Rebirth of Northern Technology

Chapter 650

Chapter 630 Black Hole Universe (Part 2)

In general relativity, gravity can distort time and space,

Inside the black hole, gravity is not only distorted, but also shapes space-time.

Gravity exists in all directions at the same time. The black hole is no longer a point in the three-dimensional concept, it is the space itself.

The new viewpoint immediately aroused the interest of everyone.

“Then how do you explain Hubble’s redshift?”

The reason why the Big Bang theory can achieve the status of mainstream theory is because of the Hubble Redshift phenomenon. In people’s observation, the farther away the star is from the earth, the more obvious the redshift phenomenon.

“Continuing the deduction just now, all rays of light need to overcome the black hole’s gravitational force in the process of transmission. Therefore, the redshift phenomenon we see is not caused by the expansion of the universe, but due to the gravitational force of the cosmic black hole.

The redshift we see is gravitational redshift, not motion redshift! ”

Cheng Yongxing’s second view is also shocking. It caused a sensation again.

“Back to the original question, what is the singularity.

Why does general relativity say that all the physical rules in the singularity no longer apply? ”


Xie Hang, like his younger brother and younger sister, listened quietly.

Looking at the peers in front of the meeting room, they are constantly drawing various schematic diagrams on the new whiteboard.

Because of his girlfriend, he has some opinions on Cheng Yongxing.

The first feeling is that the genius among the people is not worthy of the name.

Xie Hang’s academic performance is still much better than Wei Xihan, and compared to Cheng Yongxing, who has been in the undergraduate circle, he doesn’t know where it is higher.

The second feeling comes from a slight jealousy.

No one can explain the relationship between his girlfriend and Cheng Yongxing, and various rumors have never been broken.

Wei Xihan is a senior manager of Lin Difei. He alone leads a core development team. Its level and importance are far ahead of his peers. No one can explain the reason behind it.

The same is true for Xie Hang’s reluctance to join several companies in the University of Technology Department.

But everything in front of him was subverting his inherent knowledge.

A huge universe, in front of him, revealed the picture.

A new hypothesis, or a new theory and worldview, was fully displayed in front of everyone in more than an hour.

The younger brothers and younger sisters around you have similar feelings.

Everyone was attracted by the new hypothesis and kept their eyes on it.


“For observers outside the black hole, the space inside and outside the black hole is not continuous.

This discontinuity in space has caused the two coordinate systems to be completely separated and cannot be effectively converted.

The space coordinates inside the black hole are completely independent.

To the outside observer, a small black hole may be infinite space to the inside.

From this perspective, the general theory of relativity says that within the singularity, all physical rules no longer apply, which makes sense. Because the external coordinate system is used, it cannot be expressed correctly. ”

The meeting room became quieter, and only Cheng Yongxing’s voice was left.


“The third question, the black universe.

Oberst Paradox: If the universe is stable and infinite, and there are countless luminous stars, then no matter where you look at the sky, you should see a star, and the night sky should be completely bright.

From this perspective, the universe should be white, not black.

The issue of the black universe has plagued astronomers for hundreds of years.

The explanation given by the Big Bang theory is that the expansion speed of the outer universe exceeds the speed of light, causing the light from those stars to never reach the earth.

But this way of thinking will cause a series of paradoxes.

1. Most of the universe is expanding at faster than the speed of light.

2. The universe is bound to perish.

3. The size of the universe is completely unpredictable.

4. According to the reverse derivation of this expansion rate, it will be found that in the early stage of the formation of the universe (after the inflation period), the density of matter is still very large, making it impossible to form nebulae or stars at all.

The only explanation is that the universe was in a stable state for a long time, which created conditions for the formation of galaxies and life.

But now, the universe has suddenly accelerated its expansion.

The history of the Big Bang Theory is a history of constant patching.

Every time you solve a problem, it creates more problems.

In the black hole universe, because the light needs to overcome the gravitational force to advance in the process of transmission, coupled with the divergence effect, the light that can be observed quickly becomes negligible in terms of intensity and frequency.

In addition, in the black hole universe, the universe is not infinite.

The total number of luminous bodies is related to the total mass of the universe. It will not appear, and there is the possibility of luminous stars in any direction. ”

“The fourth question,

…(Three hundred words and two formulas are omitted here)…”

“The fifth question,

… (eight hundred and twenty words omitted here, three diagrams)…”

As time went by, the meeting room slowly filled with people, and some even brought in stools from outside.

All the teachers and graduate students at home rushed over after hearing the news. The meeting room is not small enough to be packed.


“Sixth, the issue of cosmic consistency and dark energy.

The Big Bang theory always faces several problems, one of which is the consistency of the universe. In order to solve this problem, the skyrocketing hypothesis was developed.

In the early stage of formation, the universe must expand at a speed far exceeding the speed of light in order to meet the current observation results. But the superluminal expansion ended in a short time, and after a while, the expansion began to accelerate again.

According to the Big Bang theory, the expansion rate of the universe is repeated and constantly changing, and there is no law at all.

If dark energy is the root cause of the expansion of the universe, why can dark energy continue to change?

In the black hole universe hypothesis, there is also an expansion stage of the universe.

For example, in the early stage of black hole formation, and after absorbing mass, the stage of space-time expansion.

But the formation of a black hole does not happen suddenly in an instant, nor does it originate from an infinitely small point.

Neutron stars are the precursors of black holes.

Perhaps the life cycle of the phase of a neutron star is short, but it is inevitable.

In a neutron star, due to the combined action of gravity and repulsion between atoms, its density is dense and uniform.

Therefore, when a black hole is just formed, all directions are consistent.

After the black hole is formed, the absorbed mass will be directly transformed into the black hole space, and there will be no consistency problem. ”


“The seventh, the principle of cosmology.

