Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 99


Chapter 99 Insufficient Purity

“But, Anves, can you tell us what you want these cursed ore to do? “

On the other side, after agreeing to Anves’ request, Pekara asked again curiously.

Although Claire on the side seemed to have a dull response, her two pointed ears that trembled slightly also indicated that she was very interested in the answer to this question.

Although the curse effect of Cursed Metal may sound terrifying, it is actually very common to people of their class.

As long as your physical fitness reaches the level of a fourth rank professional, you can be completely immune to the curse field of low- and medium-level ores.

Therefore, most of the cursed ore transactions are actually purchased by some low-level adventurers as auxiliary materials for Body Refinement.

There are even some commoner background warriors, because they can’t afford other Body Refinement resources, they will go to the mines of Cursed Land specifically to use the curse field Body Refinement there.

However, compared to other Body Refinement methods, the effect of cursed Body Refinement is very limited.

Besides, the curse will cause great damage to the body, and it will take a long time to recuperate afterward. Those professionals with strong backgrounds simply disdain it.

“Unfortunately, ladies, I can only tell you that it involves a private Human Demon method experiment of mine. As for the specific experiment content, I can’t disclose it.”

For Pekara’s question, Anves chuckled and shook the head, but did not answer directly, but casually revealed it, which disappointed the two curious girls somewhat.

“No, I’m sorry, it was Pekara who was abrupt.”

Although she was a little regretful, Pekara just showed an apologetic expression and politely asked her previous inappropriate questions. Apologies.


The soft crystal bell rang, just in time, the meal time that the three had previously reserved was about to end.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Pekara got up and said goodbye.

“Then, Lord Anves, I will go back first. Within three days, I will have the ore and Cursed Land information you need ready, and I will contact you at that time.

Claire elder sister, what do you need, you can tell me now, just in time to prepare together-“

“Thank you, Pekara, I don’t need anything for now-“

hearing this, Claire gently hooked the head, and neatly placed the silver knife and fork back on the tray.

“Then, Anves, I’m also taking my leave.”

Finally, greeting the boy nodded, the blond half-elf girl also got up and left.

Watching the backs of the two girls leave, Anves sniffed the faintly discernable lithe and graceful fragrance left in the air of the room, laughed with unknown meaning.

“A seductive dream with a purity of about 20%? A childish little trick…”

This thing is actually a special “enjoyment” fragrance, but some people It will be diluted as a perfume, which is used to enhance the favorable impression of the opposite-sex negotiation object, so that you can gain more advantages in the negotiation.

shook the head, Anves took out the dark golden pocket watch, slender fingers wearing pure white gloves skillfully opened the cover, and glanced at the time gracefully.

“Three-and-a-half minutes, the time is just right—”

Putting the pocket watch back in his pocket, Anves rang the magic bell, called the waiter, and put a small package and a little credit tip to him.

Instruct him to send the package to the front desk of the Olivendi Chamber of Commerce branch, and indicate to Chamber of Commerce Chief-In-Charge Warren.

The waiter, an ordinary young professional apprentice, was surprised to receive credits as a tip. After bowing deeply to Anves, he respectfully left the room.

Although they are not students and cannot use the credits directly, they can also exchange the credits for gold coins in the Academy trade area.

Thirty gold coins, equivalent to his monthly salary.

Then, Anves’ palm flashed a magic light, calling out a magic mirror.

After checking his appearance, he calmly got up and left, went to another private room that had been reserved, and sat down on a soft sofa in the center of the room.

When the magic clock struck two o’clock in the afternoon, the door of the private room was knocked on time.

“Good afternoon, Your Excellency Anves.”

The door opened automatically, and the tall and handsome blond aristocratic young man walked into the room with a smile, and bowed to Anves very formally.

He is the seventeenth son of the Calvin count, Harvey Calvin.

As a child, he often participated in tea parties of the Olivendi family, but usually only played the role of the background board, and there were few peers who had a good personal relationship with Anves.

At least in the eyes of others-

“Okay, Lord Harvey, that’s not what you used to be.”

Anves far away Reaching out, he gestured gracefully to the other sofa on his left.

A small round coffee table in cedar wood is placed beside the sofa, and two glasses of gorgeous juice are placed in a silver tray on the coffee table.

Harvey’s eyes lit up, he walked over and picked up one of the cups, shaking it slightly.

The faint silver white light dots appear in the slender goblet, reflecting the beautiful and dreamy colorful halo through the colorful juice, just like the little stars floating in the aurora ocean. .

“Complete volume of Rainbow Star Sea, with real northern aurora dust added, good stuff—”

Looking at the changing luster in the clear goblet, ha Wei took a sip.

Feeling the ever-changing variety of wonderful aromas at the entrance, as well as the unusually active spirit strength, there is a hint of intoxication in the eyes.

“Really, in the capital, the aurora dust is not so easy to get. Those despicable businessmen always use the phosphorus powder of the dream moth to make up the number! Although the appearance is similar, the taste is almost too bad. Wayne’s up.

You know, ok for those who haven’t tried it, once you’ve tasted the real Rainbow Star Sea.

Then that kind of add Dream Moth Phosphorus The inferior quality of the product, like a vulgar peasant woman forcibly dressed as An’Goroda’s silver rose, is distasteful.”①

Putting the goblet back on the tray, Harvey smashed it. Smacking his lips, he made a strange look of satisfaction. The body relaxed and leaned back, sinking into the soft sofa.

“After all, everyone can’t be expected to have a particularly acute perception like a giant dragon like our Lord Harvey.”

As for Harvey’s evaluation, Anves just Hands out, peaceful laughed.

“Tell me, dear Harvey, what is this time for me-“



While talking to Harvey at Anves, on the other side, the Pamir Academy trading area, where the Olivendi Chamber of Commerce resides.

“A package that was handed to me by name? A restaurant waiter?”

Listen to the report of the female receptionist at the front desk, Chamber of Commerce Chief-In-Charge Warren frowned, looked at the unremarkable emblem in the corner of the package, clearly nodded.

“I see, go back to work.”

Walking off the staff, Warren stretched out his hand, and pointed his fingertips on the emblem with a hint of spirit strength.

The texture of pale-silver lit up slightly, and the package opened automatically, and inside was a small box and a note.

Looking at the contents of the note, Warren immediately understood Anves’ purpose.



①.Angoloda’s Silver Rose: In the mythology of ancient Siwisser, the Little Princess of the king of the gods, Known for its beauty and innocence.

Thanks to Huokong, An~min, book friend 161022201241127, book friend 150415210252395, book friend 20201011115320719, Paladin1996 for their rewards——

Thanks Xinkong Xun, Wuji uuu, Da Lazy Cat 2312’s monthly pass Goo——

(end of this chapter)

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