a minute, there seems to be some kind of special defense system here.”

At the same time, Asira also reacted, a flash of solemnity flashed in the dark golden eyes, He suddenly raised his hand, and a transparent ripple emanated from the gauntlet of his right arm.

As the ripples passed, except for the spherical Formation in the center, everything in the room was covered with a bright red streamer, like a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial terrifying existence Like a bowl, you want to devour the three of them.

Seeing this scene, the trio’s complexion changed slightly.

“It seems to be a self-destructing trap. If it is judged as a foreign enemy invasion, this place will be completely turned into a dead area, and everything in the secret room will be indiscriminately destroyed.

And according to According to the feedback of the detection device, the formidable power of this trap is likely to exceed our response range.”

With the help of the special detection Rare Item, after carefully identifying the area highlighted by the previous ripples, a The dragon blood secret guard opened his mouth and identified the hidden danger here.

“Your Excellency, is there a way to disarm the trap here? The sword in the Formation is very important to me!”

After pondering for a few seconds, Asira stared at him with piercing eyes. with his two bodyguards.

“I’m afraid…it’s very difficult. Deciphering this special high-level array non-violently is not our strength, Your Excellency Asira.”

The two looked at each other. Taking a look, in the end, the slightly stronger Simus spoke tactfully, breaking Asira’s expectations.

As we all know, the strongest of the Aslade family is actually the inheritance of Dragon Knight, rather than the magic skills of proven.

“Perhaps, we can place a spell that detonates with a delay here? After the self-destruction system here is triggered, will we find a way to take that sword?”

Mora Grid provides another solution. If the bomb cannot be defused, why not just detonate it?

“But if we do that, what if the things in the Formation are also destroyed?”

After listening to the advice of his colleagues, Seamus couldn’t bear it. Keep pouring cold water on him.

“…No, wait, Lord Morag’s suggestion seems to be the best way now.”

But Asira suddenly thought of something, suddenly He raised his hand to stop Simus’ words.

“As for whether the sword will be destroyed by the self-destruction system, the two of you don’t have to worry. If it is really the sword I imagined, then this kind of sword that does not have the power of rules. Self-destructing the system is absolutely not enough to destroy it.

And if it is really destroyed, it can only prove that this sword is fake.”

The negotiation has been decided. , Fearing that other people would find it in advance, the three of them swiftly and decisively began to set up time-delayed magic traps, and then quickly evacuated.

Anves, who was hiding in the dark and watching, also quickly moved away. In his induction, the violent death crisis became stronger and stronger, and even if he had left the secret room far away, he was still covered in him. heart.

Damn, isn’t that a self-destructing device for the entire ruin?

While fleeing quickly towards the entrance of the ruins, Anves couldn’t help but murmured in his heart.

It was a mysterious ninth rank extreme powerhouse who stole the king-selection sword from the imperial royal family.

As a secret laboratory at the limit of ninth rank, it also uses warp space technology here, but it is actually not in the main world. If you want to escape from here, you can only go through the original entrance of this fragmented space.

Anves didn’t think that his Avatar could block the formidable power of the defensive means left by the opponent.

On the other side, the three people who also quickly left the secret room unexpectedly met a familiar guy on the road.

“Yo, isn’t this Your Excellency Asira? Where are you going in a hurry?”

With the sound of some frivolous voices, the huge magical barrier suddenly slammed from the three of them. The strong and destructive black current that rose in front of it caused all three to frown.

“Do you want to stop us here, do you want to fight me, Scatha Enoch?”

A haze flashed in the dark golden eyes, Asira His hand was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and he stared fiercely at the black-haired and silver-eyed young man in front of him who was holding an exaggerated long-handled staff, as if he would do it directly if he disagreed.

“Oh, yo, I’m so scared–to be threatened by the mighty seventh rank powerhouse, Lord Asselaide!”

But to his Threatening, the young man blocking his way showed an exaggerated look of horror. But with the Eighth Rank breath he exudes, it gives people a strong mystifying feeling.

The next moment, his expression suddenly returned to plain, as if he had changed his personality in an instant.

“However, the direction you came from is the core area of the ruins, right? Do you want to leave now? So, can you share your gains? Or do you want me to search it myself?”

Between the words, three silver white secret technique golems slowly emerged from the shadows behind him, each exuding the magical breath of Eighth Rank. According to the faint resonance of its fluctuations, the three golems seem to be able to carry out special joint attacks.

Among the upper echelons of the Empire, the Enochs and the Aslades are notoriously incompatible. Even Aslade’s relationship with the other two in the Four Great Families is bad, but it’s nowhere near the level of hostility he has with the Enochs.

The Enoch family believes that the people of Aslade are a group of uncivilized bloodthirsty wild beasts, who only use their muscles in their brains to tear their prey to pieces with their instincts and minions. Blasphemy on the word nobility.

And the Aslade family believes that the people of Enoch are a group of arrogant nerds, and the battle will only dodge and throw spells in the distance, the kind of face that seems to be in control. Simply disgusting.

“Go away, Scarsa! I don’t have time to mess with you right now.”

Being blocked by the guy who usually doesn’t deal with it, Asira is also a little anxious, her eyes narrowed. The fierce light was flashed, and in an instant, a slash that had been charged for a long time was released.

Although he can’t even see the vague future fragments like Anves, a sense of crisis like a knife hanging over his head also lingers in his heart.

For this reason, he did not continue to talk nonsense, and directly launched his full-strength attack, wanting to forcibly break through to block their Black Thunder Barrier while Scatha was not paying attention.

But Scatha just waved her staff, and a series of negative states directly entangled Yaxi. Weakness, sluggishness, freezing, curses, perceptual distortions, gravity changes, space folding…

Even though these controls were blocked a lot by the armor and amulet on Asira’s body, Skasa’s hard power was ultimately more than Asira.

When the menacing sword slashed on the black thunder barrier, only two or three of the previous strength remained.

The barrier easily blocked his attack, and the black thunder that spread backward along the blade, even injured Asira.

“What are you worried about?”

Indifference glittered in the silver-white eyes, and Scatha was keenly aware of Asila’s different urgency than usual.

This is his combat state, in which all meaningless emotions will subside, and perception, computing power, and spirit strength will be enhanced with specialization.

At this point, his golem had already entangled the two Eighth Ranks on the opposite side, and within ten minutes at most, he could completely subdue Asira.

After estimating the current strengths of the two sides, and finding that they could not break through the blockade of the other side in a short time, Yasira didn’t have time to explain, and immediately released the delay spell that she had set before, not wanting to be with this annoying guy on the opposite side. Buried here.

But when the magic was lifted, Asira was horrified to find that the terrifying sense of crisis had not disappeared at all!

(End of this chapter)

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