According to the principles of cosmology, the physical quantities and laws of physics observed by observers everywhere in the universe are exactly the same, and no observer is special.

This is also a flaw in the Big Bang theory.

Because of the big bang, there must be boundaries. Observers on the boundary must see special results.

The current theory believes that human beings are far away from the boundary of the universe, or the earth is at the center of the universe, so no particularity is observed.

This has the same effect as the earth’s center.

In the black hole cosmology, the black hole is a closed three-dimensional space. The space itself is closed, and every point in the space is indistinguishable from other points. Therefore, the black hole universe directly conforms to the principles of cosmology. ”


“The eighth, the black hole has no hair.

Since the singularity itself is a separate coordinate system, it is observed from an external system. We can only detect its basic information, such as mass, charge, rotation, etc.

Although it has a huge volume, its mass distribution and other characteristics of conventional geometric objects cannot be measured.

From a certain perspective, a black hole is a huge quantum that exists in the macroscopic world. If we want to understand quantum in depth, we can study black holes.

Since a black hole can be regarded as a simple quantum, the only thing that the external world can exchange with a black hole is mass, energy, or plus charge. ”


“The ninth one, dark matter.

In astronomical observations, it was found that the speed of stars outside the Milky Way galaxy was much faster than predicted. According to calculations, the Milky Way should have fallen apart a long time ago.

Moreover, the phenomenon of stars moving too fast is spreading across other galaxies in the universe.

To solve this problem, people introduced the concept of dark matter.

Every galaxy has associated dark matter, which is the dark matter dragging the stars outside the Milky Way.

After calculation, the mass of dark matter in the universe is far greater than the observable mass. The ratio of the two parties is almost 20:1.

In the black hole cosmology, space is created by the gravitation of black holes. It is the gravitational space itself that attracts external stars, and dark matter is no longer needed.

Not all the spaces shaped by black holes are straight. It is affected by massive gravity such as the Milky Way, which produces additional distortions.

Or there is another possibility that it is precisely because of the unevenness of space and gravity that led to the formation of the Milky Way and other galaxies.

In other words, it is easy to understand, dark matter is another way of saying black hole gravity, or it is evidence. ”


“The tenth question, Fermi’s paradox.

Fermi’s paradox is a scientific paradox about aliens and interstellar travel.

According to the Big Bang theory, the life of the universe is 13.8 billion years. After such a long time, there should have been intelligent life in the universe long ago. But why can’t we observe?

This is because no matter how it is calculated, once an intelligent lifeform has mastered the space flight technology, it only takes 10 million years to occupy the entire galaxy.

According to this calculation result, our vision should be full of all kinds of alien talents.

Nobel Prize winner and physicist Fermi was discussing the issue of flying saucers and aliens with others when he suddenly said: “Where are they all?”

In order to solve the Fermi paradox, a series of hypotheses were derived, such as a large filter.

The Great Filter believes that the birth of intelligent life is inevitable. But the demise of intelligent life is also inevitable. Any life will not be able to develop to the extent that it can travel in space.

From this perspective, the destiny of mankind is bound to perish.

The faster technology develops and the more advanced technology is, the closer mankind is to extinction.

According to the black hole universe, if any capable intelligent creatures are born in the universe, they will use this force to escape the current universe when they master the power that can distort space, instead of trying to dominate the black hole.

This is like, human beings have successfully evolved from apes and will never think about going back to the virgin forest to be the monkey king or the lion king.

Everyone is no longer thinking about problems on one level.

This is the reason why we cannot detect the traces of intelligent life bodies in the universe. ”


“The eleventh,…, the twelfth,…, the thirteenth,…”

Basically all the questions or paradoxes encountered in astronomy have found a preliminary explanation in the black hole cosmology.

These ideas took shape in Cheng Yongxing’s high school years.

After two lifetimes, nearly forty years of research, the thinking is completely self-consistent.

“That’s it!”

Cheng Yongxing threw the black pen in his hand onto the table. A complete world view of the universe theory was produced under his pen.

At this moment, he ran out of two pens.

“Flap, pop…”

Professor Zhang stood up and took the lead in applauding. Following him, everyone responded together.

This is a huge achievement, and its connotation, I am afraid that a hundred essays will not be finished.

Cheng Yongxing’s theory started anew. It is another universe, another world!


Waiting for the applause in the room to subside a bit, Cheng Yongxing pressed down with his hands.

His aura is already quite strong. Day after day of commanding thousands of troops, his domineering spirit has formed.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for his further explanation or arrangement.

“Next, I need your help! Let us improve the new theory together, and let us bring a whole new universe to the world!”

Cheng Yongxing raised his hands and greeted him with more enthusiastic applause.

“Let the world know us again, and the Department of Physics of Lin University!”

After a few years, MLM-level speech skills have returned to the world.

“Lin Da! Lin Da! Lin Da! Lin Da!”

I don’t know who started it. Suddenly, the young students sitting in the front row patted the table in unison.

At this time, no matter what you call, everyone will keep repeating the same name.

They just want to vent their emotions, and Lin Da has obviously become everyone’s common divisor.

Cheng Yongxing was shocked by the sound and involuntarily stepped back, pushing his back to the edge of the whiteboard.

He waited for almost two minutes before raising his hand again, suppressing the enthusiasm that was already weakening. Rebirth of Northland Technology latest chapter address: https:// /book/128175.htmlRebirth of Northern Science and Technology Full Text Reading Address: https:// /read/128175/Rebirth of Northland Technology txt download address: https:// /down/128175.htmlRebirth of Northland Technology Mobile Reading: https://m. /read/128175/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click “Favorites” below to record this reading (Chapter 630 Black Hole Universe (Part 2)), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like “Rebirth of Northland Technology”, please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! ( )

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