Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 64


Chapter 64 Academy Trading Area

“Pani Senior, I have just considered your proposal. “

After exiting the mission lobby, Anves smiled at Penny.

“Like Senior you chose, I also decided to trade half with you.”

“Really? Good! Let’s trade now!”

Pani was taken aback for a moment, and quickly took out his status token, as if afraid that Anves would go back on it.

Be aware that fifty credits is not a small sum. From the time he entered school until now, he only saved a pitiful 484 credits, excluding the expended part.

“Bring your status token closer, and use spirit strength to confirm the transfer.”

Anves nods and transfers the remaining 50 credits according to what Pani said. .

Sensing that the credits had arrived, Pani took out two cards directly from the ring and handed them to Anves.

“The Magic Crystal Card of the White Rose Chamber of Commerce Alliance, with a silver card balance of 1000gold coin and a purple card balance of 500gold coin, can be redeemed at any Alliance Chamber of Commerce branch.”

Anves nodded and put away the two cards.

As a reborn person, he doesn’t really care about this credit, let alone gold coin.

“The official start date of the Academy is the 15th day of the current month. There are no mandatory requirements for the course schedule. As long as you can keep up with the progress, there is no problem even if you do not come to class.

And, In addition to the courses of the chosen school, if you have enough time and energy, you can also freely choose courses from other schools.

In the past few days before the start of the school, if there are any items that need to be prepared, you can go to Buy in the trading area of the Academy, where the White Rose Chamber of Commerce alliance also has a branch.”

After the transaction was successful, Pani’s attitude became more enthusiastic, while taking Anves to familiarize himself with the interior of the Academy, while Introduce in detail what new students need to know, and try to make a good impression on each other.

Anves is also frequently nodded, thanking Pani for his kindness.


“Okay, Anves, I should go back and wait for the other freshmen. How about an exchange of stamps? Feel free to get in touch with anything.”

After an hour of magic, Pani expressed his intention to leave with some unfinished thought.

“Sure, Pani Senior”

Anves understands. After exchanging identities, Pani boarded the large floating disc when he came in again, and Anves watched him turn into an afterimage and leave.

“So, what does that sentence mean goo?”

Watching the floating disc with Anves, the pigeon asked again.

“Pani has already explained the first half of the sentence, I will briefly explain the second half of the sentence.”

Looking back, Anves boarded a small floating saucer and used status skillfully The token activates it and answers the pigeon’s question in the heart.

“For the sorcerers, mysterious is not only a difficulty that needs to be overcome, but also the source of all thirst for knowledge.”

“If one day, all mysterious is in front of the sorcerer. It no longer exists. It also means that our road has come to an end.”

During the conversation between Anves and the pigeon, the activated floating disc slowly floated up and flew towards the direction of the trading market. .


Academy’s trading area is more than ten kilometers away from the mysterious and relics Academy. It is located on the northwest side of the entire Pamir Academy. It is a commercial building complex with a square.

Unlike the rest of the Academy, the trading area is open to the Chamber of Commerce across the empire, and you only need to pay a large gold coin to the Academy each year to get in.

The Chamber of Commerce Alliance, the Chamber of Commerce under the Four Great Families and other Chambers of Commerce that have reached a certain scale, all have branches here.

“It’s a novel and nostalgic feeling.”

Stepping off the floating disc, Anves sighed slightly.

Freshman at Pamir Academy with five free use of floating discs. If you want to use it more than five times, you need to pay credits.

The larger the floating disc, the more expensive the usage fee, and the lowest price for a single floating disc, which is five times per credit.

“The next step is to find a way to ‘meet’ the Albins brothers and sisters in the trading area.”

With a mysterious smile, Anves pulled out from his chest. A thin silver chain with a mithril-framed monocle at the end.

This is Anves’ meticulous work, a growth magic Rare Item recorded in the Quicksilver Prophecy Book: Quicksilver Eye.

It has many extremely convenient abilities such as True Vision, Arcane Vision, Fate Vision, etc. According to the level of its refining materials, its functions also have certain scalability.

Raising his hand and placing it in front of his left eye, a touch of magic is injected into it.

The original colorless lens suddenly shone slightly, and then turned into a pure silvery white color.

In Anves’ left eye, the appearance of the world suddenly changed.

In the silver-white world, countless bizarre and motley, the illusory fate line like the stars flickers in the air.

In the distance of the line of sight, there are two extremely conspicuous dazzling light spots moving slowly.

After a few days of getting along, Anves has quietly left a mark of mercury on the two of them – it is a kind of prophetic mark with the eyes of mercury, which is extremely concealed.

Professionals below seventh rank will not notice unless they are also prophets.

The only downside is that, with Anves’ current strength, casting this spell costs precious Moonlight Mercury.

Two imprints are expensive, but worth it.

“Their positions are… 18 kilometers to the east and 31 kilometers to the southeast. It seems to be the orientation of the two branches, and they have not yet gathered together.”

“Calculate Now, just wait a bit.”

After thinking for a while, Anves stopped the effect of the Quicksilver Eye, and then slowly entered the trading market.

The scene in the trading area was noisy, with countless students in Academy uniforms coming and going.

Many students also set up stalls in the square on the side of the trading area, selling all kinds of strange items they obtained.

“Ancient Elixir of Tears of Milian! Only 30 credits per bottle! The first drink can greatly improve spirit strength!”

“Fourth rank lesser dragon tendons, Fire Element, Top Grade magic bowstring material, only a thousand gold coins!”

“third rank Xuanbing sword! Only one! Excellent quality! First come first served!”

“Thunderweave Shi, four yuan per credit!”

Some students vigorously promoted their products, but more students just silently guarded their booths, waiting for buyers to come.


Wandering around the trading area at will, Anves looked at the goods on the many stalls with interest, and was not in a hurry to go to the family Chamber of Commerce in the trading area of Pamirs branch .

In the meantime, the Mercury Eye has returned to its original appearance, becoming as unremarkable as ordinary crystal monocles.

Looking at it, Anves is somewhat disappointed.

Originally, he was still holding a glimmer of fantasy, hoping to encounter hidden good things. But so far, nothing has caught the eye.

Most of the booths’ products are low-level pharmaceutical materials and other items. Occasionally there are some peculiar items, Anves after careful identification, found that it is just some worthless garbage.


Before his patience was exhausted, Anves swept across an object inadvertently, and the originally gentle pace could not help but pause for a moment.

Thanks for the 1500 points of the dream only z, Mengxin pigeon received so many goo for the first time——

Thanks for writing 1, the dream is just for the monthly ticket goo——

(End of this chapter)

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