Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 550


Chapter 550 Situation Changes

Outside the Gloria Realm, a sudden change swept across the Gloria Empire without warning. rise. .

The offices and Chamber of Commerce of the empire’s high-level forces were suddenly crowded by the swarms of foreigners.

They clearly stated that an accident happened in the glorious secret realm. An Aboriginal named Anves Olivendi passed information to them through a special channel and entrusted them to help request assistance.

And not just these ordinary strangers. Some high-level players who had been in contact with high-level aboriginal people in the mission contacted each other through their own channels and reported the information they got from Anves.

At first, many high-level professionals dismissed it, and some even doubted the motives of these strangers.

The descendants who entered the glorious secret realm to explore have encountered the poison of the enemy? Their bloodline crystal balls are obviously still intact, even more how what enemies can hide from the eyes of ninth rank extreme professionals? This rumor is too fake.

However, when the number of players who came to report information reached a certain level, especially after those ‘stranger elites’ in their minds also brought the same news, some people’s views gradually changed from Complete disbelief turned into half-belief.

If it’s fake news, it shouldn’t spread so fast. What if the news is real?

Thinking of this, these people try to use their own methods to try to contact Descendants of his family who are exploring in the Radiant Mysteries.

Although the glorious secret realm is in a special time stream, if it is just a simple message of its own safety, there are still some special magic Rare Items that can do it.

But the result is obviously that many people’s contacts are like a sinking sea, and there is no response.

This time, everyone couldn’t sit still.

If the information said by the strangers is true, then the descendants of their family are in great danger even if there is no accident yet!

Then the question is, how to determine the real situation in the glorious secret realm? If the intelligence is completely confirmed, then how to rescue?

When everyone enters the Radiant Rift, the entrance to the Rift will close itself. It will not reopen until seven days later. Send everyone who has entered to explore to the outside world.

And in the state where the entrance is closed, even the ninth rank extreme powerhouse is difficult to trace the existence of the glorious secret realm.

Because the matter is too big, after the urgent deliberation of the noble council, it was approved by the royal family to use the [Eye of Destiny]. Be sure to confirm the specific situation inside the Radiant Rift as quickly as possible, as well as the safety of their descendants.

But the results of the Eye of Destiny’s feedback made everyone unable to sit still.

There are explorers who have entered the secret realm one third, and the result of the Eye of Destiny’s feedback is that their lives are in a state of endangerment.

It’s just a bit intriguing that more than 90 percent of the victims were old school people.

“It’s really interesting. It seems that the enemies of these attacks are also very clear about who is easy to attack and who is not.”

Many powerhouses can also see this. One of the counts under the Marquis even spoke directly, with some mystifying sarcasm.

Although he didn’t mention specific people, everyone in the room knew exactly what he was targeting.

“Hey, it’s hard to say, what if these juniors were contaminated with something unclean collectively in a secret gathering that was not visible?”

Marquis of Barman A count directly under him immediately counterattacked. He actually didn’t know what was going on, but as long as he could block the opponent, it would be enough.

Hearing his words, many old-fashioned nobles showed anger, and a group of reformers stared back not to be outdone.

Both sides are professionals above the high level, and the imposing manner is slightly leaked at this moment, which makes the air in the great hall seem to be divided into two halves that are solidified and opposite.

“Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing now is to ask the ninth rank Peak to take action and rescue the people in the secret realm.”

See both sides Having a tendency to fight on the spot, Gloria III had to stand up and temporarily stop the mutual pinch between the two sides.

No matter what, you can’t fight infighting at this juncture, and let the enemy take advantage of it in vain.

In fact, everyone is also aware of this truth, so after glaring at each other at the end, they use this step to reveal the matter.

Soon, several ninth rank Peak professionals joined forces and began to arrange the array, preparing to enter the space-time turbulent layer and locate the space-time coordinates of the glorious secret realm.

This was originally an almost impossible thing to do, because the location of the glorious secret realm is not fixed, but always flows in the endless turbulent flow of time and space.

But at this moment, as the descendants of the Great Family are exploring in the glorious secret realm, the special Rare Items they carry, as well as their own bloodline breath, can provide a vague sense of direction for the search.

Soon, everyone had a look. But there is also bad news. It takes at least six magic hours to completely lock the space-time coordinates of the glorious secret realm at this time.

And in the time of these six magic hours, no one can be sure whether everyone in the secret realm will encounter danger in advance.

They can only resign themselves to fate, and hope that the younger generation they are optimistic about can adapt to changes and successfully pass the tempering of this crisis.

As many nobles who were worried about their descendants left the venue, Marquis Went and Marquis Draka, who seemed to be indifferent on the surface, looked at each other secretly, and both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

Anves has a strong alien organization, they have heard of it.

But they never thought that the intelligence capabilities of these foreigners could be so powerful that they could directly broadcast the situation in the glorious secret realm to the outside world, something that even the ninth rank extreme powerhouse could not do!

Soon, another emergency gathering in the dark was held, also due to the sudden spread of Shining Secret information, but with the opposite goal.

“Because of those foreigners, your plans have been exposed! Now there are still five magic hours before the location of the glorious secret realm is completely locked by the limit of many ninth rank. What are you going to do? Don’t change the plan temporarily?”

Looking at the green robe sacrifice with a fuzzy face on the opposite side, Marquis Winter quickly revealed the information he had obtained.

“It was an unfortunate accident, but it didn’t come as a surprise to the gods.”

It’s still that husky tone, the sacrificial hood motionless, but The sound spread out on its own.

“The original plan will not change, but we will speed up the pace and strive to complete the positioning of ceremony within six magic hours to welcome the return of the gods.”



At this moment, Anves, Lan Nuo and the others in the secret realm have divided up all the items in the stone house.

Due to the different roles played by the two parties along the way, the two parties finally negotiated and decided that 60% of the collectibles in the stone cabinet will be Anves, 40% will be Lanno, and the furniture materials such as the stone bed and stone table in the interior will be used. The two sides are divided equally.

All the pillars containing silver thunder were removed, and all the floor tiles were pried off and packed away. The items in their respective spaces were more than half filled.

Finally, the stone house itself, carved entirely from a massive xenomorphic vein of ore. In addition, it has undergone countless years of terrifying thunder tempering, and its material has been further transformed, becoming an extremely precious magical material.

However, due to the fact that the material itself is too strong, and the terrifying thunder of silver white falls on the roof all the time, there is no good way for everyone to dismantle this stone house while ensuring their own safety.

In the end, Anves came up with a solution, that is, he has now been promoted to the initial spell of Eighth Rank, [mysterious technique].

After about 20 minutes of trial and error, the stone house finally had the change Anves wanted – it jumped up and down the cliff, breaking into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yeyinghuo was a little puzzled. She always felt that the scene of the stone house jumping up by herself had some sense of sight, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

(End of this chapter)

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