Rebirth of Rong Shao

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 wilderness

At this moment, MSN flashed, it was Su Zhen.

Why is the phone turned off?

Only then did Rong Fei remember that he had dropped his handle to avoid reporters’ questioning.

He quickly answered the call to Su Zhen.

“It seems that you accepted my suggestion and promised Perini?” Su Zhen’s voice was full of smiles.

“Um…I only participate in the catwalks in Paris, Milan and London.” Rong Fei was a little embarrassed. “Mr. Perini also offered a condition. He wants me to participate in a one-month closed training. The coach is An Kaiwen…”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Why am I a little afraid of An Kaiwen when I listen to your voice?” Su Zhen said to his mind without seeing Rong Fei’s expression.

“How do you know? That guy really likes to force others! I get a fever because of that guy!”

“Oh, do you still hate that guy for pulling you out with only a bath towel, making you lose face?”

“It’s not just like that…” Rong Fei paused, looking at the perfect moment when An Kaiwen was frozen on the computer screen, “T station is his domain, and he is the uncrowned king there. That kind of kingship… I will be so crushed by him that I can’t raise my head…”

Rong Fei’s exaggerated metaphor made Su Zhen laugh.

“A few years ago, I also walked the show. At that time, I was full of well-known European and American models. They each have their own characteristics. The typhoon is also very angular. Compared with them, I can’t find my position. Every step I take I’m all worried. But do you know how funny it is? It’s because the anxiety restricts my walking pace and makes me look very restrained and conservative, and the critics in the fashion world actually say that I am’very oriental mysterious.’ How funny!”

Rong Fei also followed with a smirk, “It turns out that you also have times when you are nervous and can’t find yourself.”

“Of course there is. The catwalk is not a contest, and there is no need to divide the field of who and who.”

“Then… what does the catwalk look like to you?”

“Actually, the catwalk is like dancing a pas de deux with a partner. You and An Kaiwen have to cooperate with each other to achieve the most harmonious and perfect effect. The design concept of “Day and Night” is that day and night are nostalgic for each other, but only when they meet Dawn and dusk, how to show this kind of **** in the catwalk is something you and An Kaiwen want to explore together. An Kaiwen is a quite perfect costume showman, and every action of his has not been specially designed. It’s all his own feelings. One day you have this feeling and you will find the intuition to manipulate a character. It’s just that his typhoon is strong, so don’t be controlled by him and lose yourself on the runway. You have to believe in yourself. Rong Fei is also a unique existence.”

Rong Fei closed his eyes, is he unique? In fact, isn’t this what he pursued on the path of an actor?

“Did you say where to train?”


“Well, you can call me if you have anything.”

“Su Zhen…” Rong Fei scratched his head, “Why are you so good to me?”

Suddenly, there was no answer on the other end of the phone, and it was quiet and empty.

Rong Fei felt that he was so stupid, why do you still ask Su Zhen to be kind to you? But the question that Rong Fei really wants to ask deep down in his heart is, who are you doing right?

But a big man turned out to be as sentimental as a little woman entangled in such indifferent questions, Rong Fei thought he was really ridiculous.

Ten seconds have passed, Rong Fei still didn’t hear Su Zhen’s voice. Is Su Zhen angry?

In fact, this problem is not a big deal, Su Zhen doesn’t need to be angry at all. If you are really angry, just hang up… Why haven’t you said anything for so long?

“Su Zhen, are you still there?” Rong Fei asked.

“Hmm…” Su Zhen’s voice was as usual, “I’m thinking about the question you asked me.”

“Then do you think of the answer?”

“No, just because I couldn’t think of the answer, I almost fell asleep.”

“Puff……” Rong Fei smiled, “It’s late, or good night, you can think about it slowly in your dreams.”

“Well, good night.”

The phone was hung up, and Su Zhen in that section was sitting in front of the bar in the apartment, with a cup of passionate flames in front of him.

The moment he put the phone down, Su Zhen held his head and laughed, “Fool.”

In this way, Rong Fei and Perini signed the show contract for “Day and Night” in a low-key manner. When Wei Zixing replaced Rong Fei to confirm the news of the signing to the media, Rong Fei had already entered training.

That day, Rong Fei wore loose loose pants and an open-neck T-shirt and drove to the place agreed with An Kaiwen. It was a villa in the suburbs, and there was no lack of details in the European and American style atmosphere.

When he came to the iron gate full of climbing roses, Rong Fei called An Kaiwen to confirm the address, “Hey, where are you? I have reached the door but I can’t see you.”

At this moment, the iron door slowly opened, and An Kaiwen leaned against the door, with the usual slightly proud smile on his lips.

Rong Fei parked his car and stepped forward, “Hey! What is this place? It’s like the European courtyard on TV.”

“This is my home.”


“Why, do you think I can’t afford it by my ability?” An Kaiwen raised his chin, “Don’t froze there, come in.”

In the lobby alone, Rong Fei could feel the oncoming fashion aura, even though it was not sharp, it was hard to hide its glory. On the wall facing the door is a huge poster. It was a close-up of An Kaiwen on the catwalk. He held the stand-up collar with both hands, his expression was indifferent and his eyesight was far-reaching. The pace and the hem of the trench coat formed a harmonious angle, and there were crazy spotlights off the court.

“I am here, but you are looking at the poster.” An Kaiwen chuckled lightly. Today, he looked very casual. His half-length hair was tied behind his head, and a few strands flowed from his ears to add a sense of rhythm and meticulous attention. His dullness was broken, and his entire facial features became more three-dimensional. There are a few silver threads on the light gray sweater, like a jumping mind. The light blue jeans also make his slender legs look quite sexy.

“Who wants it to be that big?” Rong Fei was a little nervous. He didn’t know what method An Kaiwen would use to train himself. Maybe he would be like a football coach while blowing his whistle loudly berating Rong Fei’s back, why not straighten , Why doesn’t the walking follow the rhythm, why the expression is so stiff, etc…

An Kaiwen put his hands in his pockets and came to Rong Fei, frowning slightly: “What are you thinking about?”

“No…no…” Rong Fei unconsciously stepped back.

“I won’t eat you.” An Kaiwen tucked his lips. “And you don’t look very delicious.”

“Because of your reputation, I am still a rookie. I surrender under your light.” Rong Fei said a not very funny joke.

“You hate me, don’t you?” An Kaiwen took another step forward, and Rong Fei stepped back again, just hitting the coffee table and sitting down with a bang.

Rong Fei raised his head, An Kaiwen’s expression was joking but he was very handsome, that was a completely different style from Su Zhen. But no matter who it is, Rong Fei always looks up.

“I’m not as scary as you think.” An Kaiwen lowered his head, his forehead almost touched Rong Fei, “If you were forcibly pulled out of the fitness center to see Perini asked you to treat me I’m sorry to have a bad impression. Sometimes I’m overbearing, but I’m definitely not a nuisance.”

Rong Fei swallowed.

“So don’t waste time, let’s go.” An Kaiwen pulled Rong Fei up and picked up his luggage that fell on the ground by the way.

Rong Fei passively followed An Kaiwen down the stairs. Although he didn’t like that he was always led by the nose, An Kaiwen was in charge of An Kaiwen, and he was still his own coach. Rong Fei did not speak consciously. For the sake of it.

This villa has a basement of almost 40 to 50 square meters. Unlike the dance practice room, the floor of this basement is entirely paved with reflective tiles, and there is even a raised T stage in the center.

The four walls of the basement are covered by glass mirrors, which means that no matter where he goes, Rong Fei can see his posture in the mirror.

“Don’t be nervous, there is only me here.” An Kaiwen motioned to Rong Fei to stand on the runway, while he himself was looking up at Rong Fei under the runway.

Rong Fei froze there nervously when An Kaiwen looked at him like this. He used to think he was not the kind of stage fright, but now the audience is so nervous that even the audience does not have him. It is really funny.

“Actually, the catwalk is not as complicated and mysterious as you think. There are a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people. The same set of fashion will have different effects on you and me. But it does not mean that the effect on me is necessarily better. Good for you.” An Kaiwen smiled and took a remote control. The white curtain on the wall behind Rong Fei slowly lowered, and the colorful fashion show jumped on the curtain.

“This is the fashion show of the master Mild at Fashion Week in New York last year. The finale model of this fashion called the Wilderness series is Red Campbell.” An Kaiwen pointed to the screen, “To be honest, I have been I don’t appreciate his style. He is too wild. His own catwalk style is more prominent than the fashion itself. I always thought that he would not have any further performance on the runway, but the “wilderness” is in line with his The temperament is perfectly combined.”

Rong Fei turned his head, the wild man in front of him seemed to fly out of his clothes.

“It’s also in the Wilderness series, but Andrew Dade from the United Kingdom has a slightly different feeling. If Red Campbell is an unruly wind, then Andrew Dade is the sunset shining diagonally in the wilderness, quiet and empty. This is the case. It’s like acting, depending on how you plan to interpret this costume.” An Kaiwen leaped up on the edge of the runway, and sat on the ground next to Rong Fei. He patted his side and motioned Rong Fei to sit down together.

“Would you like some coffee and some snacks?” An Kaiwen smiled, and the flickering light on the screen flashed across his side face, and suddenly he didn’t seem so awkward.

“Can I have a snack?” Rong Fei blinked. Is An Kaiwen really going to train himself?

Rong Fei’s reaction caused An Kaiwen to raise his head and laugh more loudly, “Why can’t you eat snacks? In terms of the male model’s figure, you are relatively thin, and I am afraid that you can’t afford clothes! And here I am. There are only non-fat coffee and oatmeal sugar-free cookies. Would you like to eat them?”

“Oatmeal sugar-free cookies?” There is such a thing in the world.

“Like female models, male models also have to control their calorie intake.” An Kaiwen patted Rong Fei on the shoulder, “You are watching here. I will leave the country in a while, I will get a snack.”

Soon, An Kaiwen appeared on the screen. As an oriental, he can gain a foothold in the fashion industry dominated by European and American models and is very popular. Rong Fei sees an extraordinary temperament in An Kaiwen. His changes on the T stage are similar to those of Rong Fei. The feeling when I met him several times was completely different. As a model, An Kaiwen has a strong tolerance.

Just when An Kaiwen disappeared at the end of the runway, the next model to appear made Rong Fei stunned on the spot.

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